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Created July 18, 2023 10:00
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Code accompanying "Safe and efficient generic functions with MacoCaml" (OCaml 2023)
type _ prim =
Int : int prim
| Int32 : int32 prim
| Int64 : int64 prim
| Nativeint : nativeint prim
| Float : float prim
| Unit : unit prim
type ('a,'b) iso = {
out: 'a expr -> 'b expr;
in_: 'b expr -> 'a expr;
type ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
type (_,_) eql = Refl : ('a,'a) eql
type _ id = ..
type 'a var = { id: 'a id; eq : 'b. 'b id -> ('a,'b) eql option }
macro var : type a. unit -> a var =
fun () ->
let module M = struct type _ id += Id : a id end in
let eq : type b. b id -> (a,b) eql option =
function M.Id -> Some Refl | _ -> None in
{ id = M.Id; eq }
type 'a t =
Primitive of 'a prim
| Var of 'a var
| Sum : 'a t * 'b t -> ('a,'b) either t
| Prod : 'a t * 'b t -> ('a * 'b) t
| Iso : ('a,'b) iso * 'a t -> 'b t
type 'a ty = Ty of 'a var * 'a t
macro tyname : 'a ty -> 'a var =
fun (Ty (x,_)) -> x
let rec outList = function
| Left () -> []
| Right (x,xs) -> x :: xs
let rec inList_ = function
| [] -> Left ()
| x :: xs -> Right (x, xs)
macro list elem =
let self = var () in
Ty (self, Iso ({out=(fun x -> << outList $x>>); in_ = (fun x -> <<inList_ $x>>)}, Sum (Primitive Unit, Prod (Var (tyname elem), Var self))))
macro eqprim : type a. a prim -> a expr -> a expr -> bool expr =
fun p x y ->
match p with
| Int -> << $x = $y >>
| Int32 -> << Int32.equal $x $y >>
| Int64 -> << Int64.equal $x $y >>
| Nativeint -> << Nativeint.equal $x $y >>
| Float -> << $x = $y >>
| Unit -> << true >>
type eqenv =
Nil : eqenv
| Bind : 'a var * ('a -> 'a -> bool) expr * eqenv -> eqenv
macro rec lookup : type a. a var -> eqenv -> (a -> a -> bool) expr =
fun x env ->
match env with
| Nil -> ~Pervasives.raise Not_found
| Bind (y,v,env') ->
match x.eq with
| Some Refl -> v
| None -> lookup x env'
macro rec eqt : type a. eqenv -> a t -> a expr -> a expr -> bool expr =
fun env t x y ->
match t with
| Primitive p -> eqprim p x y
| Var v -> << $(lookup v env) $x $y >>
| Sum (l,r) -> << match $x, $y with
| Left a, Left b -> $(eqt env l <<a>> <<b>>)
| Right a, Right b -> $(eqt env r <<a>> <<b>>)
| _ -> false >>
| Prod (l,r) -> << let (a,b) = $x in
let (c,d) = $y in
$(eqt env l <<a>> <<c>>)
&& $(eqt env r <<b>> <<d>>) >>
| Iso ({out; in_}, i) -> eqt env i (in_ x) (in_ y)
macro eqty : type a. eqenv -> a ty -> (a -> a -> bool) expr =
fun env (Ty (v,ty)) -> << let rec eq x y = $(eqt (Bind (v,<<eq>>,env)) ty <<x>> <<y>>) in eq >>
static int32 = Ty (var (), Primitive Int32)
let eq_int32 : int32 -> int32 -> bool =
$(eqty Nil int32)
static int32_list = list int32
let eq_int32_list : int32 list -> int32 list -> bool =
$(eqty (Bind (tyname int32, <<eq_int32>>, Nil)) int32_list)
let test =
assert (eq_int32_list [1l; 2l; 3l] [1l; 2l; 3l]);
assert (not (eq_int32_list [1l; 2l; 3l] [1l; 2l]));
assert (not (eq_int32_list [] [1l; 2l]));
assert (eq_int32_list [] []);
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