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Last active May 22, 2024 09:47
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check if company uses azure active
# Checks if a company uses Azure Active
$csv = Import-Csv -Path .\input.csv
$output = @()
foreach ($line in $csv)
$companyname = $line.CompanyName
$companynameencoded = [System.Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($companyname)
$GoogleURI = '' + $companynameencoded + '&btnI'
try {
$GoogleResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $GoogleURI
$CompanyURI = ([System.Uri]$GoogleResult.BaseResponse.ResponseUri).Host.split('.')[-2..-1] -join '.'
} catch {
write-host $_.Exception
$CompanyURI = "error"
$OpenIDConfigURL = '' + $CompanyURI + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
try {
$OpenIDResult = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $OpenIDConfigURL).StatusCode
} catch {
$OpenIDResult = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
if ($OpenIDResult -eq 200) {
$tenant = $true
} else {
$tenant = $false
$result = [pscustomobject]@{
CompanyName = $companyname.ToString()
HomepageURI = $CompanyURI.ToString()
OpenIDResult = $OpenIDResult.ToString()
HasTenant = $tenant.ToString()
Write-Host $result
$output += $result
$output | Export-Csv -Path output.csv -NoTypeInformation
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