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Created July 25, 2012 23:19
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; イテレータの反転をスレッドで実装すると、プロデューサ・コンシューマパターンになる。
(use rfc.http)
(use gauche.threads)
(use gauche.generator)
(use util.queue)
(use gauche.vport)
(use gauche.uvector)
(use sxml.ssax)
;(use htmlprag)
;(use pretty-print)
;(use web-helper)
; producer ..... yield手続きを引数にもつ手続き
; consumer ..... ジェネレータを引数にもつ手続き
(define (producer-consumer produce consume :key (queue-size 100))
(define (make-producer mtq)
(^ []
(guard (e [else
(print (standard-error-port) (ref e 'message) )
(enqueue/wait! mtq (eof-object)) ] )
(produce (cut enqueue/wait! mtq <>))
(enqueue/wait! mtq (eof-object))
) ) )
(define (make-consumer mtq)
(^ []
(guard (e [else (print (standard-error-port) (ref e 'message) ) ])
(consume (generate (^(yield)
(let loop [(xc (dequeue/wait! mtq))]
(if (eof-object? xc)
(yield (eof-object))
(yield xc)
(loop (dequeue/wait! mtq) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
) ) )
(and-let* [ ( mtq (make-mtqueue :max-length queue-size))
( c (make-thread (make-consumer mtq ) ) )
( p (make-thread (make-producer mtq )))]
(let [(tc (thread-start! c))
(tp (thread-start! p)) ]
(thread-join! tp)
(thread-join! tc) ; <----consumerの値を返す
) ) )
; produce ..... 出力ポートを引数にもつ手続き(データ供給)
; consume ..... 入力ポートを引数にもつ手続き(データ消費)
(define (producer-consumer-with-port produce consume :key (queue-size 100) (buffer-size 8000) )
(let1 outp (make <buffered-output-port>
:buffer-size buffer-size
:flush (^ (u8v flag)
(yield (u8vector-copy u8v))
(uvector-length u8v) ) )
(produce outp)
(yield (eof-object))
) )
(^g (let1 inp (make <buffered-input-port>
:buffer-size buffer-size
:fill (^(u8v-dst)
(let1 u8v-src (g)
(if (eof-object? u8v-src)
(let [(ndst (uvector-length u8v-dst))
(nsrc (uvector-length u8v-src ))]
(if (>= ndst nsrc )
(u8vector-copy! u8v-dst 0 u8v-src )
;#?= u8v-dst
nsrc )
; ここには来ないはずだが念の為
(error "ndst < nsrc") ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(consume inp)
) )
:queue-size queue-size
) )
(define (call-with-input-http http-param proc :key (queue-size 100) (buffer-size 8000) )
(^(o) (apply http-get (append http-param `(:sink ,o :flusher ,(^ _ (flush o) #t) ) ) ) )
(^(i) (proc i) )
:queue-size queue-size
:buffer-size buffer-size
) )
;(define (call-with-input-http-uri uri proc :key (queue-size 100))
; (receive (host path) (uri->param uri)
; (call-with-input-http
; (list host path) proc :queue-size queue-size )))
(define (main args)
#?= args
(cdr args)
;(print (port->string p))
(print (ssax:xml->sxml p '() ) )
;(print (html->sxml p))
:queue-size 100
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