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Created June 4, 2017 20:19
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import db_sqlite
import sequtils
import sqlite3
DbValueKind* = enum
DbValue* = object
case kind *: DbValueKind
of dvkInt:
i*: int64
of dvkFloat:
f*: float
of dvkString:
s*: string
of dvkBlob:
b*: string
of dvkNull:
proc dbValue*(v: int): DbValue = DbValue(kind: dvkInt, i: v.int64)
proc dbValue*(v: int32): DbValue = DbValue(kind: dvkInt, i: v.int64)
proc dbValue*(v: int64): DbValue = DbValue(kind: dvkInt, i: v)
proc dbValue*(v: float): DbValue = DbValue(kind: dvkFloat, f: v)
proc dbValue*(v: DbValue): DbValue = v
proc dbValue*(v: string): DbValue =
if v.isNil:
DbValue(kind: dvkNull)
DbValue(kind: dvkString, s: v)
proc dbBlob*(v: string): DbValue =
if v.isNil:
DbValue(kind: dvkNull)
DbValue(kind: dvkBlob, b: v)
proc bindVal(db: DbConn, stmt: sqlite3.Pstmt, idx: int32, value: DbValue): int32 =
case value.kind:
of dvkInt:
bind_int64(stmt, idx, value.i)
of dvkFloat:
bind_double(stmt, idx, value.f)
of dvkString:
bind_text(stmt, idx, value.s.cstring, value.s.len.int32, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)
of dvkBlob:
bind_blob(stmt, idx, value.b.cstring, value.b.len.int32, SQLITE_TRANSIENT)
of dvkNull:
bind_null(stmt, idx)
proc setupQueryEx(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: seq[DbValue]): Pstmt =
var idx: int32 = 0
var stmt: sqlite3.Pstmt
var rc = prepare_v2(db, query.cstring, query.string.len.cint, stmt, nil)
if rc != SQLITE_OK:
for arg in args:
inc idx
rc = db.bindVal(stmt, idx, arg)
if rc != SQLITE_OK:
return stmt
proc newRow(L: int): Row =
newSeq(result, L)
for i in 0..L-1: result[i] = ""
proc setRow(stmt: Pstmt, r: var Row, cols: cint) =
for col in 0..cols-1:
setLen(r[col], column_bytes(stmt, col)) # set capacity
setLen(r[col], 0)
let x = column_text(stmt, col)
if not isNil(x): add(r[col], x)
proc execEx*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery, args: varargs[DbValue, dbValue]) {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect, WriteDbEffect].} =
## executes the query and raises DbError if not successful.
let stmt = db.setupQueryEx(query, @args)
if step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE:
if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK:
iterator fastRowsEx*(db: DbConn, query: SqlQuery,
args: varargs[DbValue, dbValue]): Row {.
tags: [ReadDbEffect].} =
## Executes the query and iterates over the result dataset.
## This is very fast, but potentially dangerous. Use this iterator only
## if you require **ALL** the rows.
## Breaking the fastRows() iterator during a loop will cause the next
## database query to raise a DbError exception ``unable to close due to ...``.
var stmt = setupQueryEx(db, query, @args)
var L = (column_count(stmt))
var result = newRow(L)
while step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW:
setRow(stmt, result, L)
yield result
if finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK: dbError(db)
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