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Last active August 8, 2018 03:38
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A solution of FizzBuzz test using a type class customized for Scala. For more detail, see (Korean).
trait Msg[+A]
trait EmptyMsg extends Msg[Nothing]
trait MsgOps extends MsgLaws {
def point[A](a: A): Msg[A]
def flatMap[A, B](msg: Msg[A], f: A => Msg[B]): Msg[B]
def show[A](msg: Msg[A]): String
trait MsgLaws { self: MsgOps =>
def map[A, B](msg: Msg[A], f: A => B): Msg[B] =
flatMap(msg, (a: A) => point(f(a)))
def filter[A](msg: Msg[A], f: A => Boolean): Msg[A] =
flatMap(msg, (a: A) => if(f(a)) msg else Msg.empty)
def isEmpty[A](msg: Msg[A]): Boolean =
msg match {
case _: EmptyMsg => true
case _ => false
def orElse[A, B >: A](msg1: Msg[A], msg2: Msg[B]): Msg[B] =
if(!isEmpty(msg1)) msg1 else msg2
trait MsgSyntax {
implicit class MsgSyntaxImpl[A](msg: Msg[A]) {
def flatMap[B](f: A => Msg[B]): Msg[B] = Msg.flatMap(msg, f)
def show: String =
def map[B](f: A => B): Msg[B] =, f)
def filter(f: A => Boolean): Msg[A] = Msg.filter(msg, f)
def orElse[B >: A](msg2: Msg[B]): Msg[B] = Msg.orElse(msg, msg2)
object Msg extends MsgOps {
private case class MsgImpl[A](a: A) extends Msg[A]
private case object EmptyMsgImpl extends EmptyMsg
def apply[A](a: A): Msg[A] = MsgImpl(a)
def empty: EmptyMsg = EmptyMsgImpl
def point[A](a: A): Msg[A] = apply(a)
def flatMap[A, B](msg: Msg[A], f: A => Msg[B]): Msg[B] =
msg match {
case MsgImpl(a) => f(a)
case _ => empty
def show[A](msg: Msg[A]): String =
msg match {
case MsgImpl(a) => a.toString
case _ => "empty"
object syntax extends MsgSyntax
import Msg.syntax._
val cd1: Int => Boolean = i => i % 3 == 0
val cd2: Int => Boolean = i => i % 5 == 0
val cd3: Int => Boolean = i => cd1(i) && cd2(i)
val tf1: Int => String = i => "Fizz"
val tf2: Int => String = i => "Buzz"
val tf3: Int => String = i => "FizzBuzz"
val inputs = (1 to 100) => Msg(raw))
val outputs = inputs
.map(i =>
i.filter(cd3).map(tf3) orElse
i.filter(cd1).map(tf1) orElse
i.filter(cd2).map(tf2) orElse i)
.map(msg =>
println(outputs.mkString(", "))
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