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Created July 3, 2018 22:36
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// generated by quake, do not modify
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ENTER "+button2"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind + "sizeup"
bind - "sizedown"
bind / "weapnext"
bind 0 "weapon 10"
bind 1 "weapon 1"
bind 2 "weapon 2"
bind 3 "weapon 3"
bind 4 "weapon 4"
bind 5 "weapon 5"
bind 6 "weapon 6"
bind 7 "weapon 7"
bind 8 "weapon 8"
bind 9 "weapon 9"
bind = "sizeup"
bind [ "weapprev"
bind \ "+mlook"
bind ] "weapnext"
bind _ "sizedown"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind c "+movedown"
bind d "+moveright"
bind q "+moveleft"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind z "+forward"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind ALT "+strafe"
bind CTRL "+attack"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind DEL "+lookdown"
bind PGDN "+lookup"
bind END "centerview"
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bind F2 "vote no"
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bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+strafe"
bind MOUSE3 "+zoom"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"
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seta s_alDriver "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework/OpenAL"
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seta server1 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
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seta net_mcast6iface ""
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seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta com_zoneMegs "24"
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