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Created February 28, 2024 09:59
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Generate typescript type definitions from yaml
import yaml
from rich.console import Console
from rich.markdown import Markdown
# Basic TypeScript types
basic_types = {"string", "number", "boolean", "any", "undefined"}
illegal_chars = [" ", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "-", "+", "=", "{", "}", "[", "]", "|", "\\", ":", ";", "\"", "'", "<", ">", ",", ".", "?", "/", "`", "~"]
def extract_custom_types(types):
custom_types = {}
for type_dict in types:
for type_name, fields in type_dict.items():
custom_types[type_name] = [field for field in fields]
return custom_types
def check_types(types):
custom_types = extract_custom_types(types)
warnings = []
errors = []
def check_illegal_chars(type_name):
for char in illegal_chars:
if char in type_name:
errors.append(f"Type {type_name} contains illegal character: {char}")
def check_field_type(field_type, path):
# Base case: basic types are always valid
if field_type in basic_types or field_type.endswith("[]") and field_type[:-2] in basic_types:
# Strip array symbol to check custom types
if field_type.endswith("[]"):
field_type = field_type[:-2]
# Check for illegal characters
# Check for undeclared types
if field_type not in custom_types:
errors.append(f"Undeclared type: {field_type}")
# Check for circular references
if field_type in path:
warnings.append(f"Circular reference found: {' -> '.join(path + [field_type])}")
# Recursive check for fields of the custom type
for field in custom_types[field_type]:
for _, inner_type in field.items():
check_field_type(inner_type, path + [field_type])
# Check each field of each custom type
for type_name, fields in custom_types.items():
for field in fields:
for _, field_type in field.items():
check_field_type(field_type, [type_name])
return warnings, errors
def generate_typescript_code(types):
custom_types = extract_custom_types(types)
ts_code_blocks = []
for type_name, fields in custom_types.items():
field_lines = []
for field in fields:
for field_name, field_type in field.items():
# Handle array types
if field_type.endswith("[]"):
base_type = field_type[:-2]
ts_type = f"{base_type}[]" if base_type in basic_types or base_type in custom_types else "any[]"
elif field_type in basic_types or field_type in custom_types:
ts_type = field_type
ts_type = "any"
field_lines.append(f" {field_name}: {ts_type};")
ts_code_block = f"interface {type_name} {{\n" + "\n".join(field_lines) + "\n}"
return "\n\n".join(ts_code_blocks)
console = Console()
with open('types.yml', 'r') as file:
yamldict = yaml.safe_load(file)
types = yamldict['types']
warnings, errors = check_types(types)
for warning in warnings:
console.print("[yellow]Warning:[/yellow]", warning)
for error in errors:
console.print("[red]Error:[/red]", error)
if not errors:
ts_code = generate_typescript_code(types)
- Person:
- name: string
- age: number
- address: any
- Address:
- main: string
- state: string
- zip: number
- Labs:
- students: Person[]
- amount: number
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