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Created May 30, 2012 09:55
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import org.specs2.mutable._
trait BarTrait {}
class Hoge {}
class TraitGetClassTest extends Specification {
"Trait mixin " should {
"getClass " in {
val hoge = new Hoge with BarTrait
hoge.getClass.toString must_== "Hoge"
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Yasushi commented May 30, 2012


haveClass: to check the class of an object
haveSuperclass: to check if the class of an object as another class as one of its ancestors
haveInterface: to check if an object is implementing a given interface
beAssignableFrom: to check if a class is assignable from another
beAnInstanceOf[T]: to check if an object is an instance of 

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Yasushi さんの張ったspecs2のmatcherのソース明日見てみようっと…あざす

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