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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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# Get reasonable CLI confirmation before continuing.
# @param text [String] - the descriptive text
# @param options [Hash{Symbol=>Object}]
# @option options [Boolean] :default - the default action (false)
# @option options [#puts] :out - the IO on which to puts output ($stderr)
# @option options [#readline] :in - the IO on which to readline input ($stdin)
# @option options [String] :prompt - the prompt string ("ok?")
# @example
# ~~~ ruby
# if confirm?('This action is destructive', default: true, prompt: 'do it anyway?')
# dangerous_thing!
# else
# return false
# end
# ~~~
def confirm?(text, options={})
default = options.fetch(:default, false)
output = options.fetch(:out, $stderr)
input = options.fetch(:in, $stdin)
prompt = options.fetch(:prompt, 'ok?')
output.puts text
loop do
output.puts "#{prompt} #{default ? '(Y/n)' : '(y/N)'}:"
received = input.readline
when received.chomp.empty?
return default
when received =~ /^y(es)?$/i
return true
when received =~ /^n(o)?$/i
return false
output.puts('input not understood. Please type "yes" or "no".')
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