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Created May 23, 2019 23:01
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public class Constants {
public static final int tileSize = 32;
public static final int framerate = 30;
public static final String bgColor = "007CDF";
public static final String defaultEnemyClr = "FF0000";
public static final String defaultPlayerClr = "00FF00";
public class Entity {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int colour_R = 0;
int colour_G = 0;
int colour_B = 0;
String text;
PImage img;
int type;
boolean collides;
* 0 --> background tile
* 1 --> player
* 2 --> enemy
* 3 --> background tile but with collision
int frameNo = 0;
String movePattern = "";
Entity(int _x, int _y, String clr, int _type, String _text, String _movePattern) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.movePattern = _movePattern;
this.text = _text;
this.type = _type;
void setColour(String hex) {
String[] colourHexes = {hex.substring(1, 3),
hex.substring(3, 5),
hex.substring(5, 6)
int colours[] = {0, 0, 0};
int index = 0;
for (String x: colourHexes) {
colours[index] = hexToInteger(x);
colour_R = colours[0];
colour_G = colours[1];
colour_B = colours[2];
void show() {
if (img == null) {
fill(colour_R, colour_G, colour_B);
if (this.movePattern.equals("followP")) {
follow(player, this);
rect(x, y, Constants.tileSize, Constants.tileSize);
fill(0, 0, 0);
text(this.text, x + 10, y + 20);
void move(String direction) {
System.out.println(this.text + " currently at " + this.x/Constants.tileSize + ", " + this.y / Constants.tileSize);
if (direction.equals("up")) {
if (y != 0) {
int newY = this.y - Constants.tileSize;
if (map.getEntity(this.x/Constants.tileSize,newY/Constants.tileSize).type == 3);
else this.y = newY;
if (direction.equals("down")) {
if (y != height - Constants.tileSize) {
int newY = this.y + Constants.tileSize;
if (map.getEntity(this.x/Constants.tileSize,newY/Constants.tileSize).type == 3);
else this.y = newY;
if (direction.equals("left")) {
if (x != 0) {
int newX = this.x - Constants.tileSize;
if (map.getEntity(this.y/Constants.tileSize,newX/Constants.tileSize).type == 3);
else this.x = newX;
if (direction.equals("right")) {
if (x != width - Constants.tileSize) {
int newX = this.x + Constants.tileSize;
if (map.getEntity((this.y/Constants.tileSize),(newX/Constants.tileSize)).type == 3);
else this.x = newX;
String getMovementPattern() {
return this.movePattern;
Entity player;
Entity[] enemies;
public Map map;
void setup() {
size(640, 640);
map = new Map(30, 30, Constants.bgColor, this.getViewport());
player = new Entity(0, 0, Constants.defaultPlayerClr, 1, "P", "none");
int numEnemies = (int) random(2, 4);
enemies = new Entity[numEnemies];
for (int x = 0; x < numEnemies; x++) {
enemies[x] = new Entity((int) ceil(abs(random(0, width) / Constants.tileSize)) * Constants.tileSize,
(int) ceil(abs(random(0, height) / Constants.tileSize)) * Constants.tileSize,
Constants.defaultEnemyClr, 2, "E", "followdswawddd");
void draw() {;;
for (Entity x: enemies) {;
void setBG(String hex) {
String[] colourHexes = { hex.substring(0, 2),
hex.substring(2, 4),
hex.substring(4, 6)
int colours[] = {0, 0, 0};
int index = 0;
for (String x: colourHexes) {
colours[index] = hexToInteger(x);
background(colours[0], colours[1], colours[2]);
int hexToInteger(String hex) {
return Integer.parseInt(hex, 16);
int signum (int x) {
if (x == 0) {
return 0;
else {
return x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
void follow(Entity subject, Entity follower) {
int[] moves = calculateMoves(subject, follower);
if (frameCount % Constants.framerate == 0) {
if (signum(moves[0]) == 1) {
if (abs(deltaX(subject, follower)) >= Constants.tileSize*2) {
else {
if (abs(deltaX(subject, follower)) >= Constants.tileSize*2) {
if (signum(moves[1]) == 1) {
if (abs(deltaY(subject, follower)) >= Constants.tileSize*2) {
else {
if (abs(deltaY(subject, follower)) >= Constants.tileSize*2) {
int[] calculateMoves(Entity e1, Entity e2) {
int[] moves = {signum(deltaX(e1, e2)) * floor(abs(deltaX(e1, e2) / Constants.tileSize)) * Constants.tileSize,
signum(deltaY(e1, e2)) * floor(abs(deltaY(e1, e2) / Constants.tileSize)) * Constants.tileSize};
return moves;
int deltaX (Entity e1, Entity e2) {
return e1.x - e2.x;
int deltaY(Entity e1, Entity e2) {
return e1.y - e2.y;
void keyPressed() {
if (key == 'w') {
if (key == 's') {
if (key == 'a') {
if (key == 'd') {
int[] getViewport() {
int[] vp = {floor(width/Constants.tileSize), floor(height/Constants.tileSize)};
return vp;
import java.util.Random;
public class Map {
Random rng = new Random();
Entity[][] map;
int mapWidth = 0;
int mapHeight = 0;
int[] viewportSize;
int i = 0;
Map(String _filename, int[] _viewportSize) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet.");
Map(int _width, int _height, String clr, int[] _viewportSize) {
this.mapWidth = _width;
this.mapHeight = _height;
this.viewportSize = _viewportSize;
map = new Entity[mapWidth][mapHeight];
for (int x = 0; x < _width; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < _height; y++) {
int type;
String toSet;
if (i % 5 == 0) type = 3;
else type = 0;
if (type == 3) {
toSet = "FF0000";
System.out.println(i + "has type 3ad");
else toSet = clr;
map[x][y] = new Entity(x * Constants.tileSize, y * Constants.tileSize, toSet, type, Integer.toString(i), "static");
void show() {
for (Entity[] x: map) {
for (Entity y: x) {;
Entity getEntity(int x, int y) {
return map[x][y];
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