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Created May 10, 2016 12:01
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Drawing sunburst graph for egypt_pop_2006.csv
library(scales) = read.csv('egypt_pop_2006.csv')
sum_total_pop = sum($population)
firstLevel = %>% summarize(total_pop=sum(population))
sunburst_0 = ggplot(firstLevel)
sunburst_1 = sunburst_0 +
geom_bar(data=firstLevel, aes(x=1, y=total_pop), fill='darkgrey', stat='identity') +
geom_text(aes(x=1, y=sum_total_pop/2, label=paste('Egypt in 2014 had', comma(total_pop))), color='white')
sunburst_1 + coord_polar('y')
gov_pop = %>% group_by(gov) %>% summarize(total_pop=sum(population)) %>% arrange(desc(total_pop))
compute_angle = function(perc){
angle = -1
#if(perc < 0.25) # 1st q [90,0]
#angle = 90 - (perc/0.25) * 90
#else if(perc < 0.5) # 2nd quarter [0, -90]
#angle = (perc-0.25) / 0.25 * -90
#else if(perc < 0.75) # 3rd q [90, 0]
#angle = 90 - ((perc-0.5) / 0.25 * 90)
#else if(perc < 1.00) # last q [0, -90]
#angle = ((perc -0.75)/0.25) * -90
if(perc < 0.5) # 1st half [90, -90]
angle = (180 - (perc/0.5) * 180) - 90
else # 2nd half [90, -90]
angle = (90 - ((perc - 0.5)/0.5) * 180)
secondLevel = gov_pop %>%
mutate(running=cumsum(total_pop), pos=running - total_pop/2) %>% group_by(1:n()) %>%
mutate(angle=compute_angle((running - total_pop/2) / sum_total_pop))
sunburst_2 = sunburst_1 + geom_bar(data=secondLevel,
aes(x=2, y=total_pop, fill=total_pop, stroke=3),
color='white', position='stack', stat='identity')
sunburst_3 = sunburst_2 + geom_text(data=secondLevel, aes(label=paste(gov, comma(total_pop)), x=2, y=pos, angle=angle))
sunburst_3 + scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + scale_fill_continuous(low='white', high='darkred') + coord_polar('y') + theme_minimal()
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