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Last active September 8, 2024 19:00
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simple CSIDH implementation. DO NOT use for cryptographic purpose.
# Use a small prime for brevity
p = 4 * 3 * 5 * 7 - 1
primes = [3, 5, 7]
Fp = GF(p)
def from_weierstrass(EC):
a, b = EC.a4(), EC.a6()
F = EC.base_field()
PR = PolynomialRing(F, name="z")
z = PR.gens()[0]
roots = (z**3 + a*z + b).roots()
assert len(roots) > 0
alpha = roots[0][0]
s = (3*alpha**2 + a).sqrt() ** (-1)
return -3 * (-1)**s.is_square() * alpha * s
def to_weierstrass(A):
B = 1
a = (3 - A**2) * pow(3 * B**2, -1, p)
b = (2 * A**3 - 9 * A) * pow(27 * B**3, -1, p)
return EllipticCurve(Fp, [a, b])
def group_action(pub, priv):
es = priv.copy()
A = pub
assert len(es) == len(primes)
EC = to_weierstrass(A)
while True:
if all(e == 0 for e in es):
x = Fp(randint(1, p-1))
r = Fp(x ** 3 + A * x ** 2 + x)
s = kronecker_symbol(r, p)
assert (2 * is_square(r)) - 1 == s
I = [i for i, e in enumerate(es) if sign(e) == s]
if len(I) == 0:
if s == -1:
EC = EC.quadratic_twist()
while True:
tmp = EC.random_element()
if not tmp.is_zero():
x = tmp.xy()[0]
t = prod([primes[i] for i in I])
P = EC.lift_x(x)
assert (p + 1) % t == 0
Q = ((p + 1) // t) * P
for i in I:
assert t % primes[i] == 0
R = (t // primes[i]) * Q
if R.is_zero():
phi = EC.isogeny(R)
EC = phi.codomain()
Q = phi(Q)
assert t % primes[i] == 0
t = t // primes[i]
es[i] -= s
if s == -1:
EC = EC.quadratic_twist()
return from_weierstrass(EC)
for _ in range(100):
alice_priv = [randrange(-5, 6) for _ in range(len(primes))]
bob_priv = [randrange(-5, 6) for _ in range(len(primes))]
alice_pub = group_action(0, alice_priv)
bob_pub = group_action(0, bob_priv)
alice_shared = group_action(bob_pub, alice_priv)
bob_shared = group_action(alice_pub, bob_priv)
assert alice_shared == bob_shared
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y011d4 commented Dec 26, 2023

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