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Last active May 21, 2017 21:24
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Xda change log
[B][SIZE="2"]Releases will usually happen on Sunday's unless its an urgent release, so please stay tuned for more stuff :).[/SIZE][/B]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 2.1.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]May-7-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] See Review Comments & React to Issue/PR description [/FONT]
[*](New) PullRequests Reviews (Read Only for now)
[*](New) Add reviewers to PRs.
[*](New) React to Issues & PRs description.
[*](New) Long press stars, watchers & forks to see who stared for example.
[*](New) Showing number of downloads in release assets.
[*](New) Added scrollbars to recyclerview.
[*](New) Commit comments reactions should now behave like Issues & PRs.
[*](New) Added open in browser for Issue/PR/Commits.
[*](Enhancement) DrawerMenu to handle selected items.
[*](Enhancement) Added notification item to drawer menu to access it from anywhere.
[*](Enhancement) Enable ads moved to settings.
[*](Fix) Fixed some crashes here & there.
[*](Fix) Code in comments might run out of screen.
[*](Fix) Italic in comments.
[*](Fix) Change App color in recent apps base on the selected theme.
[*]A lot of bug fixes.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 2.0.1[/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]May-1-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Quick Fix [/FONT]
[*]Issues & PRs filter list isn't clickable
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 2.0.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]May-1-2017[/B].
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Access Token Login [/FONT]
[*]You could see this any time via Settings screen (Changelog)
[*](New) New Login type (Access Token)
[*](New) App ShortCut (Feeds, My Issues, My Pulls, Profile & Pinned Repos).
[*](New) Scroll to line number in Code Viewer.
[*](New) My Issues (Created, Assigned & Mentioned)
[*](New) My Pulls (Created, Assigned, Mentioned & Review Requests)
[*](New) Commit files to have more options & displays in larger screen.
[*](New) Commit messages to render links.
[*](New) Search repo files either search in File or Path or both.
[*](New) Notifications (Unread & All) tabs.
[*](New) Rendering tables in comments (Partially)
[*](New) Added todos in comments back.
[*](New) Added todos in comments back.
[*](New) Russian language.
[*](New) Showing comments number in issues/commits & PRs.
[*](New) Showing PullRequest branch and where its pushed.
[*](New) Added slack Invitation from within app.
[*](Enhancement) To re-order Issues & Pull Requests in main screen.
[*](Enhancement) Enhanced comments screen to display emojies in top.
[*](Enhancement) Labels design.
[*](Enhancement & Fix) Readme files now should behave exactly like how its rendered in Repos Readme.
[*](Enhancement) Only list repos that either fork, public or private instead of including repos from organization in profile screen.
[*](Enhancement) Repo Filter fab UI.
[*](Enhancement) Remain Drawer its across screens and select those related to the screen the user at.
[*](Fix) Editor Dialog displayed in middle of screen.
[*](Fix) Repo file path to be appended only when the API is successful.
[*](Fix) Code escaping in comments.
[*](Fix) Clicking on an organization opens profile instead of org profile screen.
[*](Fix) Bold in comments.
[*](Fix) Lists in comments.
[*]Alot of bug fixes.
[*][B]P.S:[/B] [FONT="Fixedsys"]The icon change was due to Play Store was about to ban FastHub due to impersonating GitHub's logo and I'd to appeal with new icon to bring back FastHub (I hate the new icon too!) & hopefully soon it'll be replaced with something nice[/FONT]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.9.2 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-23-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*]Submitted 1.9.2 to return FastHub to play store.
[B]P.S: It has unfinished work, but won't effect your usage within the app. [/B][/INDENT]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.9.1 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-17-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](Fix) Push icon crashes app (Android Lollipop Bug).
[*](Fix) Clicking home up from issue/pr doesn't go to the associated tab.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.9.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-17-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Markdown Editor Image upload using Imgur API [/FONT]
[*](New) German & Turkish language support.
[*](New) Loading all comments at once & added fastscroller to scroll to bottom faster.
[*](New) Long press on reaction see who reacted to it.
[*]Wrap code in Code Viewer, either one time via menu item or via settings to always be wrapped.
[*](New) Commits count now filtered base on the selected tag or branch.
[*](New) Clicking home up from viewer brings you to the same directory you were reading file from.
[*](New) Notification sound by default, you could disable it from settings.
[*](New) Organization & Profile items in drawer.
[*]Alot of bug fixes.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.8.1 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-10-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*]Fixed a bug in Android Lollipop. #androidbug
[*]Fixed a bug in opening [b]FastHub[/b] repo from outside the app.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.8.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-10-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Issues/PRs Search & Filter, Statuses & Reviews [/FONT]
[*](New) Filter/Search Repo Issues & PRs.
[*](New) PullRequest reviews.
[*](New) PullRequest build statuses.
[*](New) PullRequest modified files.
[*](New) Navigate to directory from CodeViewer.
[*](New) Showing file name in CodeView.
[*](New) Showing events icon in feeds.
[*](New) Showing comments body & issue/pr title in feeds.
[*](New) Some animations here and there.
[*](New) Mark notification as read from notification panel.
[*](New) Showing total conversations, commits & files count in PR.
[*](New) Closing/Opening issue/PullRequest should refresh the associated list.
[*](New) Displaying icon in branches & tags to differentiate between them.
[*](Fix) Repo size.
[*](Fix) Clicking on Org avatar opens users view.
[*](Fx/Enhanced) Some phrases.
[*](Fix) Tapping files icon does nothing.
[*](Fix/Enhancement) Up Button (Toolbar back button) navigation.
[*](Fix/Enhancement) Showing Repo name in some screen that requires that.
[*](Fix) Releases order in Offline mode.
[*]A loooot More stuff..
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.7.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-4-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] More Organization Support [/FONT]
[*](New) See Organization Feeds.
[*](New) Organization UI.
[*](New) Long click on a notification to mark it as read instead of opening it to mark it as read.
[*](New) Tags now are listed along with Branches to filter either files or commits.
[*](New) See repo size.
[*](Fix) Crash that occured in 1.5.0 - 1.6.0
[*](Fix) Labels text color now should be readable.
[*](Fix) PullRequests shouldn't be displayed in Issues.
[*](Fix) Delete menu isn't visible in own Gist.
[*](Fix) Organization private repos are not listed.
[*](Fix) retaining tabs (count) on orientation change.
[*](Fix) Crash when Repo might be empty.
[*](Fix) Fixed changelog & releases padding which introduced in 1.6.0
[*](Enhancement) Displaying message upon clicking on dropdown icon in Drawer if user isn't tied to any organization.
[*]More stuff..
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.6.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-3-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Organization Support [/FONT]
[*](New) Organization support (accessible from drawer menu).
[*](New) Commit Count in repos commit.
[*](Enhancement) Hacky way of handling [b]reactions[/b] (blame GitHub API).
[*](Fix) Starred & Watched icons on orientation change doesn't retain their state.
[*](Fix) App might crash due to some database constraints.
[*](Fix) Releases tab might have empty list.
[*](Fix) Notification icon is missing in statusbar.
[*](Fix) White statusbar in About screen. About screen now should follow the selected theme.
[b]Please notice:[/b] Organization is yet to be fully supported
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.5.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]April-2-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Dark Theme is finally fixed [/FONT]
[*](New) Comments & Labels are combined under one screen in PRs & Issues. [url=""]#226[/url] [url=""]#59[/url]
[*](New) Redesign of Comments.[url=""]#59[/url]
[*](New) Creating Issues/PRs Labels. [url=""]#220[/url]
[*](New) Adding Drawer Menu to most screens that needs one.[url=""]#213[/url]
[*](New)Adding description to create Milestone.[url=""]#217[/url]
[*](New) Long pressing on Back Button shall closes everything and opens Main screen.
[*](New) Remove Labels from Issues/PRs.[url=""]#224[/url]
[*](New) Comments Reactions in Issues/PRs. (Only reactions no revert).[url=""]#194[/url]
[*](Fix) Almost all bugs caught by Firebase.
[*](Fix) Dark Theme.
[*](Fix) OVerlapping in Repo View.
[*](Fix) Wrong links handling.
[*](Fix) Lag that occurs after [b]FastHub[/b] v1.2.0.
[*](Fix) And a lot more that I can't really remember.
[b]Please notice:[/b] Organization is my highest priority for the next release, please stay tuned & patience.[/INDENT][/list]
[quote][b]FastHub[/b] in a month has closed 176 issues & feature requests, its a one man job, so please bare with me.[/quote]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.4.1 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-27-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Bugs/Crashes Fix & Improvements [/FONT]
[*]Crash happens in Commit when trying to add a comment or rotate your screen.
[*]Crash when clicking on Follow button (some devices).
[*]Crash when supporting developement payment is success.
[*]Crash when sometimes RepoView process is death and therefore the Issues causes crash for some missing values.
[*]And more...
[*]Pinned button in small screen devices is almost hidden.[url=""]#208[/url]
[*]PullRequest empty state text showing wrong label. [url=""]#206[/url]
[*]Anchor links now should behave 100% correct as now its done throught `javascript` instead of relying on the `webview` click which doesn't occur 90%. [url=""]#204[/url]
[*]GistView doesn't show description icon nor description. (new)
[*]To many notifications might cause the notification panel to lag or stuck, now notifications are limited to 10 in notification panel.[url=""]#202[/url]
[*]Clicking on notification does nothing. [url=""]#201[/url]
[*]Better notification support (Limit to 10). [url=""]#199[/url]
[*]Capitalize sentenses in MarkDown Editor.[url=""]#195[/url]
[*]Merged Prs showing as closed, will only work within the [b]RepoView[/b]. [url=""]#193[/url]
[*]Possible overlapping of `Views` in RepoView. [url=""]#192[/url]
[b]Please notice:[/b] If you are using Android 7 & above, you might have a problem with the NightMode. Its something out of FastHub league as its OS bug. Due to this & as per request we will end up with a Themes Engine very soon.
[b]Please notice:[/b] Organization is my highest priority for the next release, please stay tuned & patience.[/INDENT][/list]
[quote][b]FastHub[/b] in a month has closed 176 issues & feature requests, its a one man job, so please bare with me.[/quote]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.4.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-26-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*][b]Introduction[/b] new enhanced [b]FastHub Main Screen[/b] showing you what matters the most to you:
[*]My Feeds
[*]Pull Requests
[*][b]Notifications[/b], the notifications in (notification panel) is now enhanced as: [url=""]#111[/url]
[*]Grouped Notifications, all under one notification.
[*]Showing comments within the notification. Yaay.
[*]Opening the specific view from within the notification, no more extra clicks.
[*]Upon clicking a notification, it will be auto-magically marked as read unless if you disable it from the settings screen.
[*][b]Pinned Repos[/b], is a place that lives outside of GitHub and only exists in [b]FastHub[/b], you could pin any repo you like and access it faster from within the [b]Pinned[/b] tab from MenuDrawer (works [b]Offline[/b]).[url=""]#184[/url]
[*]Menu Drawer now has more options, and there will be more in the future:
[*]Public Gists (Previously in BottomBar)
[*]Your own Gists
[*]More items
[*][b]Issues[/b] & [b]Pull Requests[/b] count, [b]Please be aware that this rely on the Search API which means it has an API limit[/b] For more info please visit. [url=""]GitHub Developer Rate Limit[/url][url=""]#184[/url]
[*]Now Downloaded files are going to be downloaded into your [b]sdcard/FastHub[/b] folder which results in asking a new Permission.
[*]Those who uses custom in their phone to modify the display density, now the app should behave like it should and show you the
right layout for your screen.[url=""]#189[/url]
[*]Files and Branches now should be downloaded in **FastHub** Folder. [url=""]#188[/url]
[*]Enable ads not saved upon restarting app.[url=""]#176[/url]
[*]Commit files font style. [url=""]#187[/url]
[*]And More fixed internally that I can't really remember them.
[b]Please notice:[/b] If you are using Android 7 & above, you might have a problem with the NightMode. Its something out of FastHub league as its OS bug. Due to this & as per request we will end up with a Themes Engine very soon.
[b]Please notice:[/b] Organization is my highest priority for the next release, please stay tuned & patience.[/list]
[quote][b]FastHub[/b] in a month has closed 176 issues & feature requests, its a one man job, so please bare with me.[/quote]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.3.2 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-22-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Another Quick Fix [/FONT]
[*](Fix) Fixing dark theme when app opened from an external app or from notifications.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.3.1 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-21-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Quick Fix [/FONT]
[*](Fix) Fixed dark theme code highlighting in dark theme due to typo in file name.
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.3.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-21-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] Dark theme [/FONT]
[*](New) Theme support Auto, Dark & Light (default). [url=""]#54[/url]
[*](New) Toggle don't read notifications upon clicking on them. [url=""]#177[/url]
[*](New) FastHub new Logo thanks to [b]Kevin Aguilar[/b]
[*](New) Download repo branch files. [url=""]#169[/url]
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.2.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-21-2017[/B][/font]
[*](New) Added browser login for users who don't trust the integrated autentiation
[*](New) Merge functionality
[*](New) Background interactions are now notifying users via Notification Panel
[*](New) Marking Notification as read or read all now indicates that the request is being called via Notification Panel
[*](New) Open commits from Feeds
[*](New) Anchor links in Readme
[*](New) Display Repository language
[*](New) Long click to copy URL & image URL from Readme
[*](New) Added Home (Repo home page) button in Commits, Issues & Pull Requests if users open them from comment, Feeds, notification or Readme
[*](New) Error messages are now more user friendly
[*](Enhancement) Offline module
[*](Enhancement) More links parsing e.g. raw files should now be handled properly
[*](Fix) Opening Commit through Feeds (#174)
[*](Fix) Starred Typo which is caused by GitHub API (#171, #164, #166)
[*](Fix) Bug fixes
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.1.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-12-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](New) Two-factor authentication login by [MENTION=2487860]alorma[/MENTION]
[*](Fix) Commit comments (#134)
[*](Fix) Notification pagination (#135)
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.1.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-12-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](New) Filter commits by branch
[*](New) Filter files by branch
[*](New) Markdown rendering now should behave like GitHub in comments, description & releases
[*](New) Highlighting (badging) special repos such as forked & private in profile repo list (#86)
[*](New) Add list dividers for small phones (#107)
[*](New) Toggle between rectangle & circular avatar from settings screen
[*](New) Toggle off press twice to exit app from settings screen
[*](New) Marking notifications should be done in the background either for single or marking all
[*](New) Release details now should behave like in GitHub, such as you could now click on issues tags and links (#61)
[*](New) Now release assets should be listed as well for downloading (#65)
[*](New/Enhancement) Markdown now should behave exactly like GitHub comments / Readme (#77, #78, #82)
[*](Enhancement) Now starring, forking or watching a repo/gist is done in the background (#12)
[*](Fix/Enhancement) Popups now should have () icon instead of back icon (#90)
[*](Fix/Enhancement) Icons now should be filled/changed to the action you made (#96)
[*](Fix) Fixed the assumption there would always be a master branch (#67)
[*](Fix) `EditText`s now should ellipse and handle capitalization properly (#69, #93)
[*](Fix) Opening pull requests from feeds list (#72)
[*](Fix) Milestone button click not working (#73)
[*](Fix) Repo listing now should show smaller icons (#85)
[*](Fix) Posting comment might return `null` text (#99)
[*](Fix) Posting comment and updating list might add weird margin (#102)
[*](Fix) App now should remain in Recents if you open it from external apps (#103)
[*](Fix) Displaying text if issue/pull request doesn't have description (#106)
[*](Fix) Icons foreground (#108)
[*](Fix) App authorization for some users (#127)
[*](Fix) Elevation problem (#80)
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.0.6 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-6-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](Fix) Pull request crash
[*](Fix) Date issue
[*](Fix) Offline mode
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.0.5 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]March-5-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] This release focused on bug fixes reported via Firebase crash logging [/FONT]
[*](New) Edit pull request & issues (#21)
[*](New) Add milestones & assignees to pull requests or issues (#13)
[*](New) Settings screen to control notifications and disable `RecyclerView` animations (#44, #58, #39)
[*](New) Read all & filter notifications (#17, #37)
[*](New) FastHub now shows user's private repos (#56)
[*](New) Switch branch (#52)
[*](New) Repos can be deleted
[*](New) Provide proper backstack for activities where clicked from outside of app (#38)
[*](New) Collaborators now can have control over issues & pull request (#33)
[*](New) Forking a repo will ask for confirmation first (#46)
[*](New) Replaced text with an icon in Markdown Editor (#34)
[*](New) Displaying images in comments
[*](Fix) Overall date in app in UTC time
[*](Fix) Link & image parsing in Readme
[*](Fix) Fixed closing issue by repo owner
[*](Fix) Removed `ProgressBar` from avatars and replaced them with an oval grey colour
[*](Fix) Star & forks count when sometimes they are reset to `0` or `1`
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.0.4 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]Feb-27-2017[/B]
[*][B]Release Highlight:[/B] This release has a lot of bug fixes & UI improvements [/FONT]
[*](New) Added guides throughout the app (#19)
[*](New) Now notifications open their associate views instead of opening the repo page (#17)
[*](New) Clicking on notification from the system notifications tray now opens the notifications list (#17)
[*](New) New splash screen (#19)
[*](New) Added content description to preview icon in Markdown editor (#19)
[*](Enhancement) Only repo owners could label issues and pull requests (#19)
[*](Enhancement) Changed app font to Roboto (#19)
[*](Enhancement) Removed the elevation from the `NavigationView` header (Reddit suggestion)
[*](Fix) Fixed crash when opening a file from repo browser
[*](Fix) Displaying the correct watcher count in repo overview (#22)
[*](Fix) Deleting an Gist now removes it from the Gists list in users profile as well (#19)
[*](Fix) Made `NavigationView` to consume clicks to disable passing clicks to behind views (#18)
[*](Fix) Extra steps to parse links
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.0.3 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]Feb-26-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](Fix) Fixed ads
[B][SIZE="3"]Version 1.0.2 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]Feb-26-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*](New) Added new splash screen
[*](Enhancement) Changed status bar color in Android Lollipop
[*](Fix) Fixed crash happening in battery saving mode
[*](Fix) Extra step to parse blob URLs
[B][SIZE="3"]Release 1.0.0 [/SIZE][/B]
[*][FONT="Courier New"][B]Feb-25-2017[/B][/FONT]
[*] The Birth of FastHub
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