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Last active November 11, 2020 04:45
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Converting to Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
og perl source:
Usage: [base-directory] < plain.torrent > with_fast_resume.torrent
-OR- [base-directory] plain.torrent [with_fast_resume.torrent]
TODO: $/ and $| equivalences (unbuffered input/output basically)
import collections
import math
import os
import sys
import time
DEBUG = False
def eprint(m):
print(m, file=sys.stderr)
def die(m):
import bencode
except ImportError:
die(f"Requires pip install --user")
# use .buffer for byte input/output
DEFAULT_IN = sys.stdin.buffer
DEFAULT_OUT = sys.stdout.buffer
def rel2abs(p):
return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), p)
def maybe_open(maybe_stream, mode=""):
if maybe_stream in DEFAULT_STREAMS:
return maybe_stream
return open(maybe_stream, mode)
def parse_args(args):
params = {"basedir": "./", "input": DEFAULT_IN, "output" : DEFAULT_OUT}
if not args:
return params
output_input_or_basedir = args.pop()
# last param was basedir
if os.path.isdir(output_input_or_basedir):
basedir = output_input_or_basedir
params["basedir"] = basedir if basedir.startswith("/") else f"./{basedir}"
# args _should_ now be empty
if len(args):
die(f"last param must be either input or output torrent")
# last param was input file
elif os.path.isfile(output_input_or_basedir):
_input = output_input_or_basedir
params["input"] = _input
# basedir remains
if len(args):
basedir = args.pop()
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
die("basedir must exist")
params["basedir"] = basedir
if len(args):
die("too many args left")
# last param was output file
output = output_input_or_basedir
params["output"] = output
if not len(args):
die("not enough args")
_input = args.pop()
if not os.path.exists(_input):
die(f"input file {_input} must exist")
if os.path.isdir(_input):
die(f"input {_input} must be file not directory")
params["input"] = _input
# first param was basedir
if len(args):
basedir = args.pop()
basedir = basedir if basedir.startswith("/") else f"./{basedir}"
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
die(f"basedir {basedir} must exist")
params["basedir"] = basedir
return params
def get_files_from_torrent(torrent):
if "files" in torrent["info"] and len(torrent["info"]["files"]) > 1:
eprint(f"Multi file torrent: {torrent['info']['name']}")
torrent_files = torrent["info"]["files"]
t_files = [
os.path.join(torrent["info"]["name"], f["path"])
for f in torrent_files
t_size = sum(f["length"] for f in torrent_files)
elif "files" in torrent["info"] and len(torrent["info"]["files"]) == 1:
eprint(f"Single file torrent: {torrent['info']['files'][0]['path']}")
t_files = torrent["info"]["files"]
t_size = torrent["info"]["files"][0]["length"]
eprint(f"Single file torrent: {torrent['info']['name']}")
t_files = [torrent["info"]["name"]]
t_size = torrent["info"]["length"]
chunks = num_chunks(t_size, torrent["info"]["piece length"])
return t_files, t_size, chunks
def consistent_piece_information(chunks, pieces):
return (chunks*20 == len(pieces))
def num_chunks(t_size, piece_size):
return int((t_size + piece_size - 1) / piece_size)
def generate_resume_data(torrent, basedir, out):
t_files, t_size, chunks = get_files_from_torrent(torrent)
eprint(f"Total size: {t_size / 1024**2} MB; {chunks} chunks; {t_files} files.\n")
consistent_piece_information(chunks, torrent["info"]["pieces"]) or die("Inconsistent piece information!")
libtorrent_resume = collections.OrderedDict()
libtorrent_resume["bitfield"] = chunks
piece_size = torrent["info"]["piece length"]
pmod = 0
for i, f in enumerate(t_files):
fpath = f["path"][0]
full_fpath = os.path.join(basedir, fpath)
os.path.exists(full_fpath) or die(f"{full_fpath} not found")
mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(full_fpath))
# compute number of chunks per file
fsize = torrent["info"]["files"][i]["length"] if "files" in torrent["info"] else 1
fchunks = 1 if pmod == 1 else 0
if pmod >= fsize:
fsize, pmod = 0, (pmod - fsize)
pmod, fsize = 0, (fsize - pmod)
fchunks += int(math.ceil(fsize / piece_size))
pmod = pmod or (piece_size - (fsize % piece_size))
fs = collections.OrderedDict()
fs["priority"] = 0
fs["mtime"] = mtime
fs["completed"] = fchunks
if "files" not in libtorrent_resume:
libtorrent_resume["files"] = []
# Some extra information to re-enforce the fact that this is a finished torrent
rt_basedir = basedir
if "files" in torrent["info"]:
rt_basedir = os.path.join(rt_basedir, torrent["info"]["name"])
rt = generate_rtorrent_section(rt_basedir, chunks, out)
return libtorrent_resume, rt
def generate_rtorrent_section(basedir, chunks, out_file):
rt = collections.OrderedDict()
rt["state"] = 1 # started
rt["state_changed"] = int(time.time())
rt["state_counter"] = 1
rt["chunks_wanted"] = 0
rt["chunks_done"] = chunks
rt["complete"] = 1
rt["hashing"] = 0 # Not hashing
rt["directory"] = basedir if os.path.isabs(basedir) else rel2abs(basedir)
rt["tied_to_file"] = "" if out_file is DEFAULT_OUT else (out_file if os.path.isabs(out_file) else rel2abs(out_file))
rt["timestamp.finished"] = 0
rt["timestamp.started"] = int(time.time())
return rt
if __name__ == "__main__":
args = sys.argv[1:] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else []
params = parse_args(args)
if params["input"] is not DEFAULT_IN:
input_size = os.path.getsize(params["input"]) / 1024
eprint(f"Total input torrent size: {input_size} KB")
eprint(f"Decoding {params['input']}...")
eprint(f"Decoding torrent from standard input")
if DEBUG: eprint(params)
with maybe_open(params["input"], "rb") as f:
torrent = bencode.bread(f)
"info" in torrent or die("No info key.")
"piece length" in torrent["info"] or die("No piece length key.")
eprint("Adding fast resume information...")
torrent["libtorrent_resume"], torrent["rtorrent"] = generate_resume_data(torrent, params["basedir"], params["output"])
if torrent["rtorrent"]["tied_to_file"]:
eprint(f"Encoding {params['output']}...")
eprint("Encoding torrent from standard output...")
with maybe_open(params["output"], "wb") as f:
bencode.bwrite(torrent, f)
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