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Created March 22, 2024 17:19
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'The following sample code is generated as an illustration of
'Creating requests and parsing responses ONLY
'This code is NOT intended to show best practices or ideal code
'Use at your most careful discretion
imports System
imports System.Net
imports System.Drawing
imports System.Collections
imports System.ComponentModel
imports System.Windows.Forms
imports System.Data
imports System.IO
imports Interop.QBFC16
Public Class Sample
Public Sub DoCheckAdd()
Dim sessionBegun as Boolean
sessionBegun = False
Dim connectionOpen as Boolean
connectionOpen = False
Dim sessionManager as QBSessionManager
sessionManager = nothing
'Create the session Manager object
sessionManager = new QBSessionManager
'Create the message set request object to hold our request
Dim requestMsgSet as IMsgSetRequest
requestMsgSet = sessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest("US",16,0)
requestMsgSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue
'Connect to QuickBooks and begin a session
sessionManager.OpenConnection("","Sample Code from OSR")
connectionOpen = True
sessionManager.BeginSession("", ENOpenMode.omDontCare)
sessionBegun = True
'Send the request and get the response from QuickBooks
Dim responseMsgSet as IMsgSetResponse
responseMsgSet = sessionManager.DoRequests(requestMsgSet)
'End the session and close the connection to QuickBooks
sessionBegun = False
connectionOpen = False
Catch e as Exception
MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Error")
if (sessionBegun) then
End If
if (connectionOpen) then
End If
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub BuildCheckAddRq(requestMsgSet as IMsgSetRequest)
Dim CheckAddRq as ICheckAdd
CheckAddRq= requestMsgSet.AppendCheckAddRq()
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for RefNumber
'Set field value for TxnDate
'Set field value for Memo
'Set field value for Addr1
'Set field value for Addr2
'Set field value for Addr3
'Set field value for Addr4
'Set field value for Addr5
'Set field value for City
'Set field value for State
'Set field value for PostalCode
'Set field value for Country
'Set field value for Note
'Set field value for IsToBePrinted
'Set field value for IsTaxIncluded
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ExchangeRate
'Set field value for ExternalGUID
Dim ApplyCheckToTxnAdd2880 as IApplyCheckToTxnAdd
'Set field value for TxnID
'Set attributes
'Set field value for useMacro
'Set field value for Amount
Dim ExpenseLineAdd2881 as IExpenseLineAdd
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for Amount
'Set field value for Memo
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for BillableStatus
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
Dim DataExt2882 as IDataExt
'Set field value for OwnerID
'Set field value for DataExtName
'Set field value for DataExtValue
Dim ORItemLineAddListElement2883 as IORItemLineAdd
ORItemLineAddListElement2883 =CheckAddRq.ORItemLineAddList.Append()
Dim ORItemLineAddListElementType2884 as String
ORItemLineAddListElementType2884 = "ItemLineAdd"
if (ORItemLineAddListElementType2884 == "ItemLineAdd") then
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
Dim ORSerialLotNumberElementType2885 as String
ORSerialLotNumberElementType2885 = "SerialNumber"
if (ORSerialLotNumberElementType2885 == "SerialNumber") then
'Set field value for SerialNumber
End If
if (ORSerialLotNumberElementType2885 == "LotNumber") then
'Set field value for LotNumber
End If
'Set field value for ExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber
'Set field value for Desc
'Set field value for Quantity
'Set field value for UnitOfMeasure
'Set field value for Cost
'Set field value for Amount
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for BillableStatus
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
Dim DataExt2886 as IDataExt
'Set field value for OwnerID
'Set field value for DataExtName
'Set field value for DataExtValue
End If
if (ORItemLineAddListElementType2884 == "ItemGroupLineAdd") then
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for Quantity
'Set field value for UnitOfMeasure
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
'Set field value for ListID
'Set field value for FullName
Dim DataExt2887 as IDataExt
'Set field value for OwnerID
'Set field value for DataExtName
'Set field value for DataExtValue
End If
'Set field value for IncludeRetElementList
'May create more than one of these if needed
End Sub
Public Sub WalkCheckAddRs( responseMsgSet as IMsgSetResponse)
if (responseMsgSet is nothing) then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim responseList as IResponseList
responseList = responseMsgSet.ResponseList
if (responseList is nothing) then
Exit Sub
End If
'if we sent only one request, there is only one response, we'll walk the list for this sample
for j=0 to responseList.Count-1
Dim response as IResponse
response = responseList.GetAt(j)
'check the status code of the response, 0=ok, >0 is warning
if (response.StatusCode >= 0) then
'the request-specific response is in the details, make sure we have some
if (not response.Detail is nothing) then
'make sure the response is the type we're expecting
Dim responseType as ENResponseType
responseType = CType(response.Type.GetValue(),ENResponseType)
if (responseType == ENResponseType.rtCheckAddRs) then
'upcast to more specific type here, this is safe because we checked with response.Type check above
Dim CheckRet as ICheckRet
CheckRet = CType(response.Detail,ICheckRet)
End If
End If
End If
Next j
End Sub
Public Sub WalkCheckRet(CheckRet as ICheckRet)
if (CheckRet is nothing) then
Exit Sub
End If
'Go through all the elements of ICheckRet
'Get value of TxnID
Dim TxnID2888 as String
TxnID2888 = CheckRet.TxnID.GetValue()
'Get value of TimeCreated
Dim TimeCreated2889 as DateTime
TimeCreated2889 = CheckRet.TimeCreated.GetValue()
'Get value of TimeModified
Dim TimeModified2890 as DateTime
TimeModified2890 = CheckRet.TimeModified.GetValue()
'Get value of EditSequence
Dim EditSequence2891 as String
EditSequence2891 = CheckRet.EditSequence.GetValue()
'Get value of TxnNumber
if ( not CheckRet.TxnNumber is nothing) then
Dim TxnNumber2892 as Integer
TxnNumber2892 = CheckRet.TxnNumber.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of ListID
if ( not CheckRet.AccountRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2893 as String
ListID2893 = CheckRet.AccountRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not CheckRet.AccountRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2894 as String
FullName2894 = CheckRet.AccountRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
if (not CheckRet.PayeeEntityRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not CheckRet.PayeeEntityRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2895 as String
ListID2895 = CheckRet.PayeeEntityRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not CheckRet.PayeeEntityRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2896 as String
FullName2896 = CheckRet.PayeeEntityRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of RefNumber
if ( not CheckRet.RefNumber is nothing) then
Dim RefNumber2897 as String
RefNumber2897 = CheckRet.RefNumber.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of TxnDate
Dim TxnDate2898 as DateTime
TxnDate2898 = CheckRet.TxnDate.GetValue()
'Get value of Amount
Dim Amount2899 as Double
Amount2899 = CheckRet.Amount.GetValue()
if (not CheckRet.CurrencyRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not CheckRet.CurrencyRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2900 as String
ListID2900 = CheckRet.CurrencyRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not CheckRet.CurrencyRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2901 as String
FullName2901 = CheckRet.CurrencyRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of ExchangeRate
if ( not CheckRet.ExchangeRate is nothing) then
Dim ExchangeRate2902 as IQBFloatType
ExchangeRate2902 = CheckRet.ExchangeRate.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of AmountInHomeCurrency
if ( not CheckRet.AmountInHomeCurrency is nothing) then
Dim AmountInHomeCurrency2903 as Double
AmountInHomeCurrency2903 = CheckRet.AmountInHomeCurrency.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Memo
if ( not CheckRet.Memo is nothing) then
Dim Memo2904 as String
Memo2904 = CheckRet.Memo.GetValue()
End If
if (not CheckRet.Address. is nothing) then
'Get value of Addr1
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Addr1 is nothing) then
Dim Addr12905 as String
Addr12905 = CheckRet.Address.Addr1.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr2
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Addr2 is nothing) then
Dim Addr22906 as String
Addr22906 = CheckRet.Address.Addr2.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr3
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Addr3 is nothing) then
Dim Addr32907 as String
Addr32907 = CheckRet.Address.Addr3.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr4
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Addr4 is nothing) then
Dim Addr42908 as String
Addr42908 = CheckRet.Address.Addr4.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr5
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Addr5 is nothing) then
Dim Addr52909 as String
Addr52909 = CheckRet.Address.Addr5.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of City
if ( not CheckRet.Address.City is nothing) then
Dim City2910 as String
City2910 = CheckRet.Address.City.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of State
if ( not CheckRet.Address.State is nothing) then
Dim State2911 as String
State2911 = CheckRet.Address.State.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of PostalCode
if ( not CheckRet.Address.PostalCode is nothing) then
Dim PostalCode2912 as String
PostalCode2912 = CheckRet.Address.PostalCode.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Country
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Country is nothing) then
Dim Country2913 as String
Country2913 = CheckRet.Address.Country.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Note
if ( not CheckRet.Address.Note is nothing) then
Dim Note2914 as String
Note2914 = CheckRet.Address.Note.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not CheckRet.AddressBlock. is nothing) then
'Get value of Addr1
if ( not CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr1 is nothing) then
Dim Addr12915 as String
Addr12915 = CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr1.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr2
if ( not CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr2 is nothing) then
Dim Addr22916 as String
Addr22916 = CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr2.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr3
if ( not CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr3 is nothing) then
Dim Addr32917 as String
Addr32917 = CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr3.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr4
if ( not CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr4 is nothing) then
Dim Addr42918 as String
Addr42918 = CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr4.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Addr5
if ( not CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr5 is nothing) then
Dim Addr52919 as String
Addr52919 = CheckRet.AddressBlock.Addr5.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of IsPending
if ( not CheckRet.IsPending is nothing) then
Dim isPending as Boolean
IsToBePrisPendinginted2920 = CheckRet.IsPending.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of IsToBePrinted
if ( not CheckRet.IsToBePrinted is nothing) then
Dim IsToBePrinted2920 as Boolean
IsToBePrinted2920 = CheckRet.IsToBePrinted.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of IsTaxIncluded
if ( not CheckRet.IsTaxIncluded is nothing) then
Dim IsTaxIncluded2921 as Boolean
IsTaxIncluded2921 = CheckRet.IsTaxIncluded.GetValue()
End If
if (not CheckRet.SalesTaxCodeRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not CheckRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2922 as String
ListID2922 = CheckRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not CheckRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2923 as String
FullName2923 = CheckRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of ExternalGUID
if ( not CheckRet.ExternalGUID is nothing) then
Dim ExternalGUID2924 as String
ExternalGUID2924 = CheckRet.ExternalGUID.GetValue()
End If
if (not CheckRet.LinkedTxnList is nothing)
Dim i2925 as Integer
for i2925 = 0 to CheckRet.LinkedTxnList.Count - 1
Dim LinkedTxn as ILinkedTxn
LinkedTxn = CheckRet.LinkedTxnList.GetAt(i2925)
'Get value of TxnID
Dim TxnID2926 as String
TxnID2926 = LinkedTxnTxnID.GetValue()
'Get value of TxnType
Dim TxnType2927 as ENTxnType
TxnType2927 = LinkedTxnTxnType.GetValue()
'Get value of TxnDate
Dim TxnDate2928 as DateTime
TxnDate2928 = LinkedTxnTxnDate.GetValue()
'Get value of RefNumber
if ( not LinkedTxnRefNumber is nothing) then
Dim RefNumber2929 as String
RefNumber2929 = LinkedTxnRefNumber.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of LinkType
if ( not LinkedTxnLinkType is nothing) then
Dim LinkType2930 as ENLinkType
LinkType2930 = LinkedTxnLinkType.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Amount
Dim Amount2931 as Double
Amount2931 = LinkedTxnAmount.GetValue()
Next i2925
End If
if (not CheckRet.ExpenseLineRetList is nothing)
Dim i2932 as Integer
for i2932 = 0 to CheckRet.ExpenseLineRetList.Count - 1
Dim ExpenseLineRet as IExpenseLineRet
ExpenseLineRet = CheckRet.ExpenseLineRetList.GetAt(i2932)
'Get value of TxnLineID
Dim TxnLineID2933 as String
TxnLineID2933 = ExpenseLineRetTxnLineID.GetValue()
if (not ExpenseLineRetAccountRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ExpenseLineRetAccountRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2934 as String
ListID2934 = ExpenseLineRetAccountRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ExpenseLineRetAccountRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2935 as String
FullName2935 = ExpenseLineRetAccountRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of Amount
if ( not ExpenseLineRetAmount is nothing) then
Dim Amount2936 as Double
Amount2936 = ExpenseLineRetAmount.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Memo
if ( not ExpenseLineRetMemo is nothing) then
Dim Memo2937 as String
Memo2937 = ExpenseLineRetMemo.GetValue()
End If
if (not ExpenseLineRetCustomerRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ExpenseLineRetCustomerRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2938 as String
ListID2938 = ExpenseLineRetCustomerRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ExpenseLineRetCustomerRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2939 as String
FullName2939 = ExpenseLineRetCustomerRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ExpenseLineRetClassRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ExpenseLineRetClassRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2940 as String
ListID2940 = ExpenseLineRetClassRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ExpenseLineRetClassRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2941 as String
FullName2941 = ExpenseLineRetClassRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ExpenseLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ExpenseLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2942 as String
ListID2942 = ExpenseLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ExpenseLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2943 as String
FullName2943 = ExpenseLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of BillableStatus
if ( not ExpenseLineRetBillableStatus is nothing) then
Dim BillableStatus2944 as ENBillableStatus
BillableStatus2944 = ExpenseLineRetBillableStatus.GetValue()
End If
if (not ExpenseLineRetSalesRepRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ExpenseLineRetSalesRepRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2945 as String
ListID2945 = ExpenseLineRetSalesRepRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ExpenseLineRetSalesRepRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2946 as String
FullName2946 = ExpenseLineRetSalesRepRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ExpenseLineRetDataExtRetList is nothing)
Dim i2947 as Integer
for i2947 = 0 to ExpenseLineRetDataExtRetList.Count - 1
Dim DataExtRet as IDataExtRet
DataExtRet = ExpenseLineRetDataExtRetList.GetAt(i2947)
'Get value of OwnerID
if ( not DataExtRetOwnerID is nothing) then
Dim OwnerID2948 as String
OwnerID2948 = DataExtRetOwnerID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of DataExtName
Dim DataExtName2949 as String
DataExtName2949 = DataExtRetDataExtName.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtType
Dim DataExtType2950 as ENDataExtType
DataExtType2950 = DataExtRetDataExtType.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtValue
Dim DataExtValue2951 as String
DataExtValue2951 = DataExtRetDataExtValue.GetValue()
Next i2947
End If
Next i2932
End If
if (not CheckRet.ORItemLineRetList is nothing) then
Dim i2952 as Integer
for i2952 = 0 to CheckRet.ORItemLineRetList.Count - 1
Dim ORItemLineRet2953 as IORItemLineRet
ORItemLineRet2953 = CheckRet.ORItemLineRetList.GetAt(i2952)
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet is nothing) then
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet. is nothing) then
'Get value of TxnLineID
Dim TxnLineID2954 as String
TxnLineID2954 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.TxnLineID.GetValue()
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ItemRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ItemRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2955 as String
ListID2955 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ItemRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ItemRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2956 as String
FullName2956 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ItemRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2957 as String
ListID2957 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2958 as String
FullName2958 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteLocationRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteLocationRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2959 as String
ListID2959 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteLocationRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteLocationRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2960 as String
FullName2960 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.InventorySiteLocationRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber is nothing) then
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber is nothing) then
'Get value of SerialNumber
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber is nothing) then
Dim SerialNumber2962 as String
SerialNumber2962 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber is nothing) then
'Get value of LotNumber
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber is nothing) then
Dim LotNumber2963 as String
LotNumber2963 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber.GetValue()
End If
End If
End If
'Get value of ExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber is nothing) then
Dim ExpDate as String
ExpDate = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Desc
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Desc is nothing) then
Dim Desc2964 as String
Desc2964 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Desc.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Quantity
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Quantity is nothing) then
Dim Quantity2965 as Integer
Quantity2965 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Quantity.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of UnitOfMeasure
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.UnitOfMeasure is nothing) then
Dim UnitOfMeasure2966 as String
UnitOfMeasure2966 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.UnitOfMeasure.GetValue()
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2967 as String
ListID2967 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2968 as String
FullName2968 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of Cost
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Cost is nothing) then
Dim Cost2969 as Double
Cost2969 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Cost.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Amount
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Amount is nothing) then
Dim Amount2970 as Double
Amount2970 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.Amount.GetValue()
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.CustomerRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.CustomerRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2971 as String
ListID2971 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.CustomerRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.CustomerRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2972 as String
FullName2972 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.CustomerRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ClassRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ClassRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2973 as String
ListID2973 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ClassRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ClassRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2974 as String
FullName2974 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.ClassRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesTaxCodeRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2975 as String
ListID2975 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2976 as String
FullName2976 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesTaxCodeRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of BillableStatus
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.BillableStatus is nothing) then
Dim BillableStatus2977 as ENBillableStatus
BillableStatus2977 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.BillableStatus.GetValue()
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesRepRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesRepRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2978 as String
ListID2978 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesRepRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesRepRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2979 as String
FullName2979 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.SalesRepRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.DataExtRetList is nothing)
Dim i2980 as Integer
for i2980 = 0 to ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.DataExtRetList.Count - 1
Dim DataExtRet as IDataExtRet
DataExtRet = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemLineRet.DataExtRetList.GetAt(i2980)
'Get value of OwnerID
if ( not DataExtRetOwnerID is nothing) then
Dim OwnerID2981 as String
OwnerID2981 = DataExtRetOwnerID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of DataExtName
Dim DataExtName2982 as String
DataExtName2982 = DataExtRetDataExtName.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtType
Dim DataExtType2983 as ENDataExtType
DataExtType2983 = DataExtRetDataExtType.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtValue
Dim DataExtValue2984 as String
DataExtValue2984 = DataExtRetDataExtValue.GetValue()
Next i2980
End If
End If
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet is nothing) then
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet. is nothing) then
'Get value of TxnLineID
Dim TxnLineID2985 as String
TxnLineID2985 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.TxnLineID.GetValue()
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemGroupRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2986 as String
ListID2986 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemGroupRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemGroupRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2987 as String
FullName2987 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemGroupRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Desc
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.Desc is nothing) then
Dim Desc2988 as String
Desc2988 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.Desc.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Quantity
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.Quantity is nothing) then
Dim Quantity2989 as Integer
Quantity2989 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.Quantity.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of UnitOfMeasure
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.UnitOfMeasure is nothing) then
Dim UnitOfMeasure2990 as String
UnitOfMeasure2990 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.UnitOfMeasure.GetValue()
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2991 as String
ListID2991 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2992 as String
FullName2992 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.OverrideUOMSetRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of TotalAmount
Dim TotalAmount2993 as Double
TotalAmount2993 = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.TotalAmount.GetValue()
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemLineRetList is nothing)
Dim i2994 as Integer
for i2994 = 0 to ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemLineRetList.Count - 1
Dim ItemLineRet as IItemLineRet
ItemLineRet = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.ItemLineRetList.GetAt(i2994)
'Get value of TxnLineID
Dim TxnLineID2995 as String
TxnLineID2995 = ItemLineRetTxnLineID.GetValue()
if (not ItemLineRetItemRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetItemRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2996 as String
ListID2996 = ItemLineRetItemRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetItemRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2997 as String
FullName2997 = ItemLineRetItemRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetInventorySiteRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetInventorySiteRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID2998 as String
ListID2998 = ItemLineRetInventorySiteRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetInventorySiteRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName2999 as String
FullName2999 = ItemLineRetInventorySiteRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetInventorySiteLocationRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetInventorySiteLocationRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3000 as String
ListID3000 = ItemLineRetInventorySiteLocationRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetInventorySiteLocationRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3001 as String
FullName3001 = ItemLineRetInventorySiteLocationRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber is nothing) then
if (not ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber is nothing) then
'Get value of SerialNumber
if ( not ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber is nothing) then
Dim SerialNumber3003 as String
SerialNumber3003 = ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.SerialNumber.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber is nothing) then
'Get value of LotNumber
if ( not ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber is nothing) then
Dim LotNumber3004 as String
LotNumber3004 = ItemLineRetORSerialLotNumber.LotNumber.GetValue()
End If
End If
End If
'Get value of ExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber
if ( not ItemLineRetExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber is nothing) then
Dim ExpDate as String
ExpDate = ItemLineRetExpirationDateForSerialLotNumber.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Desc
if ( not ItemLineRetDesc is nothing) then
Dim Desc3005 as String
Desc3005 = ItemLineRetDesc.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Quantity
if ( not ItemLineRetQuantity is nothing) then
Dim Quantity3006 as Integer
Quantity3006 = ItemLineRetQuantity.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of UnitOfMeasure
if ( not ItemLineRetUnitOfMeasure is nothing) then
Dim UnitOfMeasure3007 as String
UnitOfMeasure3007 = ItemLineRetUnitOfMeasure.GetValue()
End If
if (not ItemLineRetOverrideUOMSetRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetOverrideUOMSetRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3008 as String
ListID3008 = ItemLineRetOverrideUOMSetRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetOverrideUOMSetRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3009 as String
FullName3009 = ItemLineRetOverrideUOMSetRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of Cost
if ( not ItemLineRetCost is nothing) then
Dim Cost3010 as Double
Cost3010 = ItemLineRetCost.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of Amount
if ( not ItemLineRetAmount is nothing) then
Dim Amount3011 as Double
Amount3011 = ItemLineRetAmount.GetValue()
End If
if (not ItemLineRetCustomerRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetCustomerRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3012 as String
ListID3012 = ItemLineRetCustomerRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetCustomerRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3013 as String
FullName3013 = ItemLineRetCustomerRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetClassRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetClassRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3014 as String
ListID3014 = ItemLineRetClassRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetClassRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3015 as String
FullName3015 = ItemLineRetClassRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3016 as String
ListID3016 = ItemLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3017 as String
FullName3017 = ItemLineRetSalesTaxCodeRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
'Get value of BillableStatus
if ( not ItemLineRetBillableStatus is nothing) then
Dim BillableStatus3018 as ENBillableStatus
BillableStatus3018 = ItemLineRetBillableStatus.GetValue()
End If
if (not ItemLineRetSalesRepRef. is nothing) then
'Get value of ListID
if ( not ItemLineRetSalesRepRef.ListID is nothing) then
Dim ListID3019 as String
ListID3019 = ItemLineRetSalesRepRef.ListID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of FullName
if ( not ItemLineRetSalesRepRef.FullName is nothing) then
Dim FullName3020 as String
FullName3020 = ItemLineRetSalesRepRef.FullName.GetValue()
End If
End If
if (not ItemLineRetDataExtRetList is nothing)
Dim i3021 as Integer
for i3021 = 0 to ItemLineRetDataExtRetList.Count - 1
Dim DataExtRet as IDataExtRet
DataExtRet = ItemLineRetDataExtRetList.GetAt(i3021)
'Get value of OwnerID
if ( not DataExtRetOwnerID is nothing) then
Dim OwnerID3022 as String
OwnerID3022 = DataExtRetOwnerID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of DataExtName
Dim DataExtName3023 as String
DataExtName3023 = DataExtRetDataExtName.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtType
Dim DataExtType3024 as ENDataExtType
DataExtType3024 = DataExtRetDataExtType.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtValue
Dim DataExtValue3025 as String
DataExtValue3025 = DataExtRetDataExtValue.GetValue()
Next i3021
End If
Next i2994
End If
if (not ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.DataExtList is nothing)
Dim i3026 as Integer
for i3026 = 0 to ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.DataExtList.Count - 1
Dim DataExt as IDataExt
DataExt = ORItemLineRet2953.ItemGroupLineRet.DataExtList.GetAt(i3026)
'Get value of OwnerID
Dim OwnerID3027 as String
OwnerID3027 = DataExtOwnerID.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtName
Dim DataExtName3028 as String
DataExtName3028 = DataExtDataExtName.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtValue
Dim DataExtValue3029 as String
DataExtValue3029 = DataExtDataExtValue.GetValue()
Next i3026
End If
End If
End If
Next i2952
End If
if (not CheckRet.DataExtRetList is nothing)
Dim i3030 as Integer
for i3030 = 0 to CheckRet.DataExtRetList.Count - 1
Dim DataExtRet as IDataExtRet
DataExtRet = CheckRet.DataExtRetList.GetAt(i3030)
'Get value of OwnerID
if ( not DataExtRetOwnerID is nothing) then
Dim OwnerID3031 as String
OwnerID3031 = DataExtRetOwnerID.GetValue()
End If
'Get value of DataExtName
Dim DataExtName3032 as String
DataExtName3032 = DataExtRetDataExtName.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtType
Dim DataExtType3033 as ENDataExtType
DataExtType3033 = DataExtRetDataExtType.GetValue()
'Get value of DataExtValue
Dim DataExtValue3034 as String
DataExtValue3034 = DataExtRetDataExtValue.GetValue()
Next i3030
End If
End Sub
End Class
End Module
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