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Created December 2, 2015 02:13
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Pretty debug messages a-la `npm`'s `debug` for Haskell's stack
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package ansi-terminal --package time -- -prof
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Time.Clock
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
import System.IO.Unsafe
{-# NOINLINE lastDebugCall #-}
lastDebugCall :: MVar UTCTime
lastDebugCall = unsafePerformIO newEmptyMVar
debug :: String -> IO ()
debug s = do
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Cyan]
putStr " debug "
setSGR [Reset]
putStr s
setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Cyan]
td <- getTimeDiff
putStrLn $ " +" ++ show (floor (toRational td * 1000) :: Int) ++ "ms"
setSGR [Reset]
getTimeDiff = do
now <- getCurrentTime
mlastTime <- tryReadMVar lastDebugCall
case mlastTime of
Nothing -> do
putMVar lastDebugCall now
return 0
Just lastTime -> do
_ <- swapMVar lastDebugCall now
return $ now `diffUTCTime` lastTime
logPrefixLength :: Int
logPrefixLength = length "2015-12-01 23:43:27.498953: [debug] "
main :: IO ()
main = do
ln <- getLine
if "[debug]" `isInfixOf` ln
then debug $ drop logPrefixLength ln
else putStrLn ln
done <- isEOF
unless done main
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