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Last active January 19, 2023 16:09
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  • Angular
  • Angular Material
  • Tailwindcss
<ng-container *ngIf="state$ | async as state">
<div class="flex items-start gap-2">
<button [class.invisible]="!state.hasPrev" (click)="onNavigate( - 1)">
<ng-container *ngFor="let page of state.pages">
<ng-container *ngIf="page ===; else otherPage">
<div class="w-6 text-center">{{ page }}</div>
<ng-template #otherPage>
<button class="tw-w-6 text-gray" (click)="onNavigate(page)">{{ page }}</button>
<button [class.invisible]="!state.hasNext" (click)="onNavigate( + 1)">
export interface Pagination {
total: number
page: number;
limit: number;
hasPrev: boolean;
hasNext: boolean;
selector: 'app-paginator',
templateUrl: './paginator.component.html',
export class PaginatorComponent {
private readonly pagination$$ = new BehaviorSubject<{ page: number; pages: number[]; hasPrev: boolean; hasNext: boolean } | null>(null);
readonly state$ = this.pagination$$.asObservable();
@Input() maxPage = 10;
set pagination(value: Pagination | undefined) {
if (value == null) return;
pages: this.generatePages(value),
hasPrev: value.hasPrev,
hasNext: value.hasNext
@Output() navigate = new EventEmitter<number>();
onNavigate(page: number): void {
private generatePages(value: Pagination) {
const totalPage = Math.ceil( / value.limit);
if (totalPage <= this.maxPage) return this.range(totalPage);
if ( <= Math.floor(this.maxPage / 2) + 1) {
return this.range(this.maxPage);
} else if ( >= totalPage - (Math.floor(this.maxPage / 2) - 1)) {
return this.range(this.maxPage, totalPage - this.maxPage + 1);
} else {
return this.range(this.maxPage, - Math.ceil(this.maxPage / 2));
private range(size: number, startAt: number = 1) {
return [...Array(size).keys()].map((i) => i + startAt);
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