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Created April 24, 2014 03:09
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use File::Temp;
use strict;
use warnings;
# grep
my $temp_grep_log=File::Temp->new(DIR=>"/tmp",SUFFIX=>".tmp");
my $temp_grep_log_name=$temp_grep_log->filename;
system "cat /var/log/syslog | grep '°' > $temp_grep_log_name ";
# make gnuplot data
chdir "/tmp" or die $!;
my $temp_gnuplot_data=File::Temp->new(DIR=>"/tmp",SUFFIX=>".tmp");
my $temp_gnuplot_data_name=$temp_gnuplot_data->filename;
while (<$temp_grep_log>){
# ex) May 15 01:19:02
if (/^(...\s+\d{1,2}\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d).*\s(\d+)°/){)
print $temp_gnuplot_data "$1,$2\n";
else {
die "format error!";
# make gnuplot config
my $temp_gnuplot_conf=File::Temp->new(DIR=>"/tmp",SUFFIX=>".tmp");
my $temp_gnuplot_conf_name=$temp_gnuplot_conf->filename;
while (<DATA>){
print $temp_gnuplot_conf $_;
# run gnuplot
system "gnuplot $temp_gnuplot_conf_name" and die $!;
set terminal png size 3000,1000
set output "hddtemp.png"
set datafile separator ","
set grid xtics ytics mxtics
set xdata time
set timefmt "%b %d %H:%M:%S"
set format x "%m/%d\n%H:%m"
set xlabel "Day"
set xtics 28800
set ylabel "C"
set ytics 1
plot 'DATAFILE' using 1:2 w lp lt 2 lw 3 pt 7 title 'HDD Temperature'
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