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Last active March 18, 2024 06:39
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Unity UI ButtonSmartNav
using UnityEngine.UI;
// Use this class instead of Unity's default Button
// to automatically skip disabled and inactive Buttons
// if you define your navigation as explicit
public class ButtonSmartNav : Button
bool CanReachSelectable(Selectable select)
return !select || (select.interactable && select.gameObject.activeInHierarchy);
public override Selectable FindSelectableOnLeft()
var cursor = base.FindSelectableOnLeft();
while (!CanReachSelectable(cursor)) cursor = cursor.FindSelectableOnLeft();
return cursor;
public override Selectable FindSelectableOnRight()
var cursor = base.FindSelectableOnRight();
while (!CanReachSelectable(cursor)) cursor = cursor.FindSelectableOnRight();
return cursor;
public override Selectable FindSelectableOnUp()
var cursor = base.FindSelectableOnUp();
while (!CanReachSelectable(cursor)) cursor = cursor.FindSelectableOnUp();
return cursor;
public override Selectable FindSelectableOnDown()
var cursor = base.FindSelectableOnDown();
while (!CanReachSelectable(cursor)) cursor = cursor.FindSelectableOnDown();
return cursor;
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