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Created December 10, 2018 06:45
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Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Yahoo! JAPAN’s OSS product (the “Product”). Yahoo Japan Corporation (“Yahoo!”) is very interested in receiving Your Contribution (defined below). In order to participate, we need to confirm how the rights in Your Contributions will be handled. Following the practices of other open source communities, Yahoo! requests that you grant Yahoo! a license, as indicated below, to the intellectual property rights in Your Contributions. Yahoo! requires that you have a Contributor License Agreement (“CLA”) on file prior to using any of Your Contributions. This helps us ensure that the intellectual property embodied within the Products remains unencumbered for use by the whole of the community.

Please review this CLA. By submitting Your Contribution, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and provision of this CLA.

Please read this document carefully before signing and keep a copy for your records.

  1. Definitions.
    1.1. “Contribution” means any work of authorship (including software, documentation or other material), including any modifications or additions to an existing work, which is intentionally submitted by You to Yahoo! for inclusion in, or documentation of, the Product or any of the products or projects owned or managed by Yahoo! (the “Work”).
    1.2. “Copyright” means all rights protecting works of authorship owned or controlled by You, including copyright, moral and neighboring rights, as appropriate, for the full term of their existence including any extensions by You.
    1.3 “You” (or “Your”) means the copyright owner, or legal entity authorized by the copyright owner, that is making this CLA with Yahoo!. For legal entities, “You” (or “Your”) includes the entity making a Contribution, or on behalf of which the Contribution is made, and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, “control” means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, (b) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (C) beneficial ownership of such entity.
  2. Grant of Copyright License.
    Subject to the terms and conditions of this CLA, You hereby grant to Yahoo! and to recipients of software distributed or otherwise made available by Yahoo! a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable license under the Copyright covering the Contribution to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute and otherwise make available Your Contributions and such derivative works.
  3. Grant of Patent License.
    Subject to the terms and conditions of this CLA, You hereby grant to Yahoo! and to recipients of software distributed or otherwise made available by Yahoo! a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by You that are necessarily infringed by Your Contribution(s) alone or by combination of Your Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) were submitted. If any entity institutes patent litigation against You or any other entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that Your Contribution, or the Work to which You have contributed, constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, the any patent licenses granted to that entity under this Agreement for that Contribution or Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed.
  4. Representations.
    4.1 You represent that You are legally entitled to grant the above license and enter into this CLA, whether on behalf of Yourself (if You are an individual person) or on behalf of the entity which You represent (if You are an entity). If You are an individual and Your employer(s) has rights to intellectual property that You create that includes Your Contributions, You represent that You have received permission to make Contributions on behalf of that employer, that Your employer has waived such rights for Your Contributions to Yahoo!, or that Your employer has executed a separate CLA with Yahoo!.
    4.2 You represent that each of Your Contributions is Your original creation. You also acknowledge that any Contributions included in the Product will be subject to the license designated in such Product.
  5. Disclaimer. You are not expected to provide support for Your Contributions, except to the extent You desire to provide support. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, You provide Your Contributions on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS]: OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, MERTHANTABILITY, OR FITNESSS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEWUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS, EVEN IF THE OTHER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Notwithstanding the foregoing, You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Yahoo! against any third party claims, judgments, damages, costs (including reasonable legal fees and expenses) and settlements related to the foregoing for alleged or actual infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of any third party relating to the Contribution.
  6. Notice. If you are submitting Contributions on behalf on an entity, it is Your responsibility to notify Yahoo! when you leave employment with the entity.
  7. Miscellaneous. This CLA shall be governed by Japan law without giving effect to any choice of law rules that would lead to the application of any law other than Japan law. FOR ANY DISPUTE RELATING TO THIS CLA, THE PARTIES CONSENT TO PERSONAL JURISDICTION IN, AND THE EXCLUSIVE VENUE OF, THE TOKYO DISTRICT COURT. You agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) is hereby excluded in its entirety from application to this CLA. In the event of invalidity of any provision of this CLA, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this CLA. This CLA is the entire agreement between You and Yahoo! relating to the subject matter of this CLA, which supersedes any prior agreement, whether written or oral, and may be amended only by a writing signed by both parties.

Yahoo! may modify this terms in its sole discretion and such modification will be effective immediately. Yahoo! will notice such modifications to this terms on this page or by any manners. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you should notice about it to Yahoo!.

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