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Created June 20, 2010 17:47
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; url grabber
; vega@Sanity's Edge
; Notes: The -c switch to /url requires your system's sed utility to
; support the -i (update file in-place) option. It would be
; fairly trivial to re-write it to use redirects, but i
; don't feel like doing it.
; config
/def browser_command = /quote -0 !export DISPLAY=:0.0;firefox \
$[escape(" &|<>$\"*(){}'[]?@#~`;", {1})] > /dev/null 2>&1
/set urlfile=/home/pope/.tfurl
; allow us to add urls by hand
/def add_new_url = \
/set lasturl %{1} %; \
/let handle= %; \
/test handle := tfopen({urlfile}, "a") %; \
/if ({handle} == -1) \
/return %; \
/endif %; \
/test tfwrite({handle}, "%{1}") %; \
/test tfclose({handle})
; url catcher
/def -p999 -F -mregexp \
-t'((?xi)(?:(?:ht|f)tp://|) \
[\w\d\-\.]+\.(?:com|net|org|edu|au|uk|ca|de|cc) \
(?:[?/]{1,2}[^\)\s]+|))' \
urlgrab = /add_new_url %{P1}
; do stuff with caught urls
; /url - go to the most recently grabbed url
; /url -l - list all grabbed urls
; /url -a<url> - add a new url to the list by hand
; /url -u<url> - just open browser to <url>. don't save it or add to list.
; /url -c<number> - remove a url from the list (depends on system sed)
; /url -n<number> - open browser window to url <n> from list.
; /url -q - remove all duplicates from url list
/def url = \
/test getopts("qhln#c#a:u:", -1) %; \
/if ({opt_l} == 1) \
/let handle= %; \
/test handle := tfopen({urlfile}, "r") %; \
/if ({handle} == -1) \
/return %; \
/endif %; \
/let lineno=1 %; \
/let line= %;\
/while (tfread({handle}, {line}) != -1) \
/_echo %{lineno}: %{line} %; \
/test lineno += 1 %; \
/done %; \
/test tfclose({handle}) %; \
/elseif ({opt_n} != -1) \
/if ({opt_n} < 1) /_echo Don't be gay. %; /return %; /endif %; \
/let handle= %; \
/test handle := tfopen({urlfile}, "r") %; \
/if ({handle} == -1) \
/return %; \
/endif %; \
/let lineno=1 %; \
/let line= %; \
/while (tfread({handle}, {line}) != -1) \
/if ({lineno} == {opt_n}) \
/test tfclose({handle}) %; \
$(/browser_command %{line}) %; \
/return %; \
/endif %; \
/test lineno += 1 %; \
/done %; \
/test tfclose({handle}) %; \
/_echo %{opt_n}: Not in the list. %; \
/elseif ({opt_c} != -1) \
/if ({opt_c} < 1) /_echo Don't be gay. %; /return %; /endif %; \
/eval /sys sed -i -e '%{opt_c}d' %{urlfile} %; \
/_echo Ok. %; \
/elseif ({opt_u} != -1) \
$(/browser_command %{opt_u}) %; \
/elseif ({opt_a} != -1) \
/add_new_url %{opt_a} %; \
/_echo Ok. (no status is returned for this) %; \
/elseif ({opt_q} != -1) \
/sys perl -e 'print grep { !\$pseen{\$_}++ } <>' /home/pope/.tfurl > \
/home/pope/.tfutmp 2>/dev/null %; \
/sys mv .tfutmp .tfurl %; \
/elseif ({opt_h} != -1) \
/_echo USAGE: %; \
/_echo /url -h - This message %; \
/_echo /url - Go to the most recently grabbed url %; \
/_echo /url -l - List all grabbed urls %; \
/_echo /url -a<url> - Add a new url to the list by hand %; \
/_echo /url -c<number> - Remove a url from the list (requires sed) %; \
/_echo /url -n<number> - Open browser window to url <n> from list. %; \
/_echo /url -q - Remove duplicates from the url list. %; \
/else \
/if ({lasturl} =~ "") \
/let handle= %; \
/test handle := tfopen({urlfile}, "r") %; \
/if ({handle} == -1) \
/return %; \
/endif %; \
/let line= %;\
/while (tfread({handle}, {line}) != -1) \
/set lasturl {line} %; \
/done %; \
/test tfclose({handle}) %; \
/endif %; \
$(/browser_command %{lasturl}) %; \
; commonly used alias
/def urls = /url -l
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