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Created October 7, 2023 14:25
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Python 通过 Windows API 获取当前设备的经纬度以及精度
import subprocess as sp
import re
accuracy = 3 #Starting desired accuracy is fine and builds at x1.5 per loop
def getLoc():
pshellcomm = ['powershell']
pshellcomm.append('add-type -assemblyname system.device; '\
'$loc = new-object system.device.location.geocoordinatewatcher;'\
'$loc.start(); '\
'while(($loc.status -ne "Ready") -and ($loc.permission -ne "Denied")) '\
'{start-sleep -milliseconds 100}; '\
'$acc = %d; '\
'while($loc.position.location.horizontalaccuracy -gt $acc) '\
'{start-sleep -milliseconds 100; $acc = [math]::Round($acc*1.5)}; '\
'$loc.position.location.latitude; '\
'$loc.position.location.longitude; '\
'$loc.position.location.horizontalaccuracy; '\
'$loc.stop()' %(accuracy))
#Remove >>> $acc = [math]::Round($acc*1.5) <<< to remove accuracy builder
#Once removed, try setting accuracy = 10, 20, 50, 100, 1000 to see if that affects the results
#Note: This code will hang if your desired accuracy is too fine for your device
#Note: This code will hang if you interact with the Command Prompt AT ALL
#Try pressing ESC or CTRL-C once if you interacted with the CMD,
#this might allow the process to continue
p = sp.Popen(pshellcomm, stdin = sp.PIPE, stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.STDOUT, text=True)
(out, err) = p.communicate()
out = re.split('\n', out)
lat = float(out[0])
long = float(out[1])
radius = int(out[2])
print(lat, long, radius)
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