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Created November 24, 2016 11:50
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* Word Limiter
* Limits a string to X number of words.
* @param string
* @param int
* @param string the end character. Usually an ellipsis
* @return string
function word_limiter($str, $limit = 100, $end_char = '&#8230;')
if (trim($str) === '') {
return $str;
preg_match('/^\s*+(?:\S++\s*+){1,'.(int) $limit.'}/', $str, $matches);
if (strlen($str) === strlen($matches[0])) {
$end_char = '';
return rtrim($matches[0]).$end_char;
* Add Paragraphs
* Adds line breaks into text
* And breaks it into paragraphs as needed
* @param string $str
* @return mixed|string
function add_paragraphs( $str )
// Trim whitespace
if (($str = trim($str)) === '') return '';
// Standardize newlines
$str = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $str);
// Trim whitespace on each line
$str = preg_replace('~^[ \t]+~m', '', $str);
$str = preg_replace('~[ \t]+$~m', '', $str);
// The following regexes only need to be executed if the string contains html
if ($html_found = (strpos($str, '<') !== FALSE))
// Elements that should not be surrounded by p tags
$no_p = '(?:p|div|article|header|aside|hgroup|canvas|output|progress|section|figcaption|audio|video|nav|figure|footer|video|details|main|menu|summary|h[1-6r]|ul|ol|li|blockquote|d[dlt]|pre|t[dhr]|t(?:able|body|foot|head)|c(?:aption|olgroup)|form|s(?:elect|tyle)|a(?:ddress|rea)|ma(?:p|th))';
// Put at least two linebreaks before and after $no_p elements
$str = preg_replace('~^<'.$no_p.'[^>]*+>~im', "\n$0", $str);
$str = preg_replace('~</'.$no_p.'\s*+>$~im', "$0\n", $str);
// Do the <p> magic!
$str = '<p>'.trim($str).'</p>';
$str = preg_replace('~\n{2,}~', "</p>\n\n<p>", $str);
// The following regexes only need to be executed if the string contains html
if ($html_found !== FALSE)
// Remove p tags around $no_p elements
$str = preg_replace('~<p>(?=</?'.$no_p.'[^>]*+>)~i', '', $str);
$str = preg_replace('~(</?'.$no_p.'[^>]*+>)</p>~i', '$1', $str);
// Convert single linebreaks to <br />
$str = preg_replace('~(?<!\n)\n(?!\n)~', "<br>\n", $str);
return $str;
* Filter Url
* URL filter. Automatically converts text web addresses (URLs, e-mail addresses,
* ftp links, etc.) into hyperlinks.
* @param string $text
* @return mixed|string
function filter_url( $text )
// Pass length to regexp callback
filter_url_trim(NULL, 72);
$text = ' '. $text .' ';
// Match absolute URLs.
$text = preg_replace_callback("`(<p>|<li>|<br\s*/?".">|[ \n\r\t\(])((http://|https://|ftp://|mailto:|smb://|afp://|file://|gopher://|news://|ssl://|sslv2://|sslv3://|tls://|tcp://|udp://)([a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#?&=.,/;()-]*[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#&=/;-]))([.,?!]*?)(?=(</p>|</li>|<br\s*/?".">|[ \n\r\t\)]))`i",
'filter_url_parse_full_links', $text);
// Match e-mail addresses.
$text = preg_replace("`(<p>|<li>|<br\s*/?".">|[ \n\r\t\(])([A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})([.,?!]*?)(?=(</p>|</li>|<br\s*/?".">|[ \n\r\t\)]))`i", '\1<a href="mailto:\2">\2</a>\3', $text);
// Match www domains/addresses.
$text = preg_replace_callback("`(<p>|<li>|[ \n\r\t\(])(www\.[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+*~#?&=.,/;-]*[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+~#\&=/;-])([.,?!]*?)(?=(</p>|</li>|<br\s*/?".">|[ \n\r\t\)]))`i",
'filter_url_parse_partial_links', $text);
$text = substr($text, 1, -1);
return $text;
* Filter Url Parse Full Links
* Make links out of absolute URLs.
* @param string $match
* @return string
function filter_url_parse_full_links( $match )
$caption = filter_url_trim( $match[2] );
return $match[1] . '<a href="'. $match[2] .'" title="'. $match[2] .'">'. $caption .'</a>'. $match[5];
* Filter Url Parse Partial Links
* Make links out of domain names starting with "www."
* @param $match
* @return string
function filter_url_parse_partial_links( $match )
$caption = filter_url_trim($match[2]);
return $match[1] . '<a href="http://'. $match[2] .'" title="'. $match[2] .'">'. $caption .'</a>'. $match[3];
* Filter Url Trim
* Shortens long URLs to
* @param string $text
* @param null $length
* @return string
function filter_url_trim( $text, $length = NULL )
static $_length;
if ( $length !== NULL ) $_length = $length;
if ( strlen($text) > $_length ) $text = substr($text, 0, $_length) .'&hellip;';
return $text;
* Link to previous page
* @param string $text
* @return string
function link_back( $text = 'back' )
return link_to( URL::previous(), $text );
* Adds ID to body element, based on URL segments
function body_id()
$body_id = preg_replace('/\d-/', '', implode( '-', Request::segments() ) );
return ! empty( $body_id ) && $body_id != '-' ? $body_id : 'home';
* Adds class to the body element, based on URL segments
function body_class()
$body_classes = [];
if ( $route_name = Route::currentRouteName() ) {
$body_classes = explode('.', $route_name);
$class = "";
foreach ( Request::segments() as $segment )
if ( is_numeric( $segment ) || empty( $segment ) )
$class .= ! empty( $class ) ? "-" . $segment : $segment;
array_push( $body_classes, $class );
return ! empty( $body_classes ) ? implode( ' ', array_unique($body_classes) ) : 'home';
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