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Created May 24, 2011 23:53
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bittorrent programming challenge solution
Developed by xymostech on 5/24/11
Calculates the number of ways to place oranges in bowls
Such that the distance between two oranges A and B does not equal
the distance between either A or B and a third orange C
Takes about 2 seconds to run on a 2.5 GHz processor
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// The number of bowls and oranges
#define BOWLS 40
#define ORANGES 9
// Checklist of places where oranges can go.
// 0 means an orange can go there
// not a boolean, because more than one orange can block off a
// certain spot, so it has to allow for numbers greater than 1
char checklist[BOWLS];
// current positions of the oranges
int orange_pos[ORANGES];
// Gets an open spot from the checklist, starting at pos 'start'
// Returns -1 if no spot is found
int get_next_open(int start)
return start-1;
return -1;
// fills out checklist for orange number 'orange'
void generate_checklist(int orange)
int i;
int double_current_pos = 2*orange_pos[orange];
int check_pos;
// check off the current spot (because there's an orange already there)
// goes through all the oranges before it, and finds what spots are at
// an equal distance, and checks those off
for(i=0; i<orange; ++i)
check_pos = double_current_pos-orange_pos[i];
if(check_pos < BOWLS)
// uses checkoff_list to undo the places checked off by orange number 'orange'
void reset_checklist(int orange)
int i;
int double_current_pos = 2*orange_pos[orange];
int check_pos;
for(i=0; i<orange; ++i)
check_pos = double_current_pos-orange_pos[i];
if(check_pos < BOWLS)
// prints the current configuration
void print_config()
// holds an 'O' for the spots where the oranges are
char orange_config[BOWLS+1];
// holds an 'x' for every spot in the checklist that is open
char checklist_config[BOWLS+1];
int i;
memset(orange_config, '-', BOWLS);
orange_config[BOWLS] = '\0';
memset(checklist_config, '-', BOWLS);
checklist_config[BOWLS] = '\0';
for(i=0; i<ORANGES; ++i)
orange_config[orange_pos[i]] = 'O';
for(i=0; i<BOWLS; ++i)
checklist_config[i] = 'x';
printf("%s\t%s\n", orange_config, checklist_config);
int main()
int current_orange = 0;
int ways = 0;
memset(checklist, 0, BOWLS);
orange_pos[0] = -1;
// repeats while there are still oranges that can be placed
// so if the current orange drops below 0, no more spots are available
while(current_orange >= 0)
// finds a new place for the current orange
orange_pos[current_orange] = get_next_open(orange_pos[current_orange]+1);
// if it couldn't find a place for it, drop down an orange
if(orange_pos[current_orange] < 0)
// doesn't reset for the last orange, because there are no more oranges
// to be placed, so the checklist is never updated for the last orange
if(current_orange < ORANGES-1)
// if it found a place, and it is the last orange, this is a solution
if(current_orange == ORANGES-1)
// uncomment this to print out the solutions
// print_config();
// otherwise, mark off the checklist, and go up an orange
// the next orange must be at least as far as the current orange
orange_pos[current_orange+1] = orange_pos[current_orange];
printf("%i ways\n", ways);
return 0;
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