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Last active December 26, 2020 14:34
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cheaphints: lightweight hints in hammerspoon
installation: put this file in ~/.hammerspoon and add this line to your init.lua:
local cheaphints = require "cheaphints"
usage: by default, just hit F20. you'll see a list of keys and associated
windows. if you hit escape, you'll exit hint mode. if you hit one of the keys in
the list, that window gets focused. the hint mode will exit automatically after
a while.
--[[ configuration parameters ]]
local showHintMod = {'cmd', 'alt'}
local showHintKey = 'E'
local hintKeys = {"A", "S", "D", "F", "J", "K", "L", "'", "G", "H", "Q",
"W", "E", "R", "U", "I", "O", "P", "T", "Y", "Z", "X", "C", "V",
"N", "M", ",", ".", "B"}
local hintDuration = 10
local maxDescriptorLength = 100
--[[ global record of active windows to be passed around
during the hint mode ]]
local activeWindows = {}
--[[ is this window worth of being displayed?
params : window (type hs.window)
returns : bool ]]
function hintableWindow(window)
return (window:title() ~= "") and (window:application():title() ~= "") and (window:isStandard())
--[[ get a list of visible windows that match our
display criteria
returns : list of window objects ]]
function hintableWindows()
windows = hs.window.visibleWindows()
return hs.fnutils.filter(windows, hintableWindow)
--[[ make a descriptive title for a window
params : window, length (int)
returns : string
combines the application title and, if it's different, the window title
too. the whole thing will get truncated if it's too long ]]
function windowDescriptor(window, maxDescriptorLength)
out = window:application():title()
wt = window:title()
if (wt ~= out) then out = out .. " / " .. wt end
if (out:len() > maxDescriptorLength) then
out = out:sub(0, maxDescriptorLength)
return out
--[[ the actual string to be displayed when hint mode is entered. it shows the
key to be pressed and the descriptor for the window
params : list of windows
returns : string ]]
function windowHints(windows)
out = ""
for i, window in pairs(windows) do
out = out .. hintKeys[i] .. " / " .. windowDescriptor(window, maxDescriptorLength)
if i ~= #windows then out = out .. "\n" end
return out
--[[ show the hints and set up a timer that will exit hint mode if no key
is pressed ]]
hintUUID = nil
function enterHintMode(hinter, time)
-- show the hints
activeWindows = hintableWindows()
message = windowHints(activeWindows)
hintUUID =, {['atScreenEdge'] = 1, textSize = 16, textFont = 'Cascadia Code'}, time)
-- set up a timer to close
hs.timer.doAfter(time, function() hinter:exit() end)
--[[ factory for functions that will bind keys to the modal hinter.
params : string, int, model hotkey
the string is the keyboard key. the int is the index of the window in the
window list that should be focused. if a key outside the range is pressed,
do nothing. ]]
function takeHint(key, i, hinter)
return function()
if activeWindows[i] ~= nil then
--[[ empty the active windows global and close the alert ]]
function cleanUpHints()
activeWindows = {}
if (hintUUID) then hs.alert.closeSpecific(hintUUID) end
--[[ create the modal key object, bind the appropriate functions and keys ]]
-- hinter =, showHintKey)
hinter ='', 'F20')
function hinter:entered() enterHintMode(hinter, hintDuration) end
function hinter:exited() cleanUpHints() end
hinter:bind({}, 'escape', function() hinter:exit() end)
for i, key in ipairs(hintKeys) do
hinter:bind({}, key, takeHint(key, i, hinter))
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