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Last active February 2, 2018 20:43
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  • Save xywang68/fe9b5c7696036e8384841c00819a82f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save xywang68/fe9b5c7696036e8384841c00819a82f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
support html tags for screenshot and movie file path
// code change for:
'use strict';
var jsonFile = require('jsonfile');
var _ = require('lodash');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var path = require('path');
var jsonDir = require('./jsonDir');
var open = require('open');
var searchFileUp = require('./searchFileUp');
var hierarchyReporter = require('./hierarchyReporter');
var generateReport = function (options) {
var featureOutput = jsonFile.readFileSync(options.jsonFile);
var packageJsonPath = searchFileUp('package.json');
var packageJson = {};
try {
packageJson = packageJsonPath && jsonFile.readFileSync(packageJsonPath, 'utf8');
} catch (err) {
console.warn('No package.json file found in: ' + packageJsonPath + ', using default name and version.'); = 'default';
packageJson.version = '0.0.0';
var sanitize = function (name, find) {
var unsafeCharacters = find || /[\/\\\|:"\*\?<>]/g;
name = name.trim().replace(unsafeCharacters, '_');
return name;
featureOutput.summary = {
isFailed: false,
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
ambiguous: 0
var result = {
status: {
passed: 'passed',
failed: 'failed',
skipped: 'skipped',
pending: 'pending',
undefined: 'undefined',
ambiguous: 'ambiguous'
var suite = {
name: {
plain: || packageJson &&,
sanitized: sanitize( || packageJson &&, /[^a-z|0-9]/g)
brandTitle: options.brandTitle,
version: packageJson && packageJson.version,
time: new Date(),
features: featureOutput,
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
ambiguous: 0,
totalTime: 0,
suites: [],
scenarios: {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
skipped: 0,
pending: 0,
notdefined: 0,
ambiguous: 0
var createReportDirectoryIfNotExists = function () {
if (!fs.existsSync(options.output)) {
* Make human-readable duration for scenario steps
* Sample Input: "2005366787"
* Sample Output: "2s 5ms"
var calculateDuration = function (durationInNanoSeconds) {
// convert it to MILLI_SECONDS
var durationInMillis = _.floor(durationInNanoSeconds / 1000000);
var oneMilliSecond = 1000;
var oneMinute = 60 * oneMilliSecond;
var formattedDuration = '0s';
function format(min, sec, ms) {
var MINUTES = 'm ';
var SECONDS = 's ';
var MILLI_SECONDS = 'ms';
var formattedTimeStamp = '';
min > 0 ? formattedTimeStamp += min + MINUTES : '';
sec > 0 ? formattedTimeStamp += sec + SECONDS : '';
ms > 0 ? formattedTimeStamp += ms + MILLI_SECONDS : '';
return formattedTimeStamp.trim().length === 0 ? '< 1ms' : formattedTimeStamp;
if (!isNaN(durationInMillis)) {
var min = _.floor(durationInMillis / oneMinute);
var sec = _.floor((durationInMillis % oneMinute) / oneMilliSecond);
var ms = durationInMillis % oneMilliSecond;
formattedDuration = format(min, sec, ms);
return formattedDuration;
var preventOverlappingTheScenarioTitle = function (element) {
var counter = 0;
if (element.passed) counter++;
if (element.notdefined) counter++;
if (element.pending) counter++;
if (element.skipped) counter++;
if (element.failed) counter++;
if (element.ambiguous) counter++;
counter = (counter * 20) + 10;
return counter + 'px';
var readFileForRespectiveTemplates = function (filename) {
if (filename === 'script.js' && options.theme === 'foundation') {
return readFile('../_common/foundation/' + filename);
return ((options.theme === 'bootstrap') || (options.theme === 'hierarchy')) ? readFile('../_common/bootstrap.hierarchy/' + filename) : readFile(filename);
* NOTE: This method is used by hierarchy report template, harmless for others.
* Creates the HTML fragments for any features assigned to this suite,
* and stores them in `featureMarkup` attribute of the suite so we can render them in index.tmpl
* @param suite
var getFeaturesTemplate = function (suite) {
return _.template(readFileForRespectiveTemplates('features.tmpl'))({
suite: suite,
_: _,
calculateDuration: calculateDuration,
decideScenarioTitlePadding: preventOverlappingTheScenarioTitle
var setupSubSuiteTemplates = function (suite) {
suite.featureMarkup = '<div style="display: none;">No features</div>';
if (suite.features && suite.features.length) {
suite.featureMarkup = getFeaturesTemplate(suite);
for (var i = 0; i < suite.suites.length; i++) {
var subSuite = suite.suites[i];
var setStats = function (suite) {
var featureOutput = suite.features;
var topLevelFeatures = [];
var featuresSummary = suite.features.summary;
var screenshotsDirectory;
suite.reportAs = 'Features';
if(options.screenshotsDirectory) {
screenshotsDirectory = options.screenshotsDirectory;
} else {
screenshotsDirectory = options.output ? path.join(options.output, '..', 'screenshots') : 'screenshots';
var basedir = hierarchyReporter.getBaseDir(suite);
featureOutput.forEach(function (feature) {
feature.hierarchy = hierarchyReporter.getFeatureHierarchy(feature.uri, basedir);
feature.scenarios = {};
feature.scenarios.passed = 0;
feature.scenarios.failed = 0;
feature.scenarios.notdefined = 0;
feature.scenarios.skipped = 0;
feature.scenarios.pending = 0;
feature.scenarios.ambiguous = 0;
feature.time = 0;
featuresSummary.isFailed = false;
featuresSummary.isAmbiguous = false;
if (!feature.elements) {
feature.elements.forEach(function (element) {
element.passed = 0;
element.failed = 0;
element.notdefined = 0;
element.skipped = 0;
element.pending = 0;
element.ambiguous = 0;
element.time = 0;
if (element.type === 'background') {
element.steps.forEach(function (step) {
if (step.embeddings !== undefined) {
step.embeddings.forEach(function (embedding) {
var embeddingType = {};
if (embedding.mime_type) {
embeddingType = embedding.mime_type;
} else if ( {
embeddingType =;
if (embeddingType === 'text/plain' || embeddingType === 'text/html') {
var decoded = new Buffer(, 'base64').toString('ascii');
if (!step.text) {
step.text = decoded;
} else {
step.text = step.text.concat('<br>' +;
} else if (embeddingType === 'application/json') {
var decoded = new Buffer(, 'base64').toString('ascii');
if (!step.text) {
step.text = decoded;
} else {
step.text = step.text.concat('<br>' + decoded);
} else if (embeddingType === 'image/png') {
step.image = 'data:image/png;base64,' +;
if ((options.storeScreenshots && options.storeScreenshots === true) ||
(options.storeScreenShots && options.storeScreenShots === true)) {
var name = sanitize( || step.keyword);
if (!fs.existsSync(screenshotsDirectory)) {
name = name + '_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000) + '.png'; //randomize the file name
var filename = path.join(screenshotsDirectory, name);
fs.writeFileSync(filename,, 'base64');
if (!step.result || (step.hidden && !step.text && !step.image)) {
return 0;
if (step.result.duration) element.time += step.result.duration;
if (step.result.status === result.status.passed) {
return element.passed++;
if (step.result.status === result.status.failed) {
return element.failed++;
if (step.result.status === result.status.undefined) {
return element.notdefined++;
if (step.result.status === result.status.pending) {
return element.pending++;
if (step.result.status === result.status.ambiguous) {
return element.ambiguous++;
if (element.time > 0) {
feature.time += element.time;
if (element.failed > 0) {
featuresSummary.isFailed = true;
return suite.scenarios.failed++;
if (element.ambiguous > 0) {
featuresSummary.isAmbiguous = true;
return suite.scenarios.ambiguous++;
if (element.notdefined > 0) {
return suite.scenarios.notdefined++;
if (element.pending > 0) {
return suite.scenarios.pending++;
if (element.skipped > 0) {
return suite.scenarios.skipped++;
if (element.passed > 0) {
return suite.scenarios.passed++;
var subSuite = undefined;
if (options.theme === 'hierarchy') {
subSuite = hierarchyReporter.findOrCreateSubSuite(suite, feature.hierarchy);
if (subSuite) {
} else {
if (featuresSummary.isFailed) {
subSuite ? hierarchyReporter.recursivelyIncrementStat(subSuite, 'failed') : suite.failed++;
} else if (featuresSummary.isAmbiguous) {
subSuite ? hierarchyReporter.recursivelyIncrementStat(subSuite, 'ambiguous') : suite.ambiguous++;
} else {
subSuite ? hierarchyReporter.recursivelyIncrementStat(subSuite, 'passed') : suite.passed++;
if (options.reportSuiteAsScenarios) {
suite.failed = suite.scenarios.failed;
suite.passed = suite.scenarios.passed;
suite.ambiguous = suite.scenarios.ambiguous;
suite.reportAs = 'scenarios';
if (feature.time) {
suite.totalTime += feature.time
suite.features = topLevelFeatures;
suite.features.summary = featuresSummary;
return suite;
suite.totalTime = calculateDuration(suite.totalTime);
if (options.theme === 'hierarchy') {
if (options.metadata) suite.metadata = options.metadata;
return suite;
function readFile(fileName) {
function getPath(name) {
//use custom template based on user's requirement
if (options.templateDir && fs.existsSync(path.join(options.templateDir, name))) {
return path.join(options.templateDir, name);
} else {
return path.join(__dirname, '..', 'templates', options.theme, name);
return fs.readFileSync(getPath(fileName), 'utf-8');
suite = setStats(suite);
suite: suite,
features: getFeaturesTemplate(suite),
styles: readFileForRespectiveTemplates('style.css'),
script: readFileForRespectiveTemplates('script.js'),
screenshot: readFile('../_common/screenshot.js'),
piechart: ((options.theme === 'bootstrap') || (options.theme === 'hierarchy')) ? readFileForRespectiveTemplates('piechart.js') : undefined
console.log('Cucumber HTML report ' + options.output + ' generated successfully.');
function generate(options, callback) {
function isValidJsonFile() {
options.jsonFile = options.jsonFile || options.output + '.json';
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
console.error('Unable to parse cucumberjs output into json: \'%s\'', options.jsonFile, e);
if (callback) {
callback('Unable to parse cucumberjs output into json: \'' + options.jsonFile + '\'. Error: ' + e);
} else {
return false;
function launchReport() {
if (fs.existsSync(options.output) && (options.launchReport || options.launchReport === 'true')) {
if (options.jsonDir) {
if (isValidJsonFile()) {
return callback ? callback() : true;
module.exports = {
generate: generate
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