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Created July 6, 2023 18:27
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import { emit, on, once } from "@create-figma-plugin/utilities"
export type AsyncActionType<F extends (...args: any) => any> = F
export type SyncActionType<F extends (...args: any) => any> = (
...args: Parameters<F>
) => Promise<ReturnType<F>>
let lastCallerId = 0
let lastSubscriptionId = 0
const subscriptions = new Map<string, Function[]>()
export function callMainWithoutUnsubscribe(fnName: string, ...args: any[]) {
return call({ fnName, args, autoCleanupSubscriptions: false })
export function callMain(fnName: string, ...args: any[]) {
return call({ fnName, args })
function call({
autoCleanupSubscriptions = true
}: {
fnName: string
args: any[]
autoCleanupSubscriptions?: boolean
}) {
lastCallerId += 1
const callerId = lastCallerId
args = => checkForCallbacks(fnName, callerId, arg))
function cleanUpSubscriptions() {
const unsubscribes = subscriptions.get(getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName, callerId))
unsubscribes?.forEach((unsubscribe) => unsubscribe())
subscriptions.set(getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName, callerId), [])
return new Promise<any>(function (resolve, reject) {
once(`RES_${fnName}_${callerId}`, (returnValue) => {
autoCleanupSubscriptions && cleanUpSubscriptions()
once(`ERR_${fnName}_${callerId}`, (error) => {
autoCleanupSubscriptions && cleanUpSubscriptions()
let errorObj
try {
const errorJson = JSON.parse(error)
if (typeof errorJson === "string") {
errorObj = new Error(errorJson)
} else {
errorObj = new Error(errorJson.message ?? "Unknown error")
errorObj.stack += `\n${errorJson.stack}`
} catch (error) {
errorObj = new Error("Unknown error")
emit(`REQ_${fnName}`, callerId, ...args)
export function exposeToUI(fn: (...args: any[]) => any) {
const name = (fn as any).actionName as string
on(`REQ_${name}`, async (callerId: number, ...reqArgs: any[]) => {
reqArgs = => checkForSubscriptions(name, callerId, arg))
try {
const returnValue = await fn(...reqArgs)
emit(`RES_${name}_${callerId}`, returnValue)
} catch (error) {
let errorStr
if (typeof error === "string") {
const errorObj = new Error(error)
errorStr = JSON.stringify(errorObj, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(errorObj))
} else {
errorStr = JSON.stringify(error, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(error))
emit(`ERR_${name}_${callerId}`, errorStr)
export function exposeAllToUI(actions: { [key: string]: (...args: any[]) => any }) {
Object.keys(actions).map((actionName: string) => {
const fn = actions[actionName] as any
fn.actionName = actionName // protect against minification
// helper functions
function checkForCallbacks(fnName: string, callerId: number, arg: any) {
if (typeof arg === "object") {
return {
...Object.keys(arg).reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = checkForCallbacks(fnName, callerId, arg[key])
return acc
}, {} as any)
if (typeof arg !== "function") return arg
const callback = arg as Function
lastSubscriptionId += 1
const subscriptionId = lastSubscriptionId
const unsubscribe = on(
getSubscriptionString(fnName, callerId, subscriptionId),
(subscriptionId: number, ...args: any[]) => {
// call original callback
const prevSubscriptions = subscriptions.get(getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName, callerId)) || []
subscriptions.set(getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName, callerId), [
return { subscriptionId, fnName:, __SUBSCRIPTION__: true }
function getSubscriptionString(fnName: string, callerId: number, subscriptionId: number): string {
return `${getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName, callerId)}_${subscriptionId}`
function getSubscriptionStringPrefix(fnName: string, callerId: number): string {
return `SUB_${fnName}_${callerId}`
function checkForSubscriptions(fnName: string, callerId: number, arg: any) {
if (typeof arg === "object" && !arg.__SUBSCRIPTION__) {
return {
...Object.keys(arg).reduce((acc, key) => {
acc[key] = checkForSubscriptions(fnName, callerId, arg[key])
return acc
}, {} as any)
if (typeof arg !== "object" || !arg.__SUBSCRIPTION__) return arg
const { subscriptionId } = arg
return (...args: any[]) => {
emit(getSubscriptionString(fnName, callerId, subscriptionId), subscriptionId, ...args)
export const subscribeToSelectionChange = function (callback: (nodeIds: string[]) => void) {
figma.on("selectionchange", () => {
callback( =>
export const getSelection = () => {
return =>
import { exposeAllToUI } from "../shared/figmaRPC"
import * as actions from "./actions"
export default function () {
showUI({ width: 400, height: 380, themeColors: true })
import { getSelection, subscribeToSelectionChange } from "./mainAPI"
function Plugin() {
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
async function handleSelectionChange(selectedNodeIds: string[]) {
console.log("selectedNodeIds", selectedNodeIds)
return <div>Plugin Content here</div>
import {
} from "../shared/figmaRPC"
import type * as Actions from "../main/actions"
export const subscribeToSelectionChange: SyncActionType<typeof Actions.subscribeToSelectionChange> =
async function (...args) {
return callMainWithoutUnsubscribe("subscribeToSelectionChange", ...args)
export const getSelection: SyncActionType<typeof Actions.getSelection> = function () {
return callMain("getSelection")
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yagudaev commented Jul 6, 2023

Quick and dirty starter docs for keeping track of selection using the figma rest API

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