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Created January 2, 2020 22:12
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vpn on ubuntu vpngate openvpn
You can connect all VPN Gate server by following settings.
HostName: Please get from this page
UserName: vpn
Password: vpn
Pre-shared key: vpn
Open "terminal" and Enter:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install openvpn
(if you are using the new Ubuntu 14.04 LTS you can replace "apt-get" with "apt")
Now visit ,check only OpenVPN and refresh the list.
Click on "OpenVPN Config file" of the server you want. Then select the Config-File you want. I would try first a UDP-One and if this makes trouble, a TCP one.
Save the *.ovpn file to you home-directory. Now (re)open the terminal and enter:
sudo openvpn /home/yourusername/vpngate_vpn123456.opengw.net_udp_1869.ovpn
With CTRL+C, you can disconnect the vpn.
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