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Last active April 7, 2021 12:11
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  • Save yak1ex/e45cb9fbe7c2306125ec763fcc227171 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// The simplest possible sbt build file is just one line:
scalaVersion := "2.13.3"
// That is, to create a valid sbt build, all you've got to do is define the
// version of Scala you'd like your project to use.
addCompilerPlugin("org.typelevel" % "kind-projector" % "0.11.3" cross CrossVersion.full)
// ============================================================================
// Lines like the above defining `scalaVersion` are called "settings". Settings
// are key/value pairs. In the case of `scalaVersion`, the key is "scalaVersion"
// and the value is "2.13.3"
// It's possible to define many kinds of settings, such as:
name := "hello-world"
organization := "ch.epfl.scala"
version := "1.0"
// Note, it's not required for you to define these three settings. These are
// mostly only necessary if you intend to publish your library's binaries on a
// place like Sonatype or Bintray.
// Want to use a published library in your project?
// You can define other libraries as dependencies in your build like this:
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.2"
// Here, `libraryDependencies` is a set of dependencies, and by using `+=`,
// we're adding the scala-parser-combinators dependency to the set of dependencies
// that sbt will go and fetch when it starts up.
// Now, in any Scala file, you can import classes, objects, etc., from
// scala-parser-combinators with a regular import.
// TIP: To find the "dependency" that you need to add to the
// `libraryDependencies` set, which in the above example looks like this:
// "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-parser-combinators" % "1.1.2"
// You can use Scaladex, an index of all known published Scala libraries. There,
// after you find the library you want, you can just copy/paste the dependency
// information that you need into your build file. For example, on the
// scala/scala-parser-combinators Scaladex page,
//, you can copy/paste
// the sbt dependency from the sbt box on the right-hand side of the screen.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: while build files look _kind of_ like regular Scala, it's
// important to note that syntax in *.sbt files doesn't always behave like
// regular Scala. For example, notice in this build file that it's not required
// to put our settings into an enclosing object or class. Always remember that
// sbt is a bit different, semantically, than vanilla Scala.
// ============================================================================
// Most moderately interesting Scala projects don't make use of the very simple
// build file style (called "bare style") used in this build.sbt file. Most
// intermediate Scala projects make use of so-called "multi-project" builds. A
// multi-project build makes it possible to have different folders which sbt can
// be configured differently for. That is, you may wish to have different
// dependencies or different testing frameworks defined for different parts of
// your codebase. Multi-project builds make this possible.
// Here's a quick glimpse of what a multi-project build looks like for this
// build, with only one "subproject" defined, called `root`:
// lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
// settings(
// inThisBuild(List(
// organization := "ch.epfl.scala",
// scalaVersion := "2.13.3"
// )),
// name := "hello-world"
// )
// To learn more about multi-project builds, head over to the official sbt
// documentation at
// This is Yoneda's lemma in Scala,
// which is an exceprt from
// with slight modification
object Main extends App {
// F[_] for object mapping and map() for morphism mapping
trait EndoFunctor[F[_]] {
def map[X, Y](f: X => Y): F[X] => F[Y]
// Pick a functor implementation by specifying Kind
object EndoFunctor {
def apply[F[_]](implicit instance: EndoFunctor[F]) : EndoFunctor[F] = instance
// Natural transformation: F and G are functors
trait ~>[F[_], G[_]] {
def apply[X](x: F[X]):G[X]
// Seq functor
implicit val seqFunctor = new EndoFunctor[Seq] {
def map[X, Y](f: X => Y): Seq[X] => Seq[Y] =
// Const functor: always mapping to the specific object and the specific morphism
type Const[X] = Int
implicit val constFunctor = new EndoFunctor[Const] {
def map[X,Y](f: X => Y): Const[X] => Const[Y] = x => x // always mapping to an identity morphism
// a natural transformation from Seq functor to Const functor
val length = new (Seq ~> Const) {
def apply[X](x: Seq[X]): Const[X] = x.length
// a morphism mapped by functors
val f: Int => String = x => s"$x"
// Verify commutativity
println( length(EndoFunctor[Seq].map(f)(Seq(0, 1, 2))) )
println( EndoFunctor[Const].map(f)(length(Seq(0, 1, 2))) )
// Yoneda's lemma
type Hom[X, Y] = X => Y
// Without kind-projector, Hom[X, *] should be written as like ({type HomXTo[Y] = Hom[X, Y]})#HomXTo
def liftY[F[_], X](x: F[X])(implicit F: EndoFunctor[F]): Hom[X, *] ~> F =
new (Hom[X, *] ~> F) {
def apply[A](f: Hom[X, A]): F[A] = EndoFunctor[F].map(f)(x)
def lowerY[F[_], X](f: Hom[X, *] ~> F): F[X] = f(x => x)
println( lowerY(liftY(Seq(0, 1, 2))) )
// This is Yoneda's lemma in C++11?
// which is derived from one in Scala by
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// (generic) function type is verbose in C++
template<typename X, typename Y>
using Hom = std::function<Y(X)>;
// mapOb<X> for object mapping and map() for morphism mapping
#if 0 // not used actually, may become concept in C++20
template<template <typename> class F>
struct EndoFunctor
template<typename X>
using mapOb = F<X>;
template<typename X, typename Y>
Hom<mapOb<X>,mapOb<Y>> map(Hom<X,Y> f) const;
// Natural transformation: F and G are functors
// may become concept in C++20
// used to define type aliases
template<typename F, typename G>
struct Nat_
using FunctorF = F;
using FunctorT = G;
template<typename X>
using mapObF = typename FunctorF::template mapOb<X>;
template<typename X>
using mapObT = typename FunctorT::template mapOb<X>;
// template<typename X>
// mapObT<X> operator()(mapObF<X>) const;
// Seq functor
template<typename T>
using Seq = std::vector<T>;
struct SeqFunctor // : EndoFunctor<Seq>
template<typename X>
using mapOb = Seq<X>;
template<typename X, typename Y>
Hom<mapOb<X>,mapOb<Y>> map(Hom<X,Y> f) const {
return [f](mapOb<X> x){
mapOb<Y> y(x.size());
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), f);
return y;
// Const functor: always mapping to the specific object and the specific morphism
#if 1
template<typename T>
struct Const
Const(int n):n(n) {}
operator int() const { return n; }
int n;
// GCC rejects by invalid use of incomplete type ‘class std::function<Const<Y>(Const<X>)>’
// while CLANG accepts
template<typename T>
using Const = int;
struct ConstFunctor // : EndoFunctor<Const>
template<typename X>
using mapOb = Const<X>;
template<typename X, typename Y>
Hom<mapOb<X>,mapOb<Y>> map(Hom<X,Y> f) const {
return [](mapOb<X> x){ return mapOb<Y>(x); };
// a natural transformation from Seq functor to Const functor
struct length_ : Nat_<SeqFunctor, ConstFunctor>
template<typename X>
Const<X> operator()(Seq<X> x) const { return x.size(); }
} length;
// a morphism mapped by functors
Hom<int, std::string> f = [](int i){ return std::to_string(i); };
// Yoneda's lemma
//template<typename X>
//struct HomBind
// template<typename Y>
// using Hom1 = Hom<X, Y>;
template<typename X>
struct HomFunctor // : EndoFunctor<HomBind<X>::template Hom1>
using dom = X;
template<typename A>
using mapOb = Hom<X,A>;
template<typename A, typename B>
Hom<mapOb<A>,mapOb<B>> map(Hom<A,B> f) const
return [f](mapOb<A> xa){ return [f,xa](X x){ return f(xa(x)); }; };
// ~~~~~~~~ b in B
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mapOb<B> = Hom<X,B>
template<typename X, typename F>
struct LiftY : Nat_<HomFunctor<X>, F>
LiftY(typename F::template mapOb<X> x) : x(x) {}
template<typename A>
typename F::template mapOb<A> operator()(Hom<X,A> f) const {
return F().map(f)(x);
typename F::template mapOb<X> x;
template<typename X, typename F>
LiftY<X, F>
liftY(typename F::template mapOb<X> x)
return LiftY<X, F>(x);
// NatHomX2F has I/F like template<typename X, typename F> Nat_<HomFunctor<X>, F>
// may be bound by concept in C++20
template<typename NatHomX2F>
typename NatHomX2F::FunctorT::template mapOb<typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::dom> lowerY(NatHomX2F f)
using X = typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::dom;
Hom<X, X> idX = [](X x){ return x; };
return f(idX);
int main(void)
// Verify commutativity
std::cout << length(SeqFunctor().map(f)(Seq<int>{0, 1, 2})) << std::endl;
std::cout << ConstFunctor().map(f)(length(Seq<int>{0, 1, 2})) << std::endl;
// Yoneda's lemma
for(auto &v: lowerY(liftY<int, SeqFunctor>(Seq<int>{0,1,2}))) {
std::cout << v << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
// This is Yoneda's lemma in C++20?
// which is derived from one in Scala by
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <concepts>
// (generic) function type is verbose in C++
template<typename X, typename Y>
using Hom = std::function<Y(X)>;
namespace { // arbitrary types
class XX;
class YY;
// mapOb<X> for object mapping and map() for morphism mapping
template<typename F>
concept EndoFunctor = requires(XX xx, YY yy) {
typename F::template mapOb<XX>;
{ std::declval<const F>().map(std::declval<Hom<XX, YY>>()) }
-> std::same_as<Hom<typename F::template mapOb<XX>, typename F::template mapOb<YY>>>;
// Natural transformation: F and G are functors
template<typename T, typename F, typename G>
concept Nat = EndoFunctor<F> && EndoFunctor<G> &&
requires(XX xx)
typename T::FunctorF;
requires std::same_as<typename T::FunctorF, F>;
typename T::FunctorT;
requires std::same_as<typename T::FunctorT, G>;
typename T::template mapObF<XX>;
requires std::same_as<
typename T::template mapObF<XX>,
typename F::template mapOb<XX>>;
typename T::template mapObT<XX>;
requires std::same_as<
typename T::template mapObT<XX>,
typename G::template mapOb<XX>>;
{ std::declval<const T>()(std::declval<typename T::template mapObF<XX>>()) }
-> std::same_as<typename T::template mapObT<XX>>;
// used to define type aliases
template<EndoFunctor F, EndoFunctor G>
struct NatHelper
using FunctorF = F;
using FunctorT = G;
template<typename X>
using mapObF = typename FunctorF::template mapOb<X>;
template<typename X>
using mapObT = typename FunctorT::template mapOb<X>;
// Seq functor
template<typename T>
using Seq = std::vector<T>;
struct SeqFunctor
template<typename X>
using mapOb = Seq<X>;
template<typename X, typename Y>
Hom<mapOb<X>,mapOb<Y>> map(Hom<X,Y> f) const {
return [f](mapOb<X> x){
// C++20 range is not so helpful here because container I/F is still iterator base
mapOb<Y> y(x.size());
std::transform(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), f);
return y;
// Const functor: always mapping to the specific object and the specific morphism
#if 1
template<typename T>
struct Const
Const(int n):n(n) {}
operator int() const { return n; }
int n;
// GCC rejects by like invalid use of incomplete type ‘Hom<Const<X>, Const<Y>>’
// while CLANG accepts
template<typename T>
using Const = int;
struct ConstFunctor
template<typename X>
using mapOb = Const<X>;
template<typename X, typename Y>
Hom<mapOb<X>,mapOb<Y>> map(Hom<X,Y> f) const {
return [](mapOb<X> x){ return mapOb<Y>(x); };
// a natural transformation from Seq functor to Const functor
struct length_ : NatHelper<SeqFunctor, ConstFunctor>
template<typename X>
Const<X> operator()(Seq<X> x) const { return x.size(); }
} length;
// a morphism mapped by functors
Hom<int, std::string> f = [](int i){ return std::to_string(i); };
// Yoneda's lemma
template<typename X>
struct HomFunctor
using dom = X;
template<typename A>
using mapOb = Hom<X,A>;
template<typename A, typename B>
Hom<mapOb<A>,mapOb<B>> map(Hom<A,B> f) const
return [f](mapOb<A> xa){ return [f,xa](X x){ return f(xa(x)); }; };
// ~~~~~~~~ b in B
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mapOb<B> = Hom<X,B>
template<typename X, EndoFunctor F>
struct LiftY : NatHelper<HomFunctor<X>, F>
LiftY(typename F::template mapOb<X> x) : x(x) {}
template<typename A>
typename F::template mapOb<A> operator()(Hom<X,A> f) const {
return F().map(f)(x);
typename F::template mapOb<X> x;
template<typename X, EndoFunctor F>
LiftY<X, F>
liftY(typename F::template mapOb<X> x)
return LiftY<X, F>(x);
template<typename NatHomX2F>
requires Nat<NatHomX2F, typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF, typename NatHomX2F::FunctorT>
&& std::same_as<
typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::template mapOb<XX>,
typename HomFunctor<typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::dom>::template mapOb<XX>>
typename NatHomX2F::FunctorT::template mapOb<typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::dom> lowerY(NatHomX2F f)
using X = typename NatHomX2F::FunctorF::dom;
Hom<X, X> idX = [](X x){ return x; };
return f(idX);
int main(void)
// Verify commutativity
std::cout << length(SeqFunctor().map(f)(Seq<int>{0, 1, 2})) << std::endl;
std::cout << ConstFunctor().map(f)(length(Seq<int>{0, 1, 2})) << std::endl;
// Yoneda's lemma
for(auto &v: lowerY(liftY<int, SeqFunctor>(Seq<int>{0,1,2}))) {
std::cout << v << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
(* This is Yoneda's lemma in Coq? *)
(* which is derived from one in Scala by *)
(* NOTE that this is not a proof, but just an implication inside programming language *)
Require Import List String Ascii.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
(* f for object mapping and fmap for morphism mapping *)
(* ref. *)
Class EndoFunctor (f : Type -> Type) : Type := {
fmap : forall {a b : Type}, (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(* Natural transformation: F and G are functors *)
Class Nat {f: Type -> Type} (F : EndoFunctor f) {g: Type -> Type} (G : EndoFunctor g) : Type := {
trans : forall {x : Type}, (f x) -> (g x)
Notation "F ~> G" := (Nat F G) (at level 28, left associativity, only parsing).
(* Seq functor *)
Instance SeqFunctor : EndoFunctor list := {
fmap _ _ f l := f l
(* Const functor: always mapping to the specific object and the specific morphism *)
Definition const (X: Type) := nat.
Instance ConstFunctor : EndoFunctor const := {
fmap _ _ _ := fun x => x
(* a natural transformation from Seq functor to Const functor *)
Instance Length : SeqFunctor ~> ConstFunctor := {
trans _ l := List.length l
(* from *)
Fixpoint string_of_list_ascii (s : list ascii) : string
:= match s with
| nil => EmptyString
| cons ch s => String ch (string_of_list_ascii s)
(* a morphism mapped by functors *)
Open Scope char_scope.
Definition myf x := string_of_list_ascii (repeat "X" x).
Definition seq := [1;2;3].
(* Verify commutativity for specific instance *)
Goal trans (fmap myf seq) = fmap myf (trans seq).
(* Verify commutativity *)
Goal forall x, trans (fmap myf x) = fmap myf (trans x).
induction x.
- simpl. reflexivity.
- simpl. simpl in IHx. rewrite IHx. reflexivity.
(* Yoneda's lemma *)
Definition liftY {F: Type -> Type} (FF: EndoFunctor F) {X: Type} (x: F X) :=
fun A => fun f: X -> A => @fmap F FF X A f x.
Definition lowerY {F: Type -> Type} (FF: EndoFunctor F) {X: Type} (f: forall A, (X -> A) -> F A) :=
f X (fun x => x).
(* for specific instance *)
Goal seq = (lowerY _ (liftY _ seq)).
(* for list nat, which means SeqFunctor and nat *)
Theorem lowerY_liftY_id: forall l: list nat, l = (lowerY _ (liftY _ l)).
induction l.
- auto.
- unfold liftY in *. unfold lowerY in *.
simpl in *. rewrite <- IHl. reflexivity.
(* for inverse, too difficult for me *)
Goal forall n :(forall A, (nat -> A) -> list A), forall f,
n nat f = (liftY _ (lowerY _ n)) nat f.
unfold lowerY. unfold liftY.
(* stucked at
n nat f = map f (n nat (fun x : nat => x)) *)
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