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Created May 6, 2021 00:27
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Neural Network Python Numpy (Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Flatten, Dense with ReLU and SoftMax)
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
def product(arr):
return reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, arr, 1)
class Activation():
def forward(self, inputs):
raise RuntimeException('Unimplemented abstract function Activation::forward!')
class ReLU(Activation):
def forward(self, inputs):
inputs[inputs < 0] = 0.0
return inputs
class SoftMax(Activation):
def forward(self, inputs):
_max = np.max(inputs)
return inputs / _max
class Layer():
def input_shape(self): return self._input_shape
def output_shape(self): return self._output_shape
class Conv2D(Layer):
def __init__(self, filter_size, kernel_shape, **kwargs):
self._filter_size = filter_size
self._kernel_shape = kernel_shape
self._input_shape = None
self._output_shape = None
self._activation = None if 'activation' not in kwargs else kwargs['activation']
def build(self, input_shape):
self._depth_size = (input_shape[0])
self._input_shape = tuple(input_shape[-2:])
self._output_shape = (
*[i-j+1 for i, j in zip(input_shape[1:], self._kernel_shape)]
self._weight_shape = (
self._weights = np.random.randn(product(self._weight_shape)).reshape(self._weight_shape)
self._biases = np.random.randn(self._filter_size)
def forward(self, inputs):
if self._input_shape is None:
raise RuntimeError('Please run layer::build(...) first!')
out_depth, out_rows, out_cols = self._output_shape
kernel_rows, kernel_cols = self._kernel_shape
outputs = np.zeros(self._output_shape)
for f in range(self._filter_size):
for r in range(0, out_rows):
for c in range(0, out_cols):
cells = inputs[:, r:, c:][:, :kernel_rows, :kernel_cols]
weight = self._weights[f, :, :, :]
total = np.sum(np.cross(weight, cells))
outputs[f, r, c] = total + self._biases[f]
if self._activation is not None:
outputs = self._activation.forward(outputs)
return outputs
class MaxPooling2D(Layer):
def __init__(self, kernel_shape):
self._kernel_shape = kernel_shape
self._input_shape = None
self._output_shape = None
def build(self, input_shape):
self._input_shape = input_shape
self._output_shape = (
*[i//j for i, j in zip(input_shape[-2:], self._kernel_shape)]
def forward(self, inputs):
if self._input_shape is None:
raise RuntimeError('Please run layer::build(...) first!')
kr, kc = self._kernel_shape
out_rows, out_cols = self._output_shape[-2:]
outputs = np.zeros(self._output_shape)
for r in range(out_rows):
rr = r * kr
for c in range(out_cols):
cc = c * kc
cells = inputs[:, rr:, cc:][:, :kr, :kc]
shape_len = len(cells.shape)
outputs[:, r, c] = np.sum(
axis=tuple(i for i in range(shape_len) if i>=shape_len-2)
return outputs
class Flatten(Layer):
def __init__(self):
self._input_shape, self._output_shape = None, None
def build(self, input_shape):
self._input_shape = input_shape
self._output_shape = product(input_shape)
def forward(self, inputs):
if self._input_shape is None:
raise RuntimeError('Please run layer::build(...) first!')
return inputs.reshape(self._output_shape)
class Dense(Layer):
def __init__(self, node_size, **kwargs):
self._node_size = node_size
self._input_shape, self._output_shape = None, None
self._activation = None if 'activation' not in kwargs else kwargs['activation']
def build(self, input_shape):
self._input_shape = input_shape
self._weight_shape = (self._node_size, self._input_shape)
self._bias_shape = (self._node_size)
self._output_shape = (
self._weights = np.random.randn(product(self._weight_shape)).reshape(self._weight_shape)
self._biases = np.random.randn(self._node_size)
def forward(self, inputs):
if self._input_shape is None:
raise RuntimeError('Please run layer::build(...) first!')
outputs =, inputs) + self._biases
if self._activation is not None:
outputs = self._activation.forward(outputs)
return outputs
if __name__ == '__main__':
inputs = np.random.randn(28**2).reshape((1, 28, 28))
layers = [
Conv2D(64, (3, 3), activation=ReLU()),
Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation=ReLU()),
MaxPooling2D((2, 2)),
Dense(100, activation=ReLU()),
Dense(26, activation=SoftMax())
layers[0].build((1, 28, 28))
for curr, prev in zip(layers[1:], layers[:-1]):
outputs = None
for layer in layers:
outputs = layer.forward(inputs if outputs is None else outputs)
print('Output shape: ', outputs.shape)
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