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Kleisli Construction of Monads (Equivalency of Category Theory Style and Haskell Style)
(** //// Kliesli Construction of Monads //// *)
Require Import Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
(** Preliminaries *)
(* Identity morphisms *)
Definition id {a : Type} (x : a) : a := x.
(* Composition of morphisms *)
Definition Mcomp {a b c : Type}
(g : b -> c) (f : a -> b) (x : a) : c := g (f x).
Notation "g [.] f" := (Mcomp g f)
(at level 65, no associativity).
(* Axiom: Categorical endofunctors *)
Class CFunctor (F_obj : Type -> Type)
(F_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (F_obj a -> F_obj b)) := {
CF_id :
forall a : Type, F_arr a a id = id;
CF_compat :
forall (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c),
F_arr a c (g [.] f) = F_arr b c g [.] F_arr a b f
(* The identity functor *)
Definition I_obj (a : Type) : Type := a.
Definition I_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (I_obj a -> I_obj b).
intros a b f.
unfold I_obj.
(* [I_obj, I_arr] is a functor. *)
Instance I_CF : CFunctor I_obj I_arr.
apply Build_CFunctor.
(* I_arr maps id to id. *)
unfold I_arr.
(* I_arr is compatible with [.]. *)
intros a b c f g.
unfold I_arr.
(* Composition of functors *)
Definition CFcomp (F_obj : Type -> Type)
(F_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (F_obj a -> F_obj b))
(G_obj : Type -> Type)
(G_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (G_obj a -> G_obj b)) :
(forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) ->
((G_obj [.] F_obj) a -> (G_obj [.] F_obj) b)).
intros a b f.
unfold Mcomp.
apply G_arr.
apply F_arr.
Notation "[ F_obj , F_arr ] [*] [ G_obj , G_arr ]" :=
(CFcomp F_obj F_arr G_obj G_arr).
(* Composite of functors is a functor. *)
Lemma CFcomp_CF : forall (F_obj : Type -> Type)
(F_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (F_obj a -> F_obj b))
(G_obj : Type -> Type)
(G_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (G_obj a -> G_obj b)),
CFunctor F_obj F_arr -> CFunctor G_obj G_arr ->
CFunctor (G_obj [.] F_obj)
([F_obj, F_arr] [*] [G_obj, G_arr]).
intros F_obj F_arr G_obj G_arr H_F H_G.
destruct H_F as [F_id F_compat].
destruct H_G as [G_id G_compat].
apply Build_CFunctor.
(* composite maps id to id. *)
intro a.
unfold CFcomp.
rewrite F_id.
apply G_id.
(* composition is compatible with [.]. *)
intros a b c f g.
unfold CFcomp.
rewrite F_compat.
rewrite G_compat.
(* Axiom: Categorical Natural Transformation *)
Class CNatTrans (F_obj : Type -> Type)
(F_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (F_obj a -> F_obj b))
(G_obj : Type -> Type)
(G_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (G_obj a -> G_obj b))
(sigma : forall a : Type,
(F_obj a -> G_obj a)) := {
CNT_CF_l :
CFunctor F_obj F_arr;
CNT_CF_r :
CFunctor G_obj G_arr;
CNT_natural :
forall (a b : Type) (f : a -> b),
G_arr a b f [.] sigma a = sigma b [.] F_arr a b f
(* Axiom: Categorical Monad *)
Class CMonad (T_obj : Type -> Type)
(T_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (T_obj a -> T_obj b))
(unit : forall a : Type,
(I_obj a -> T_obj a))
(mult : forall a : Type,
((T_obj [.] T_obj) a -> T_obj a)) := {
CFunctor T_obj T_arr;
CM_unit_CNT :
CNatTrans I_obj I_arr T_obj T_arr unit;
CM_mult_CNT :
CNatTrans (T_obj [.] T_obj)
([T_obj, T_arr] [*] [T_obj, T_arr])
T_obj T_arr mult;
CM_unit_l :
forall a : Type,
mult a [.] unit (T_obj a) = id;
CM_unit_r :
forall a : Type,
mult a [.] T_arr (I_obj a) (T_obj a) (unit a) = id;
CM_mult_assoc :
forall a : Type,
mult a [.]
T_arr ((T_obj [.] T_obj) a) (T_obj a) (mult a) =
mult a [.]
mult (T_obj a)
(* Axiom: Haskell Functor *)
Class HFunctor (F : Type -> Type)
(fmap : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (F a -> F b)) := {
HF_id :
forall a : Type, fmap a a id = id;
HF_compat :
forall (a b c : Type) (f : a -> b) (g : b -> c),
fmap a c (g [.] f) = fmap b c g [.] fmap a b f
(* Axiom: Haskell Monad *)
Class HMonad (m : Type -> Type)
(return' : forall a : Type, a -> m a)
(bind : forall a b : Type,
m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b) := {
HM_id_l :
forall (a b : Type) (f : a -> m b) (x : a),
bind a b (return' a x) f = f x;
HM_id_r :
forall (a : Type) (x : m a),
bind a a x (return' a) = x;
HM_assoc :
forall (a b c : Type) (f : a -> m b) (g : b -> m c)
(x : m a),
let gf y := bind b c (f y) g in
bind a c x gf = bind b c (bind a b x f) g
(** Categorical Monad --> Haskell Monad *)
Section CMonad__HMonad.
(* Let [T, eta, mu] be a categorical monad. *)
Variable T_obj : Type -> Type.
Variable T_arr : forall a b : Type,
(a -> b) -> (T_obj a -> T_obj b).
Variable eta : forall a : Type,
(I_obj a -> T_obj a).
Variable mu : forall a : Type,
((T_obj [.] T_obj) a -> T_obj a).
Hypothesis T_CM : CMonad T_obj T_arr eta mu.
(* Construction of the Haskell monad *)
Definition m' := T_obj.
Definition ret' := eta.
Definition star' {a b : Type} (f : a -> m' b) : m' a -> m' b :=
mu b [.] T_arr a (T_obj b) f.
Notation "f [^*']" := (star' f)
(at level 30, no associativity).
Definition bind' (a b : Type) (x : m' a) (f : a -> m' b) : m' b :=
f [^*'] x.
(* Kleisli property 1 *)
Lemma Kleisli1' : forall a : Type, (ret' a) [^*'] = id.
intro a.
unfold star'.
unfold ret'.
unfold I_obj.
destruct T_CM as [_ _ _ _ eta_unit_r _].
unfold I_obj in eta_unit_r.
apply eta_unit_r.
(* Associativity of Mcomp *)
Lemma Mcomp_assoc : forall (a b c d : Type)
(f : a -> b) (g : b -> c) (h : c -> d),
h [.] (g [.] f) = (h [.] g) [.] f.
intros a b c d f g h.
unfold Mcomp.
(* Kleisli property 2 *)
Lemma Kleisli2' : forall (a b : Type) (f : a -> m' b),
f [^*'] [.] ret' a = f.
intros a b f.
unfold star'.
unfold ret'.
destruct T_CM as [_ eta_CNT _ eta_unit_l _ _].
destruct eta_CNT as [_ _ eta_natural].
unfold I_obj in *.
rewrite <- Mcomp_assoc.
specialize (eta_natural a (T_obj b) f).
change ((fun y : a =>
mu b ((fun x =>
(T_arr a (T_obj b) f (eta a x))) y)) =
unfold Mcomp in eta_natural.
rewrite eta_natural.
change (mu b [.] (eta (T_obj b) [.] f) = f).
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
rewrite eta_unit_l.
extensionality x.
(* Kleisli property 3 *)
Lemma Kleisli3' : forall (a b c : Type)
(f : a -> m' b) (g : b -> m' c),
g [^*'] [.] f [^*'] = (g [^*'] [.] f) [^*'].
intros a b c f g.
unfold star'.
destruct T_CM as [T_CF _ mu_CNT _ _ mu_assoc].
destruct T_CF as [_ T_compat].
destruct mu_CNT as [_ _ mu_natural].
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
change ((mu c [.] (T_arr b (T_obj c) g [.] mu b)) [.]
T_arr a (T_obj b) f =
mu c [.]
T_arr a (T_obj c)
((mu c [.] T_arr b (T_obj c) g) [.]
specialize (mu_natural b (T_obj c) g).
unfold Mcomp in mu_natural.
change ((fun y : T_obj (T_obj b) =>
mu c ((fun x : T_obj (T_obj b) =>
T_arr b (T_obj c) g (mu b x)) y)) [.]
T_arr a (T_obj b) f =
mu c [.] T_arr a (T_obj c)
((mu c [.] T_arr b (T_obj c) g) [.] f)).
rewrite mu_natural.
change ((mu c [.] (mu (T_obj c) [.]
[T_obj, T_arr] [*] [T_obj, T_arr] b (T_obj c) g)) [.]
T_arr a (T_obj b) f =
mu c [.] T_arr a (T_obj c)
((mu c [.] T_arr b (T_obj c) g) [.] f)).
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
rewrite <- mu_assoc.
unfold CFcomp.
repeat rewrite T_compat.
(* Haskell monads are obtained from categorical monads. *)
Theorem m'_HM : HMonad m' ret' bind'.
apply Build_HMonad.
(* Left identity law *)
intros a b f x.
unfold bind'.
change ((f [^*'] [.] ret' a) x = f x).
rewrite Kleisli2'.
(* Right identity law *)
intros a x.
unfold bind'.
specialize (Kleisli1' a).
intro H_K1'.
unfold star' in *.
unfold I_obj in H_K1'.
rewrite H_K1'.
(* Associativity *)
intros a b c f g x gf.
unfold bind' in *.
specialize (Kleisli3' a b c f g).
intro H_K3'.
change ((gf [^*']) x = (g [^*'] [.] f [^*']) x).
rewrite H_K3'.
End CMonad__HMonad.
(** Haskell Monad --> Categorical Monad *)
Section HMonad__CMonad.
(* Let [m, ret, bind] be a Haskell monad. *)
Variable m : Type -> Type.
Variable ret : forall a : Type, a -> m a.
Variable bind : forall (a b : Type), m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b.
Hypothesis m_HM : HMonad m ret bind.
(* The Kleisli star operator *)
Definition star {a b : Type} (f : a -> m b) (x : m a) : m b :=
bind a b x f.
Notation "f [^*]" := (star f)
(at level 30, no associativity).
(* Kleisli property 1 *)
Lemma Kleisli1 : forall a : Type, (ret a) [^*] = id.
intro a.
unfold star.
extensionality x.
destruct m_HM as [_ ret_id_r _].
rewrite ret_id_r.
(* Kleisli property 2 *)
Lemma Kleisli2 : forall (a b : Type) (f : a -> m b),
f [^*] [.] ret a = f.
intros a b f.
extensionality x.
unfold Mcomp.
unfold star.
destruct m_HM as [ret_id_l _ _].
apply ret_id_l.
(* Kleisli property 3 *)
Lemma Kleisli3 : forall (a b c : Type)
(f : a -> m b) (g : b -> m c),
g [^*] [.] f [^*] = (g [^*] [.] f) [^*].
intros a b c f g.
extensionality x.
unfold Mcomp.
unfold star.
destruct m_HM as [_ _ bind_assoc].
(* Further assumption 1: Haskell monads are Haskell functors. *)
Variable mmap : forall a b : Type, (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b).
Hypothesis m_HF : HFunctor m mmap.
(* Construction of the categorical monad *)
Definition T'_obj := m.
Definition T'_arr (a b : Type) (f : a -> b) :
T'_obj a -> T'_obj b :=
(ret b [.] f) [^*].
Definition eta' := ret.
Definition mu' (a : Type) : (T'_obj [.] T'_obj) a -> T'_obj a :=
id [^*].
(* T' is a categorical functor. *)
Instance T'_CF : CFunctor T'_obj T'_arr.
apply Build_CFunctor.
(* T'_arr maps id to id. *)
intro a.
unfold T'_arr.
(* replacement 1 *)
replace (ret a [.] id) with (ret a).
apply Kleisli1.
(* proof of the replacement 1 *)
extensionality x.
(* T'_arr is compatible with [.]. *)
intros a b c f g.
unfold T'_arr.
rewrite Kleisli3.
change ((ret c [.] (g [.] f)) [^*] =
(((ret c [.] g) [^*] [.] ret b) [.] f) [^*]).
rewrite Kleisli2.
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
(* Further assumption 2: Naturality of ret *)
Hypothesis ret_natural : forall (a b : Type) (f : a -> b),
(ret b [.] f) [^*] [.] ret a = ret b [.] f.
(* eta' is a natural transformation. *)
Instance eta'_CNT : CNatTrans I_obj I_arr T'_obj T'_arr eta'.
apply Build_CNatTrans.
(* I is a categorical functor. *)
apply I_CF.
(* T' is a categorical functor. *)
apply T'_CF.
(* eta' is a natural transformation *)
unfold T'_arr.
unfold I_arr.
unfold eta'.
apply ret_natural.
(* mu' is a natural transformation. *)
Instance mu'_CNT : CNatTrans (T'_obj [.] T'_obj)
([T'_obj, T'_arr] [*] [T'_obj, T'_arr])
T'_obj T'_arr mu'.
apply Build_CNatTrans.
(* T'^2 is a categorical functor. *)
apply CFcomp_CF.
apply T'_CF.
apply T'_CF.
(* T' is a categorical functor. *)
apply T'_CF.
(* mu' is a natural transformation. *)
intros a b f.
unfold CFcomp.
unfold mu'.
unfold T'_arr.
unfold T'_obj.
apply eq_trans with (((ret b [.] f) [^*]) [^*]).
(* (ret b [.] f) [^*] [.] id [^*] =
((ret b [.] f) [^*]) [^*] *)
specialize (Kleisli3 (m a) a b id (ret b [.] f)).
intro H_K3.
unfold Mcomp in *.
rewrite H_K3.
(* ((ret b [.] f) [^*]) [^*] =
id [^*] [.]
(ret (m b) [.] (ret b [.] f) [^*]) [^*] *)
specialize (Kleisli2 (m b) b id).
intro H_K2.
specialize (Kleisli3 (m a) (m b) b
(ret (m b) [.] (ret b [.] f) [^*])
intro H_K3.
unfold Mcomp in H_K3.
unfold Mcomp.
rewrite H_K3.
change (((ret b [.] f) [^*]) [^*] =
(id [^*] [.]
(ret (m b) [.] (ret b [.] f) [^*])) [^*]).
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
rewrite H_K2.
(* eta' is the left unit. *)
Lemma eta'_unit_l : forall a : Type,
mu' a [.] eta' (T'_obj a) = id.
intro a.
unfold mu'.
unfold eta'.
unfold T'_obj.
apply Kleisli2.
(* eta' is the right unit. *)
Lemma eta'_unit_r : forall a : Type,
mu' a [.] T'_arr (I_obj a) (T'_obj a) (eta' a) =
intro a.
unfold mu'.
unfold eta'.
unfold I_obj.
unfold T'_arr.
unfold T'_obj.
specialize (Kleisli3 a (m a) a (ret (m a) [.] ret a) id).
intro H_K3.
unfold Mcomp in H_K3.
unfold Mcomp.
rewrite H_K3.
change ((id [^*] [.] (ret (m a) [.] ret a)) [^*] = id).
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
rewrite Kleisli2.
(* replacement 1 *)
replace (id [.] ret a) with (ret a).
apply Kleisli1.
(* proof of the replacement 1 *)
extensionality x.
(* mu' is associative. *)
Lemma mu'_assoc : forall a : Type,
mu' a [.]
T'_arr ((T'_obj [.] T'_obj) a) (T'_obj a)
(mu' a) =
mu' a [.] mu' (T'_obj a).
intro a.
unfold mu'.
unfold T'_arr.
unfold T'_obj.
apply eq_trans with ((id [^*]) [^*]).
(* id [^*] [.] (ret (m a) [.] id [^*]) [^*] =
(id [^*]) [^*] *)
specialize (Kleisli2 (m a) a id).
intro H_K2.
specialize (Kleisli3 (m (m a)) (m a) a
(ret (m a) [.] id [^*]) id).
intro H_K3.
unfold Mcomp in H_K3.
unfold Mcomp.
rewrite H_K3.
change ((id [^*] [.] (ret (m a) [.] id [^*])) [^*] =
(id [^*]) [^*]).
rewrite Mcomp_assoc.
rewrite H_K2.
(* (id [^*]) [^*] = id [^*] [.] id [^*] *)
specialize (Kleisli3 (m (m a)) (m a) a id id).
intro H_K3.
unfold Mcomp in *.
rewrite H_K3.
(* Categorical monads are obtained from Haskell monads. *)
Theorem T'_CM : CMonad T'_obj T'_arr eta' mu'.
apply Build_CMonad.
(* T' is a functor *)
apply T'_CF.
(* eta' is a natural transformation *)
apply eta'_CNT.
(* mu' is a natural transformation *)
apply mu'_CNT.
(* Left unit law *)
apply eta'_unit_l.
(* Right unit law *)
apply eta'_unit_r.
(* Associativity *)
apply mu'_assoc.
End HMonad__CMonad.
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