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Last active October 10, 2019 00:39
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Converting colored terminal output (in HTML format) to LaTeX
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from colour import Color
from pylatex.utils import escape_latex, NoEscape
import re
import wx
def get_default_entity():
return {
'tag': None,
'data': [],
'attrs': None,
'last_pointer': None
class AhaHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
self.root = get_default_entity()
self.root['tag'] = '@root'
self.treeStorage = [self.root]
self.curPointer = self.root
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
# create new structure in the tree
entity = get_default_entity()
entity['last_pointer'] = self.curPointer
entity['tag'] = tag
entity['attrs'] = attrs
self.curPointer = entity
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
# append this entity to last pointer
self.curPointer = self.curPointer['last_pointer']
def handle_data(self, data):
# append data to current pointer
dataEntity = get_default_entity()
def get_html_tree_f(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
htmlContent =
parser = AhaHTMLParser()
return (parser.root, parser.treeStorage)
def get_html_tree(text):
parser = AhaHTMLParser()
return (parser.root, parser.treeStorage)
def find_pre_in_tree(node):
if node['tag'] == 'pre':
return node
for data in node['data']:
if isinstance(data, dict):
result = find_pre_in_tree(data)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
def parse_css_style(styleStr):
styles = styleStr.split(';')
result = dict()
for style in styles:
if len(style) == 0:
key, val = style.split(':')
key = key.strip()
val = val.strip()
assert len(key) > 0
assert len(val) > 0
result[key] = val
return result
class HTMLTree2Latex:
def __init__(self):
self.colorConv = dict()
self.result = []
self.colorNameConvDict = dict()
for i in range(ord('A'), ord('F') + 1):
self.colorNameConvDict[chr(i)] = chr(i)
for i in range(ord('0'), ord('9') + 1):
self.colorNameConvDict[chr(i)] = chr(ord('F') + 1 + i - ord('0'))
def to_latex(self, node):
# generate color definition
colorDefFormat = r'\definecolor{%s}{HTML}{%s}'
colorDefs = []
for key, val in self.colorConv.items():
colorDef = colorDefFormat % (val['latex_name'], val['value'])
colorDefStr = '\n'.join(colorDefs)
return colorDefStr, self.result
def _get_color_item(self, colorStr):
if colorStr[0] == '#':
assert len(colorStr) == 7
capStr = colorStr[1:].upper()
capStr = ''.join([self.colorNameConvDict[x] for x in capStr])
if capStr not in self.colorConv:
colorItem = dict()
colorItem['latex_name'] = self._get_color_latex_name(capStr)
colorItem['value'] = colorStr[1:]
self.colorConv[capStr] = colorItem
colorStr = capStr
if colorStr not in self.colorConv:
# create new color item
colorItem = dict()
colorItem['latex_name'] = self._get_color_latex_name(colorStr)
colorItem['value'] = Color(colorStr).get_hex_l()[1:]
self.colorConv[colorStr] = colorItem
colorItem = self.colorConv[colorStr]
return colorItem
def _get_color_latex_name(self, color):
return 'xxxhtmlcolor{}'.format(color)
def _escape_utf8(self, data):
reconData = []
for s in data:
if ord(s) < 128:
hexCode = '{:x}'.format(ord(s))
escapedS = '%*\\unichar{{\"{}}}*)'.format(hexCode)
return NoEscape(''.join(reconData))
# allow consecutive white spaces in latex
def _escape_whitespace(self, data):
reconData = []
for s in data:
if s == ' ':
reconData.append(NoEscape(r'\space '))
return reconData
def _to_latex(self, node, inLatex = False):
result = self.result
# process style
hasLatex = False
endCap = []
startResultSize = len(result)
# dealing with specific tags
if node['tag'] == 'b':
hasLatex = True
result.append(NoEscape(r'{\bfseries '))
endCap.insert(0, NoEscape('}'))
elif node['tag'] == 'font':
# dealing with font color
for key, val in node['attrs']:
if key == 'color':
hasLatex = True
colorStr = val
colorItem = self._get_color_item(colorStr)
result.append(NoEscape(r'{\color{%s}' % colorItem['latex_name']))
endCap.insert(0, NoEscape('}'))
# dealing with generic tags with css styles
if node['attrs'] is not None:
for key, val in node['attrs']:
if key == 'style':
# if there is style, then the entity has to be escaped
hasLatex = True
cssStyle = parse_css_style(val)
if 'font-weight' in cssStyle:
if cssStyle['font-weight'] == 'bold':
result.append(NoEscape(r'{\bfseries '))
endCap.insert(0, NoEscape('}'))
if 'color' in cssStyle:
colorStr = cssStyle['color']
colorItem = self._get_color_item(colorStr)
result.append(NoEscape(r'{\color{%s}' % colorItem['latex_name']))
endCap.insert(0, NoEscape('}'))
if 'background-color' in cssStyle:
self.addColorBoxDef = True
colorStr = cssStyle['background-color']
colorItem = self._get_color_item(colorStr)
endCap.insert(0, NoEscape('}}'))
if hasLatex:
if not inLatex:
result.insert(startResultSize, '%*')
inLatex = True
startResultSize = len(result)
for data in node['data']:
if isinstance(data, str):
if inLatex:
# if in escape mode, just put in UTF-8 characters
elif isinstance(data, dict):
self._to_latex(data, inLatex)
if hasLatex:
for i in range(startResultSize, len(result)):
if not isinstance(result[i], NoEscape):
# preserve NoEscape
result[i] = escape_latex(result[i])
def html_to_console_style_f(filename):
root, tree = get_html_tree_f(filename)
preEntity = find_pre_in_tree(root)
assert preEntity is not None
html2altex = HTMLTree2Latex()
colorDef, content = html2altex.to_latex(preEntity)
outputFmt = r'''{\lstconsolestyle
return outputFmt%(colorDef, ''.join(content))
def html_to_console_style(text):
root, tree = get_html_tree(text)
preEntity = find_pre_in_tree(root)
assert preEntity is not None
html2altex = HTMLTree2Latex()
colorDef, content = html2altex.to_latex(preEntity)
outputFmt = r'''{\lstconsolestyle
result = outputFmt % (colorDef, ''.join(content).strip())
return result.encode('utf8')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# run the GUI
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.SetSize(wx.Size(800, 600))
self.textIn = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
self.textOut = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY)
sizer.Add(self.textIn, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 10)
sizer.Add(self.textOut, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 10)
self.btnConv = wx.Button(self.panel, label='Convert')
self.btnConv.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.evtBtn)
sizer.Add(self.btnConv, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 5)
def evtBtn(self, evt):
inText = self.textIn.GetValue()
result = None
result = html_to_console_style(inText)
except Exception as e:
wx.MessageBox('An exception occured during conversion: {}'.format(repr(e)), 'Exception', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
if result is not None:
app = wx.App()
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