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Last active July 2, 2020 11:12
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Quaderno Legacy Billing Javascript plugin documentation


Billing is the simplest way to give your customers access to all their receipts & billing history. They can easily download past receipts and update their billing data by themselves. Improve your billing support with a single line of code.

<div style="width: 60%; margin: 0 auto;">
    src="" class="quaderno-billing-button"
    data-label="View billing">


When you include the Quaderno Billing script in your page, a global QuadernoBilling object will be available with the following methods:

Please keep in mind these methods are oriented to the custom integration. If you are using the simple integration we recommend not using them.

configure(options = {})

  editable: true

Configures the basic checkout options that cannot be changed (unless close() is invoked). Accepts the following options:

Option Mandatory Description
key Yes Your Quaderno publishable key.
customer_id Yes The customer secure ID. You can also use their Stripe, Braintree, Paymill, or PayPal IDs if the customer was created via those gateways
editable No Select wether or not your user can edit the invoices he opens


Programmatically opens the billing modal.



Programmatically close the billing modal form and remove it from your DOM. After this, you can call configure again if you want to set up basic configuration options again or open() to reopen the billing modal.


You can integrate Billing in as little as a single line of client-side code. As we release new features, we’ll automatically roll them out to your existing Billing integration, so that you will a be using our latest technology without needing to change a thing.

Simple integration

  src="" class="quaderno-billing-button"
  data-label="View billing">

Just add this <script> tag in your HTML page to render the billing button. When users click the button we’ll show them their past receipts.

Configuration options:

Option Required Description
data-key Yes Your publishable key.
data-customer-id Yes The customer secure ID. You can also use their Stripe, Braintree, Paymill, or PayPal IDs if the customer was created via those gateways.
data-label No The text to be shown on the default green button.
data-editable No Allow your users to edit their billing data. The default is true.

Custom integration

  <script src=""></script>

<button id="billing">Check your invoices</button>

    editable: true

  $('#billing').on('click', function(e) {

The custom integration lets you create a custom button and bind it to Quaderno Billing. This permits any HTML element or JavaScript event to start launch the modal. When your page loads, you should create a handler object using QuadernoBilling.configure(). You can call open() on the handler in response to any event. If you need to reload the modal-for example, when navigation occurs in a single-page application—you can call close() on the handler. The key and customer_id parameter must be passed to configure(). Any other options can be passed to either configure() or open().

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