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Created October 6, 2014 16:00
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Function GetDBNameFromConnString(ByVal connString As String) As String
Dim lcConnString As String
Dim endIndex As Integer
lcConnString = LCase(connString)
' if this is a Jet database, find the index of the "data source" setting
Dim startIndex As Integer
If InStr(1, lcConnString, "jet.oledb", vbTextCompare) > -1 Then
startIndex = InStr(1, lcConnString, "data source=", vbTextCompare)
If startIndex > -1 Then startIndex = startIndex + 12
' if this is a SQL Server database, find the index of the "initial
' catalog" or "database" setting
startIndex = InStr(1, lcConnString, "initial catalog=", vbTextCompare)
If startIndex > -1 Then
startIndex = startIndex + 16
Else ' if the "Initial Catalog" setting is not found,
' try with "Database"
startIndex = InStr(1, lcConnString, "database=", vbTextCompare)
If startIndex > -1 Then startIndex = startIndex + 9
End If
End If
' if the "database", "data source" or "initial catalog" values are not
' found, return an empty string
If startIndex = -1 Then GetDBNameFromConnString = "": Exit Function
' find where the database name/path ends
endIndex = InStr(startIndex, lcConnString, ";", vbTextCompare)
If endIndex = -1 Then endIndex = Len(lcConnString)
' return the substring with the database name/path
GetDBNameFromConnString = Mid$(connString, startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)
End Function
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