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Created April 3, 2016 17:58
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#include <math.h>
#include <DetourNavMesh.h>
#include <DetourNavMeshBuilder.h>
#include <Recast.h>
#include "NPC_local.h"
extern "C" {
#include "g_local.h"
#include "qcommon/qfiles.h"
levelNavMeshData navMeshData;
int CountIndices ( const dsurface_t *surfaces, int numSurfaces )
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++, surfaces++ )
if ( surfaces->surfaceType != MST_PLANAR && surfaces->surfaceType != MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP )
count += surfaces->numIndexes;
return count;
bool IsSolid ( const int shaderNum, const dshader_t *shaders )
int contentsFlags = shaders[shaderNum].contentFlags;
return (contentsFlags & (CONTENTS_FOG | CONTENTS_LAVA | CONTENTS_WATER)) == 0;
int LoadTriangles ( const int *indexes, int* tris, const dsurface_t *surfaces, const int numSurfaces, const dshader_t *shaders )
int t = 0;
int v = 0;
int numTris = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++, surfaces++ )
if ( surfaces->surfaceType != MST_PLANAR && surfaces->surfaceType != MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP )
for ( int j = surfaces->firstIndex, k = 0; k < surfaces->numIndexes; j++, k++ )
tris[t++] = v + indexes[j];
v += surfaces->numVerts;
return numTris;
int LoadVertices ( const drawVert_t *vertices, float* verts, const dsurface_t *surfaces, const int numSurfaces, const dshader_t *shaders )
int v = 0;
int numverts = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < numSurfaces; i++, surfaces++ )
// will handle patches later...
if ( surfaces->surfaceType != MST_PLANAR && surfaces->surfaceType != MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP )
for ( int j = surfaces->firstVert, k = 0; k < surfaces->numVerts; j++, k++ )
verts[v++] = -vertices[j].xyz[0];
verts[v++] = vertices[j].xyz[2];
verts[v++] = -vertices[j].xyz[1];
numverts += 3;
return numverts;
void LoadModels ( const dheader_t *header, const char *buffer, vec3_t mapmins, vec3_t mapmaxs, float*& verts, int& numverts, int*& tris, int& numtris )
const dmodel_t *models = (const dmodel_t *)(buffer + header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS].fileofs);
int numModels = header->lumps[LUMP_MODELS].filelen / sizeof (dmodel_t);
const int *indexes = (const int *)(buffer + header->lumps[LUMP_DRAWINDEXES].fileofs);
const dsurface_t *surfaces = (const dsurface_t *)(buffer + header->lumps[LUMP_SURFACES].fileofs);
const dshader_t *shaders = (const dshader_t *)(buffer + header->lumps[LUMP_SHADERS].fileofs);
int numSurfaces = header->lumps[LUMP_SURFACES].filelen / sizeof (dsurface_t);
for ( int i = 0; i < numModels; i++, models )
// Load indices
numtris = CountIndices (surfaces, numSurfaces);
tris = new int[numtris];
numtris /= 3;
LoadTriangles (indexes, tris, surfaces, numSurfaces, shaders);
// Load vertices
const drawVert_t *vertices = (const drawVert_t *)(buffer + header->lumps[LUMP_DRAWVERTS].fileofs);
numverts = header->lumps[LUMP_DRAWVERTS].filelen / sizeof (drawVert_t);
verts = new float[3 * numverts];
LoadVertices (vertices, verts, surfaces, numSurfaces, shaders);
// Get map bounds. First model is always the entire map
mapmins[0] = -models[0].maxs[0];
mapmins[1] = models[0].mins[2];
mapmins[2] = -models[0].maxs[1];
mapmaxs[0] = -models[0].mins[0];
mapmaxs[1] = models[0].maxs[2];
mapmaxs[2] = -models[0].mins[1];
bool LoadMapGeometry ( const char *buffer, vec3_t mapmins, vec3_t mapmaxs, float*& verts, int& numverts, int*& tris, int& numtris )
const dheader_t *header = (const dheader_t *)buffer;
if ( header->ident != BSP_IDENT )
G_Printf ("Expected ident '%d', found %d.\n", BSP_IDENT, header->ident);
return false;
if ( header->version != BSP_VERSION )
G_Printf ("Expected version '%d', found %d.\n", BSP_VERSION, header->version);
return false;
// Load models
LoadModels (header, buffer, mapmins, mapmaxs, verts, numverts, tris, numtris);
return true;
struct navMeshDataHeader_t
int version;
int filesize;
int numTiles;
dtNavMeshParams params;
struct navMeshDataTileHeader_t
dtTileRef tileRef;
int dataSize;
void CacheNavMeshData ( const char *mapname )
navMeshDataHeader_t header;
const dtNavMesh *mesh = navMeshData.navMesh;
header.version = NAVMESH_DATA_VERSION;
header.numTiles = 0;
header.params = *mesh->getParams();
header.filesize = sizeof (navMeshDataHeader_t);
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getMaxTiles(); ++i)
const dtMeshTile* tile = mesh->getTile(i);
if (!tile || !tile->header || !tile->dataSize) continue;
header.filesize += tile->dataSize + sizeof (navMeshDataTileHeader_t);
char *buffer = new char[header.filesize];
int ptr = 0;
memcpy (buffer, &header, sizeof (header));
ptr += sizeof (header);
for ( int i = 0; i < header.numTiles; i++ )
const dtMeshTile* tile = mesh->getTile(i);
if (!tile || !tile->header || !tile->dataSize) continue;
navMeshDataTileHeader_t tileHeader;
tileHeader.tileRef = mesh->getTileRef(tile);
tileHeader.dataSize = tile->dataSize;
memcpy (buffer + ptr, &tileHeader, sizeof (tileHeader));
ptr += sizeof (tileHeader);
memcpy (buffer + ptr, tile->data, tileHeader.dataSize);
ptr += tileHeader.dataSize;
if ( ptr != header.filesize )
G_Printf ("WE DUN GOOFED SIRZ\n");
fileHandle_t f;
trap_FS_FOpenFile (va ("%s.jnd", mapname), &f, FS_WRITE);
if ( !f )
G_Printf ("Failed to create cache file for navmesh.\n");
trap_FS_Write (buffer, header.filesize, f);
trap_FS_FCloseFile (f);
G_Printf ("Navmesh data cached (%d bytes written)...\n", header.filesize);
delete[] buffer;
void LoadCachedNavMesh ( const char *mapname )
char mappath[MAX_QPATH];
Com_sprintf (mappath, sizeof (mappath), "maps/%s.bsp.jnd", mapname);
fileHandle_t f = 0;
int fileLength = trap_FS_FOpenFile (mappath, &f, FS_READ);
if ( fileLength == -1 || f == 0 )
// No cache available
char *buffer = new char[fileLength + 1];
trap_FS_Read (buffer, fileLength, f);
trap_FS_FCloseFile (f);
buffer[fileLength] = '\0';
navMeshDataHeader_t *header = (navMeshDataHeader_t *)buffer;
if ( header->version != NAVMESH_DATA_VERSION )
delete[] buffer;
if ( header->filesize != fileLength )
delete[] buffer;
navMeshData.navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh();
if ( dtStatusFailed (navMeshData.navMesh->init (&header->params)) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create navmesh from cache file.\n");
delete[] buffer;
int offset = sizeof (navMeshDataHeader_t);
for ( int i = 0; i < header->numTiles; i++ )
navMeshDataTileHeader_t *tileHeader = (navMeshDataTileHeader_t *)((char *)buffer + offset);
offset += tileHeader->dataSize + sizeof (navMeshDataTileHeader_t);
unsigned char *tileData = (unsigned char *)dtAlloc (tileHeader->dataSize, DT_ALLOC_PERM);
memcpy (tileData, (char *)(tileHeader + 1), tileHeader->dataSize);
navMeshData.navMesh->addTile (tileData, tileHeader->dataSize, DT_TILE_FREE_DATA, tileHeader->tileRef, NULL);
delete[] buffer;
navMeshData.navQuery = dtAllocNavMeshQuery();
if ( dtStatusFailed (navMeshData.navQuery->init (navMeshData.navMesh, 2048)) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create navigation mesh query object.\n");
G_Printf ("Navigation mesh cache loaded.\n");
void CreateNavMesh ( const char *mapname )
rcHeightfield *heightField;
unsigned char *navData;
int navDataSize;
fileHandle_t f = 0;
int fileLength = trap_FS_FOpenFile (mapname, &f, FS_READ);
if ( fileLength == -1 || !f )
G_Printf ("Unable to open '%s' to create the navigation mesh.\n", mapname);
char *buffer = new char[fileLength + 1];
trap_FS_Read (buffer, fileLength, f);
buffer[fileLength] = '\0';
trap_FS_FCloseFile (f);
vec3_t mapmins;
vec3_t mapmaxs;
float *verts = NULL;
int numverts;
int *tris = NULL;
int numtris;
unsigned char *triareas = NULL;
rcContourSet *contours = NULL;
rcCompactHeightfield *compHeightField = NULL;
rcPolyMesh *polyMesh = NULL;
rcPolyMeshDetail *detailedPolyMesh = NULL;
rcConfig cfg = {};
dtNavMeshCreateParams nvParams = {};
rcContext context (false);
if ( !LoadMapGeometry (buffer, mapmins, mapmaxs, verts, numverts, tris, numtris) )
G_Printf ("Unable to load map geometry from '%s'.\n", mapname);
goto cleanup;
// 1. Create build config...
VectorCopy (mapmaxs, cfg.bmax);
VectorCopy (mapmins, cfg.bmin); = 3.0f;
cfg.cs = 15.0f;
cfg.walkableSlopeAngle = 45.0f; // worked out from MIN_WALK_NORMAL - i think it's correct? :x
cfg.walkableHeight = 64 /;
cfg.walkableClimb = STEPSIZE /;
cfg.walkableRadius = 15 / cfg.cs;
cfg.maxEdgeLen = 12 / cfg.cs;
cfg.maxSimplificationError = 0.5f;
cfg.minRegionArea = 40;
cfg.mergeRegionArea = 400;
cfg.maxVertsPerPoly = 6;
cfg.tileSize = 1024;
cfg.borderSize = 15;
cfg.detailSampleDist = 6.0f * cfg.cs;
cfg.detailSampleMaxError = 1.0f *;
rcCalcGridSize (cfg.bmin, cfg.bmax, cfg.cs, &cfg.width, &cfg.height);
// 2. Rasterize input polygon soup!
heightField = rcAllocHeightfield();
if ( !rcCreateHeightfield (&context, *heightField, cfg.width, cfg.height, cfg.bmin, cfg.bmax, cfg.cs, )
G_Printf ("Failed to create heightfield for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
triareas = new unsigned char[numtris];
memset (triareas, 0, numtris);
rcMarkWalkableTriangles (&context, cfg.walkableSlopeAngle, verts, numverts, tris, numtris, triareas);
rcRasterizeTriangles (&context, verts, numverts, tris, triareas, numtris, *heightField, cfg.walkableClimb);
delete[] triareas;
triareas = NULL;
// 3. Filter walkable surfaces
rcFilterLowHangingWalkableObstacles (&context, cfg.walkableClimb, *heightField);
rcFilterLedgeSpans (&context, cfg.walkableHeight, cfg.walkableClimb, *heightField);
rcFilterWalkableLowHeightSpans (&context, cfg.walkableHeight, *heightField);
// 4. Partition walkable surface to simple regions
compHeightField = rcAllocCompactHeightfield();
if ( !rcBuildCompactHeightfield (&context, cfg.walkableHeight, cfg.walkableClimb, *heightField, *compHeightField) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create compact heightfield for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
if ( !rcErodeWalkableArea (&context, cfg.walkableRadius, *compHeightField) )
G_Printf ("Unable to erode walkable surfaces.\n");
goto cleanup;
if ( !rcBuildDistanceField (&context, *compHeightField) )
G_Printf ("Failed to build distance field for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
if ( !rcBuildRegions (&context, *compHeightField, 0, cfg.minRegionArea, cfg.mergeRegionArea) )
G_Printf ("Failed to build regions for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
// 5. Create contours
contours = rcAllocContourSet();
if ( !rcBuildContours (&context, *compHeightField, cfg.maxSimplificationError, cfg.maxEdgeLen, *contours) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create contour set for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
// 6. Build polygons mesh from contours
polyMesh = rcAllocPolyMesh();
if ( !rcBuildPolyMesh (&context, *contours, cfg.maxVertsPerPoly, *polyMesh) )
G_Printf ("Failed to triangulate contours.\n");
goto cleanup;
// 7. Create detail mesh
detailedPolyMesh = rcAllocPolyMeshDetail();
if ( !rcBuildPolyMeshDetail (&context, *polyMesh, *compHeightField, cfg.detailSampleDist, cfg.detailSampleMaxError, *detailedPolyMesh) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create detail mesh for navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
for ( int i = 0; i < polyMesh->npolys; i++ )
polyMesh->flags[i] = 1;
// 8. Create navigation mesh query object
nvParams.verts = polyMesh->verts;
nvParams.vertCount = polyMesh->nverts;
nvParams.polys = polyMesh->polys;
nvParams.polyAreas = polyMesh->areas;
nvParams.polyFlags = polyMesh->flags;
nvParams.polyCount = polyMesh->npolys;
nvParams.nvp = polyMesh->nvp;
nvParams.detailMeshes = detailedPolyMesh->meshes;
nvParams.detailVerts = detailedPolyMesh->verts;
nvParams.detailVertsCount = detailedPolyMesh->nverts;
nvParams.detailTris = detailedPolyMesh->tris;
nvParams.detailTriCount = detailedPolyMesh->ntris;
nvParams.walkableHeight = 64.0f;
nvParams.walkableRadius = 23.0f;
nvParams.walkableClimb = STEPSIZE;
VectorCopy (polyMesh->bmin, nvParams.bmin);
VectorCopy (polyMesh->bmax, nvParams.bmax);
nvParams.cs = cfg.cs; =;
nvParams.buildBvTree = true;
navData = NULL;
navDataSize = 0;
if ( !dtCreateNavMeshData (&nvParams, &navData, &navDataSize) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create navigation mesh data.\n");
goto cleanup;
if ( navMeshData.navMesh != NULL )
dtFreeNavMeshQuery (navMeshData.navQuery);
dtFreeNavMesh (navMeshData.navMesh);
navMeshData.navMesh = dtAllocNavMesh();
if ( dtStatusFailed (navMeshData.navMesh->init (navData, navDataSize, DT_TILE_FREE_DATA)) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create navigation mesh.\n");
goto cleanup;
// Cache the stuffffffff
CacheNavMeshData (mapname);
navMeshData.navQuery = dtAllocNavMeshQuery();
if ( dtStatusFailed (navMeshData.navQuery->init (navMeshData.navMesh, 2048)) )
G_Printf ("Failed to create navigation mesh query object.\n");
goto cleanup;
rcFreeHeightField (heightField);
rcFreeCompactHeightfield (compHeightField);
rcFreeContourSet (contours);
rcFreePolyMesh (polyMesh);
rcFreePolyMeshDetail (detailedPolyMesh);
delete[] verts;
delete[] tris;
delete[] buffer;
extern "C"
void Nav_Init ( const char *mapname )
level.navMeshData = &navMeshData;
LoadCachedNavMesh (mapname);
void Nav_Shutdown ( void )
dtFreeNavMeshQuery (navMeshData.navQuery);
navMeshData.navQuery = NULL;
dtFreeNavMesh (navMeshData.navMesh);
navMeshData.navMesh = NULL;
void Nav_CreateNavMesh ( const char* mapname )
trap_SendServerCommand (-1, "print \"Creating navigation mesh...this may take a while.\n\"");
CreateNavMesh (mapname);
trap_SendServerCommand (-1, "print \"Finished!\n\"");
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