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Last active December 26, 2018 06:51
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  • Save y13i/1bd1e01e549a9dbfccc9d2ac97af4c8d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save y13i/1bd1e01e549a9dbfccc9d2ac97af4c8d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cursor-based Pagination な API を RxJS でリアクティブに処理してみる ref:
await listObjectsAsObservable(s3, {
Bucket: bucket,
Prefix: prefix,
MaxKeys: 50
tap(listObjectsResult => {
`!!! list contains ${listObjectsResult.Contents!.length} items.`
[AWS s3 200 0.096s 0 retries] listObjectsV2({ Bucket: 's3-observable-example',
Prefix: 'test1/',
MaxKeys: 50,
ContinuationToken: undefined })
!!! list contains 50 items.
[AWS s3 200 0.076s 0 retries] listObjectsV2({ Bucket: 's3-observable-example',
Prefix: 'test1/',
MaxKeys: 50,
'1KI8JxWWj6YE3WmkKojZ2JeionQ3wtMNsZDGPXICX4e0wk0jhsiYZFh1EjUao850UqILlYHBZUVn45tLUh0bkcA==' })
!!! list contains 50 items.
[AWS s3 200 0.073s 0 retries] listObjectsV2({ Bucket: 's3-observable-example',
Prefix: 'test1/',
MaxKeys: 50,
'1MQ1MDhm6mD4vblrhuvafELPq5mKZQA1V6gHy0wxjfjWB8nSP+DkTdEG5XHLZUjWCkqMBEDnDXyggNokdHMKRig==' })
!!! list contains 30 items.
const divisibleBy13Count = await listObjectsAsObservable(s3, {
Bucket: bucket,
Prefix: prefix,
MaxKeys: 50
mergeMap(listObjectsResult => {
return from(listObjectsResult.Contents!);
filter(object => {
const match = object.Key!.match(/(\d+)\.json$/);
if (!match) return false;
const number = parseInt(match[1]!);
return number % 13 === 0;
tap(object => {
`The timestamp in object key ${object.Key} is divisible by 13`
`There are ${divisibleBy13Count} objects with 13-divisible-timestamps.`
The timestamp in object key test1/113-1545384463792.json is divisible by 13
The timestamp in object key test1/15-1545384453717.json is divisible by 13
The timestamp in object key test1/90-1545384461985.json is divisible by 13
There are 3 objects with 13-divisible-timestamps.
await listObjectsAsObservable(s3, {
Bucket: bucket,
Prefix: prefix,
MaxKeys: 50
mergeMap(listObjectsResult => {
return from(listObjectsResult.Contents!);
filter(object => {
const match = object.Key!.match(/(\d+)\.json$/);
if (!match) return false;
const number = parseInt(match[1]!);
return number % 7 === 0;
mergeMap(object => {
return s3.getObject({ Bucket: bucket, Key: object.Key! }).promise();
map(getObjectResult => {
const parsed: { value: number } = JSON.parse(
return parsed.value;
scan((acc, x) => {
return acc + x;
}, 0),
tap(currentSum =>
`The current sum of values in objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is ${currentSum}`
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 51
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 94
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 179
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 257
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 285
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 315
The current sum of values in the first 7 objects with 7-divisible-timestamps is 379
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import { S3 } from "aws-sdk";
type Request = S3.ListObjectsV2Request;
export function listObjectsAsObservable(
s3: S3,
request: Request
): Observable<S3.ListObjectsV2Output> {
return Observable.create((observer: any) => {
let finished = false;
let continuationToken: string | undefined = undefined;
(async () => {
try {
do {
const req: Request = {
ContinuationToken: continuationToken
const result = await s3.listObjectsV2(req).promise();
continuationToken = result.NextContinuationToken;;
} while (continuationToken && !finished);
} catch (error) {
return () => (finished = true);
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