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Created September 5, 2020 10:03
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Extract nmap services info
# (N)mapSer(V)ices(I)nfo -- yeah it's lame, can't think of anything, dont want to confused with (N)(S)cripting(E)ngine
# our eyes are playing tricks sometimes when the `.nmap` output is huge from `-sC -sV target-ip`
# just need to extract `name, product+version, port` into markdown style on each open ports
# then writing the rest of `-sC` output to more simplified note and continue thought process. for example;
# - **ftp** service open
# - port: 21
# - version: vsftpd 3.0.3
# - anonymous login allowed
# - interesting files:
# -
# - my.cnf
# requirements: `pip install yq`
progname=$(awk -F'/' '{print $NF}' <<< $0)
usage() {
echo "Usage: $progname [initial-scan.xml]"
echo "Example: $progname enumeration/nmap/initial.xml"
[ -z "$file" ] && usage && exit 0
content=$(cat $file)
services=$(echo "$content" | xq -rcM ' | map(select(.service."@name" != "tcpwrapped") | .service."@product" |= if .==null then "Unknown" else . end | .service."@version" |= if .==null then "Unknown" else . end)')
services_info=$(echo "$services" | jq -rcM '(map({name: .service."@name", product: .service."@product", version: .service."@version"}) | unique)')
for service in `echo $services_info | jq -rcM '.[] | @base64'`; do
name=$(base64 -d <<< $service | jq -rcM '.name')
product=$(base64 -d <<< $service | jq -rcM '.product')
version=$(base64 -d <<< $service | jq -rcM '.version')
ports=$(jq --arg name "$name" --arg product "$product" --arg version "$version" -rcM 'map(select(.service."@name" == $name and .service."@product" == $product and .service."@version" == $version)."@portid") | join(",")' <<< $services)
if [ "$version" == "Unknown" ] && [ -n "$product" ]; then
version="$product $version"
echo "- **$name** service open"
echo " - port: $ports"
echo -e " - version: $version\n"
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