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Created December 2, 2015 15:52
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Drupal Field Handler
// Drupal does it the 'offical' sql way which can be a pain when you just want to do it the mysql way
// This is the workaround
// Tags are set in the view display Query setting
function mymodule_query_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {
$view_name = 'project_isotope';
if ($query->hasTag('views_' . $view_name)) {
* Implements hook_views_data().
function mymodule_views_data() {
$data = array();
$data['field_data_field_colour']['table']['group'] = t('Test colours');
$data['field_data_field_colour']['table']['join'] = array(
// #global is a special flag which let's a table appear all the time.
$data['field_data_field_colour']['get_colours'] = array(
'title' => t('Test Handler'),
'help' => t('Custom Handler.'),
'field' => array(
'handler' => 'mymodule_handler_field_colour_rgb',
return $data;
* @file
* Definition of mymodule_handler_handlername.
* Description of what my handler does.
class mymodule_handler_field_colour_rgb extends views_handler_field {
* Add some required fields needed on render().
function construct() {
$this->additional_fields['entity_id'] = array(
'table' => 'field_data_field_colour',
'field' => 'entity_id',
function query() {
$this->field_alias = $this->table . '_' . $this->field;
$this->query->add_field(NULL, "GROUP_CONCAT($this->table.field_colour_rgb)", $this->field_alias, array('aggregate' => TRUE));
$table = $this->table; // i.e. how the table is represented in drupal database schema, without prefixes.
$table_alias = 'field_data_field_colour';
$left_table = 'field_data_field_category';// the table to which I want to join it. Mostly I assume you'll want to join it to the table of your handler
$left_field = 'field_category_target_id'; // a column in $left_table on which you wanna join
$field = 'entity_id'; // a column in $table on which you wanna join
// We create a new join object and provide it with information about the join we wanna make.
$extra = array();
$extra[] = array(
'table' => $table_alias,
'field' => 'deleted',
'value' => 0,
'operator' => '=',
$type = 'LEFT';
$join = new views_join();
$join->construct($table, $left_table, $left_field, $field, $extra, $type);
// Alias under which you wanna see $table once it has been JOINed with all the other tables.
//add the join the the view query
$this->query->add_relationship($table_alias, $join, $this->relationship);
// $this->query->add_groupby('node_title');
function render($values) {
return format_string('color-' . $values->{$this->field_data_field_colour.entity_id},$values->{$this->field_alias});
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