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Created April 21, 2022 00:01
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import { ContactShadows, Environment } from '@react-three/drei'
import { useThree } from '@react-three/fiber'
import * as React from 'react'
import * as THREE from 'three'
const presets = {
rembrandt: {
main: [1, 2, 1],
fill: [-2, -0.5, -2],
portrait: {
main: [-1, 2, 0.5],
fill: [-1, 0.5, -1.5],
upfront: {
main: [0, 2, 1],
fill: [-1, 0.5, -1.5],
soft: {
main: [-2, 4, 4],
fill: [-1, 0.5, -1.5],
// type ControlsProto = { update(): void; target: THREE.Vector3 }
// type Props = JSX.IntrinsicElements['group'] & {
// shadows?: boolean
// adjustCamera?: boolean
// environment?: PresetsType | null
// intensity?: number
// ambience?: number
// // TODO: in a new major state.controls should be the only means of consuming controls, the
// // controls prop can then be removed!
// controls?: React.MutableRefObject<ControlsProto>
// preset?: keyof typeof presets
// shadowBias?: number
// contactShadow?:
// | {
// blur: number
// opacity?: number
// position?: [x: number, y: number, z: number]
// }
// | false
// }
export const CustomStage = ({
shadows = true,
adjustCamera = true,
environment = 'city',
intensity = 1,
preset = 'rembrandt',
shadowBias = 0,
contactShadow = {
blur: 2,
opacity: 0.5,
position: [0, 0, 0],
}) => {
const config = presets[preset]
const camera = useThree((state) =>
// @ts-expect-error new in @react-three/fiber@7.0.5
const defaultControls = useThree((state) => state.controls)
const outer = React.useRef(null)
const inner = React.useRef(null)
const [{ radius, width, height }, set] = React.useState({ radius: 0, width: 0, height: 0 })
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
outer.current.position.set(0, 0, 0)
outer.current.updateWorldMatrix(true, true)
const box3 = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(inner.current)
const center = new THREE.Vector3()
const sphere = new THREE.Sphere()
const height = box3.max.y - box3.min.y
const width = box3.max.x - box3.min.x
set({ radius: sphere.radius, width, height })
outer.current.position.set(-center.x, -center.y + height / 2, -center.z)
}, [children])
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (adjustCamera) {
const y = radius / (height > width ? 1.5 : 2.5)
camera.position.set(0, radius * 0.5, radius * 2.5)
camera.near = camera.near
camera.far = Math.max(5000, radius * 4)
camera.lookAt(0, y, 0)
const ctrl = defaultControls || controls?.current
if (ctrl) {, y, 0)
}, [defaultControls, radius, height, width, adjustCamera])
return (
onClick={() => {
<group ref={outer}>
<group ref={inner}>{children}</group>
{contactShadow && <ContactShadows scale={radius * 2} far={radius / 2} {...contactShadow} />}
{environment && <Environment preset={environment} />}
<ambientLight intensity={intensity / 3} />
position={[config.main[0] * radius, config.main[1] * radius, config.main[2] * radius]}
intensity={intensity * 2}
position={[config.fill[0] * radius, config.fill[1] * radius, config.fill[2] * radius]}
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yaeda commented Apr 21, 2022

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