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Last active November 20, 2017 13:23
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SwiftInject DI Example
class AnyInteractor: DBAccessable {
easy access to self.dbService
class AppDelegate {
fileprivate let container = Container.defaultContainer() { container in
container.register(DBServiceProtocol.self) { _ in CoreDataService() } .inObjectScope(.container)
class CoreDataService: DBServiceProtocol {
protocol implementation
protocol DBServiceProtocol {
func eat()
func pray()
func love()
protocol DBAccessable {
var dbService : DBServiceProtocol { get }
extension DBAccessable {
var dbService : DBServiceProtocol { get { return Container.defaultContainer().resolve(DBServiceProtocol.self)! } }
import Foundation
import Swinject
fileprivate static let _defaultContainer = Container()
extension Container {
public static func defaultContainer() -> Container { return _defaultContainer }
public static func defaultContainer( _ registeringClosure: (Container) -> Void) -> Container {
return _defaultContainer
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