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Last active July 15, 2021 14:18
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public async Task<Location> GetGeocoding(Address address)
var apiClient = new HttpClient();
var key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_KEY");
var addressToUse = BindAddress(address);
var url = "" +
$"address={addressToUse}" +
$"&language=pt-BR" +
using HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = await apiClient.GetAsync(url);
if (!responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode) throw new Exception(responseMessage.ReasonPhrase);
Coordenates coordinates = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsAsync<Coordenates>();
return coordinates.Results[0].Geometry.Location;
private string BindAddress(Address address)
var city = _context.Cities
.Include(c => c.State)
.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == address.CityId);
var stringToUse = $"{address.Number}+" +
$"{address.Street.Replace(" ", "+")}+" +
$"{address.Neighborhood.Replace(" ", "+")},+" +
$"{city?.Name.Replace(" ", "+")},+" +
$"{city?.State.Name.Replace(" ", "+")}";
return stringToUse;
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