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Forked from youz/qldot-systems.lisp
Created May 7, 2019 09:43
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visualize dependencies in the quicklisp systems
(quicklisp:quickload '(#:anaphora #:iterate #:cl-ppcre))
(defpackage #:qldot
(:use #:cl #:iterate #:anaphora #:ppcre))
(in-package #:qldot)
(defparameter *font* "Courier New")
(defmacro portname (sys &optional prj)
(if prj
`(format nil "~S:p_~A" ,prj #1=(regex-replace-all "\\W" ,sys "_"))
`(format nil "p_~A" #1#)))
(defun format-node (stream prj systems)
(format stream " ~S [label = \"<~A> \\<~A\\>~{|<~A> ~A~}\"];~%"
prj (portname prj) prj
(mapcan #'(lambda (sys) (list (portname sys) sys))
(reverse (remove prj systems :test 'equal)))))
(defun make-dot (sysfile dotfile)
(let ((projects #1=(make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(systems #1#))
(with-open-file (is sysfile :direction :input)
(read-line is)
(iterate (while (listen is))
(for (prj _ sys . dependency) next (split " +" (read-line is)))
(push sys (gethash prj projects))
(setf (gethash sys systems) (list* prj sys dependency))))
(with-open-file (os dotfile :direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(format os "digraph quicklisp_systems {~%")
(format os " graph [rankdir = LR];~%")
(format os " node [shape = record, fontname = ~S];~%" *font*)
(maphash #'(lambda (p s) (format-node os p s)) projects)
(iterate (for (k (p s . ds)) in-hashtable systems)
(awhen (loop for d in (set-difference ds (gethash p projects) :test 'equal)
for (dp ds . dd) = (gethash d systems)
if dp collect (portname ds dp)
else do (warn "system:~A not found" d))
(format os " ~A -> {~{~A~^ ~}};~%" (portname s p) it)))
(format os "}~%"))))
(merge-pathnames "quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/systems.txt"
;;; `dot -Tsvg -O`
WARNING: system:clpython.lib not found
WARNING: system:tinaa not found
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