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Created December 4, 2015 03:49
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  • Save yachi/5c6957a295132d1f788c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yachi/5c6957a295132d1f788c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[tunemygc] not enabled
Calm down, yo.
WARNING: `:suite` hooks do not support metadata since they apply to the suite as a whole rather than any individual example or example group that has metadata. The metadata you have provided ({:type=>:feature}) will be ignored. Called from /app/spec/rails_helper.rb:88:in `block in <top (required)>'.
Run options:
include {:focus=>true}
exclude {:broken=>#<Proc:./spec/rails_helper.rb:72>}
All examples were filtered out; ignoring {:focus=>true}
Randomized with seed 53941
1/10: _,------,
 0/10: _| /\_/\
 1/10: ~|_( o .o)
 0/10: "" ""  2/10: _,------,
 1/10: _| /\_/\
 1/10: ^|__( o .o)
 0/10: " " " " 3/10: _,------,
 1/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ^|__( o .o)
 0/10: " " " " 4/10: _,------,
 2/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ~|_( o .o)
 0/10: "" ""  5/10: _,------,
 3/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ^|__( o .o)
 0/10: " " " " 6/10: _,------,
 4/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ~|_( o .o)
 0/10: "" ""  7/10: _,------,
 5/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ^|__( o .o)
 0/10: " " " " 8/10: _,------,
 6/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ~|_( o .o)
 0/10: "" ""  9/10: _,------,
 7/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ^|__( o .o)
 0/10: " " " " 10/10: _,------,
 8/10: _| /\_/\
 2/10: ~|_( x .x)
 0/10: "" ""
Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)

1) ExpoContact add some examples to (or delete) /app/spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb
# Not yet implemented
 # ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:4

2) ExpoContact#assign_attributes_with_vcard works
# cannot figure out a way to mock vcard object
Failure/Error: @expo_contact.assign_attributes_with_vcard(vcard_attr)
 undefined method `values' for ["Cary McLaughlin"]:Array
# ./app/models/expo_contact.rb:104:in `block in assign_attributes_with_vcard'
# ./app/models/expo_contact.rb:101:in `each'
# ./app/models/expo_contact.rb:101:in `assign_attributes_with_vcard'
# ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:88:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/activesupport-4.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:268:in `load'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/activesupport-4.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:268:in `block in load'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/activesupport-4.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:240:in `load_dependency'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/activesupport-4.2.5/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:268:in `load'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-commands-rspec-1.0.4/lib/spring/commands/rspec.rb:18:in `call'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/command_wrapper.rb:38:in `call'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:183:in `block in serve'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:156:in `fork'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:156:in `serve'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:131:in `block in run'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:125:in `loop'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application.rb:125:in `run'
# /usr/local/bundle/gems/spring-1.4.1/lib/spring/application/boot.rb:18:in `<top (required)>'
# -e:1:in `<main>'
Top 10 slowest examples (4.46 seconds, 92.3% of total time):
ExpoContact tagging sets tag owner to a correct ExpoUser
2.14 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:7
ExpoContact#attendee_id_not_changed returns error when changed
0.4665 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:23
ExpoContact#attendee_belongs_to_party attendee does not belong to party works
0.44011 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:51
ExpoContact#assign_attributes_with_vcard works
0.25935 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:78
ExpoContact#attendee_belongs_to_party attendee belongs to party works
0.24836 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:43
ExpoContact#attendee_token= assigns attendee id given token
0.24459 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:30
ExpoContact#perform_recognition_if_namecard_changed works
0.22361 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:98
ExpoContact#assign_attributes_if_not_present_yet overrides nil value
0.2226 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:62
ExpoContact#assign_attributes_if_not_present_yet does not override existing value
0.213 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:69
ExpoContact add some examples to (or delete) /app/spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb
0.00002 seconds ./spec/models/expo_contact_spec.rb:4

You've Nyaned for 4.84 seconds

Finished in 4.84 seconds (files took 0.17632 seconds to load)
10 examples, 0 failures, 2 pending
Randomized with seed 53941
Coverage report generated for RSpec to /app/coverage. 587 / 1145 LOC (51.27%) covered.
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