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Created September 11, 2013 23:08
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Grunt System to build angular projects
* This file/module contains all configuration for the build process.
module.exports = {
* The `build_dir` folder is where our projects are compiled during
* development and the `compile_dir` folder is where our app resides once it's
* completely built.
build_dir: 'build',
compile_dir: 'dist',
* This is a collection of file patterns that refer to our app code (the
* stuff in `src/`). These file paths are used in the configuration of
* build tasks. `js` is all project javascript, less tests. `ctpl` contains
* our reusable components' (`src/common`) template HTML files, while
* `atpl` contains the same, but for our app's code. `html` is just our
* main HTML file, `less` is our main stylesheet, and `unit` contains our
* app's unit tests.
app_files: {
dirs: {
base: 'src',
app: 'src/app',
common: 'src/common',
assets: 'src/assets',
styles: 'src/styles'
js: [ 'src/**/*.js', '!src/**/*.spec.js' ],
jsunit: [ 'src/**/*.spec.js' ],
coffee: [ 'src/**/*.coffee', '!src/**/*' ],
coffeeunit: [ 'src/**/*' ],
atpl: [ 'src/app/**/*.tpl.html' ],
ctpl: [ 'src/common/**/*.tpl.html' ],
html: [ 'src/index.html' ],
less: {
main: 'src/styles/main.less',
all: 'src/**/*.less'
assets: 'src/assets/**'
server_files: [ 'server/**/*.js' ],
* This is the same as `app_files`, except it contains patterns that
* reference vendor code (`vendor/`) that we need to place into the build
* process somewhere. While the `app_files` property ensures all
* standardized files are collected for compilation, it is the user's job
* to ensure non-standardized (i.e. vendor-related) files are handled
* appropriately in `vendor_files.js`.
* The `vendor_files.js` property holds files to be automatically
* concatenated and minified with our project source files.
* The `vendor_files.css` property holds any CSS files to be automatically
* included in our app.
vendor_files: {
js: [
css: [
other: [
module.exports = function ( grunt ) {
* Load required Grunt tasks. These are installed based on the versions listed
* in `package.json` when you do `npm install` in this directory.
* Load in our build configuration file.
var userConfig = require( './build.config.js' );
* This is the configuration object Grunt uses to give each plugin its
* instructions.
var taskConfig = {
* We read in our `package.json` file so we can access the package name and
* version. It's already there, so we don't repeat ourselves here.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON("package.json"),
* The banner is the comment that is placed at the top of our compiled
* source files. It is first processed as a Grunt template, where the `<%=`
* pairs are evaluated based on this very configuration object.
meta: {
'/**\n' +
' * <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - <%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>\n' +
' * <%= pkg.homepage %>\n' +
' *\n' +
' * Copyright (c) <%="yyyy") %> Dash Hound Dev\n' +
' */\n'
* Creates a changelog on a new version.
changelog: {
options: {
dest: '',
template: 'changelog.tpl'
* Increments the version number, etc.
bump: {
options: {
files: [
commit: false,
commitMessage: 'chore(release): v%VERSION%',
commitFiles: [
createTag: false,
tagName: 'v%VERSION%',
tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%',
push: false,
pushTo: 'origin'
env: {
dev: {
DEBUG: [process.env.DEBUG, 'skycaptain:*'].join(','),
NODE_ENV: 'development'
* The directories to delete when `grunt clean` is executed.
clean: [
'<%= build_dir %>',
'<%= compile_dir %>'
* The `copy` task just copies files from A to B. We use it here to copy
* our project assets (images, fonts, etc.) and javascripts into
* `build_dir`, and then to copy the assets to `compile_dir`.
copy: {
build_assets: {
files: [
src: [ '**' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/assets/',
cwd: '<%= app_files.dirs.assets %>',
expand: true
src: [ '*', '!index.html' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>',
cwd: '<%= app_files.dirs.base %>',
expand: true
build_appjs: {
files: [
src: [ '<%= app_files.js %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/',
cwd: '.',
expand: true
build_vendor: {
files: [
src: [ '<%= vendor_files.js %>', '<%= vendor_files.css %>', '<%= vendor_files.other %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/',
cwd: '.',
expand: true
compile_assets: {
files: [
src: ['**'],
dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/assets',
cwd: '<%= app_files.dirs.assets %>',
expand: true
src: [ '*', '!index.html' ],
dest: '<%= compile_dir %>',
cwd: '<%= app_files.dirs.base %>',
expand: true
src: [ '<%= vendor_files.css %>', '<%= vendor_files.other %>' ],
dest: '<%= compile_dir %>',
cwd: '.',
expand: true
* `grunt concat` concatenates multiple source files into a single file.
concat: {
* The `compile_js` target is the concatenation of our application source
* code and all specified vendor source code into a single file.
compile_js: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>'
src: [
'<%= vendor_files.js %>',
'<%= build_dir %>/src/**/*.js',
'<%= %>',
'<%= html2js.common.dest %>',
'<%= vendor_files.js %>',
dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/assets/<%= %>.js'
* `grunt coffee` compiles the CoffeeScript sources. To work well with the
* rest of the build, we have a separate compilation task for sources and
* specs so they can go to different places. For example, we need the
* sources to live with the rest of the copied JavaScript so we can include
* it in the final build, but we don't want to include our specs there.
coffee: {
source: {
options: {
bare: true
expand: true,
cwd: '.',
src: [ '<%= %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>',
ext: '.js'
* `ng-min` annotates the sources before minifying. That is, it allows us
* to code without the array syntax.
ngmin: {
compile: {
files: [
src: [ '<%= app_files.js %>' ],
cwd: '<%= build_dir %>',
dest: '<%= build_dir %>',
expand: true
* Minify the sources!
uglify: {
compile: {
options: {
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>'
files: {
'<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>': '<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>'
* `recess` handles our LESS compilation and uglification automatically.
* Only our `main.less` file is included in compilation; all other files
* must be imported from this file.
recess: {
build: {
src: [ '<%= app_files.less.main %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/assets/<%= %>.css',
options: {
compile: true,
compress: false,
noUnderscores: false,
noIDs: false,
zeroUnits: false
compile: {
src: [ '<%= app_files.less.main %>' ],
dest: '<%= compile_dir %>/assets/<%= %>.css',
options: {
compile: true,
compress: true,
noUnderscores: false,
noIDs: false,
zeroUnits: false
* `jshint` defines the rules of our linter as well as which files we
* should check. This file, all javascript sources, and all our unit tests
* are linted based on the policies listed in `options`. But we can also
* specify exclusionary patterns by prefixing them with an exclamation
* point (!); this is useful when code comes from a third party but is
* nonetheless inside `src/`.
jshint: {
src: [
'<%= app_files.js %>'
test: [
'<%= app_files.jsunit %>'
gruntfile: [
server: [
'<%= server_files %>'
options: {
curly: true,
immed: true,
newcap: true,
noarg: true,
sub: true,
boss: true,
eqnull: true,
globals: {}
* `coffeelint` does the same as `jshint`, but for CoffeeScript.
* CoffeeScript is not the default in ngBoilerplate, so we're just using
* the defaults here.
coffeelint: {
src: {
files: {
src: [ '<%= %>' ]
test: {
files: {
src: [ '<%= app_files.coffeeunit %>' ]
* HTML2JS is a Grunt plugin that takes all of your template files and
* places them into JavaScript files as strings that are added to
* AngularJS's template cache. This means that the templates too become
* part of the initial payload as one JavaScript file. Neat!
html2js: {
* These are the templates from `src/app`.
app: {
options: {
base: '<%= %>'
src: [ '<%= app_files.atpl %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/templates-app.js'
* These are the templates from `src/common`.
common: {
options: {
base: '<%= app_files.dirs.common %>'
src: [ '<%= app_files.ctpl %>' ],
dest: '<%= build_dir %>/templates-common.js'
* The Karma configurations.
karma: {
options: {
configFile: '<%= build_dir %>/karma-unit.js'
unit: {
runnerPort: 9101,
background: true
continuous: {
singleRun: true
* The `index` task compiles the `index.html` file as a Grunt template. CSS
* and JS files co-exist here but they get split apart later.
index: {
* During development, we don't want to have wait for compilation,
* concatenation, minification, etc. So to avoid these steps, we simply
* add all script files directly to the `<head>` of `index.html`. The
* `src` property contains the list of included files.
build: {
dir: '<%= build_dir %>',
src: [
'<%= vendor_files.js %>',
'<%= build_dir %>/<%= %>/**/*.js',
'<%= build_dir %>/<%= app_files.dirs.common %>/**/*.js',
'<%= html2js.common.dest %>',
'<%= %>',
'<%= vendor_files.css %>',
'<%= %>'
* When it is time to have a completely compiled application, we can
* alter the above to include only a single JavaScript and a single CSS
* file. Now we're back!
compile: {
dir: '<%= compile_dir %>',
src: [
'<%= concat.compile_js.dest %>',
'<%= vendor_files.css %>',
'<%= recess.compile.dest %>'
* This task compiles the karma template so that changes to its file array
* don't have to be managed manually.
karmaconfig: {
unit: {
dir: '<%= build_dir %>',
src: [
'<%= vendor_files.js %>',
'<%= %>',
'<%= html2js.common.dest %>',
* And for rapid development, we have a watch set up that checks to see if
* any of the files listed below change, and then to execute the listed
* tasks when they do. This just saves us from having to type "grunt" into
* the command-line every time we want to see what we're working on; we can
* instead just leave "grunt watch" running in a background terminal. Set it
* and forget it, as Ron Popeil used to tell us.
* But we don't need the same thing to happen for all the files.
delta: {
* By default, we want the Live Reload to work for all tasks; this is
* overridden in some tasks (like this file) where browser resources are
* unaffected. It runs by default on port 35729, which your browser
* plugin should auto-detect.
options: {
livereload: true
* When the Gruntfile changes, we just want to lint it. In fact, when
* your Gruntfile changes, it will automatically be reloaded!
gruntfile: {
files: 'Gruntfile.js',
tasks: [ 'jshint:gruntfile' ],
options: {
livereload: false
buildfile: {
files: 'build.config.js',
tasks: ['copy:build_vendor'],
* When our JavaScript source files change, we want to run lint them and
* run our unit tests.
jssrc: {
files: [
'<%= app_files.js %>'
tasks: [ 'jshint:src', 'copy:build_appjs' ]
* When our JavaScript source files change, we want to run lint them and
* run our unit tests.
vendor: {
files: '<%= vendor_files.js %>',
tasks: [ 'copy:build_vendor' ]
* When our CoffeeScript source files change, we want to run lint them and
* run our unit tests.
coffeesrc: {
files: [
'<%= %>'
tasks: [ 'coffeelint:src', 'coffee:source', 'copy:build_appjs' ]
* When assets are changed, copy them. Note that this will *not* copy new
* files, so this is probably not very useful.
assets: {
files: [
'<%= app_files.assets %>'
tasks: [ 'copy:build_assets' ]
* When index.html changes, we need to compile it.
html: {
files: [ '<%= app_files.html %>' ],
tasks: [ 'index:build' ]
* When our templates change, we only rewrite the template cache.
tpls: {
files: [
'<%= app_files.atpl %>',
'<%= app_files.ctpl %>'
tasks: [ 'html2js' ]
* When the CSS files change, we need to compile and minify them.
less: {
files: [ '<%= app_files.less.all %>' ],
tasks: [ 'recess:build' ]
* When a JavaScript unit test file changes, we only want to lint it and
* run the unit tests. We don't want to do any live reloading.
jsunit: {
files: [
'<%= app_files.jsunit %>'
tasks: [ 'jshint:test' ],
options: {
livereload: false
* When a CoffeeScript unit test file changes, we only want to lint it and
* run the unit tests. We don't want to do any live reloading.
coffeeunit: {
files: [
'<%= app_files.coffeeunit %>'
tasks: [ 'coffeelint:test' ],
options: {
livereload: false
Background shell commands
bgShell: {
Start nodemon of the server
nodemon: {
cmd: 'node ./node_modules/nodemon/nodemon.js server/index.js --watch server/ --watch config/ --watch node_modules/',
bg: true
grunt.initConfig( grunt.util._.extend( taskConfig, userConfig ) );
* In order to make it safe to just compile or copy *only* what was changed,
* we need to ensure we are starting from a clean, fresh build. So we rename
* the `watch` task to `delta` (that's why the configuration var above is
* `delta`) and then add a new task called `watch` that does a clean build
* before watching for changes.
grunt.renameTask( 'watch', 'delta' );
grunt.registerTask( 'watch', [ 'build', 'karma:unit', 'delta' ] );
Run the server and watch the files
grunt.registerTask( 'nodemon', [ 'bgShell:nodemon' ]);
grunt.registerTask( 'server', [
'delta' ]);
* The default task is to build and compile.
grunt.registerTask( 'default', [ 'build', 'compile' ] );
* The `build` task gets your app ready to run for development and testing.
grunt.registerTask( 'base', [
'clean', 'html2js', 'jshint', 'coffeelint', 'coffee',
// 'test:continuous'
grunt.registerTask( 'build', [ 'base', 'recess:build',
'copy:build_assets', 'copy:build_vendor',
grunt.registerTask( 'test:unit', [ 'test:continuous', 'karma:unit' ]);
grunt.registerTask( 'test:continuous', [ 'karmaconfig', 'karma:continuous' ]);
* The `compile` task gets your app ready for deployment by concatenating and
* minifying your code.
grunt.registerTask( 'dist', [
'base', 'recess:compile', 'copy:compile_assets', 'ngmin', 'concat', 'uglify', 'index:compile'
grunt.registerTask('heroku:production', 'dist');
grunt.registerTask('heroku:development', 'build');
* A utility function to get all app JavaScript sources.
function filterForJS ( files ) {
return files.filter( function ( file ) {
return file.match( /\.js$/ );
* A utility function to get all app CSS sources.
function filterForCSS ( files ) {
return files.filter( function ( file ) {
return file.match( /\.css$/ );
* The index.html template includes the stylesheet and javascript sources
* based on dynamic names calculated in this Gruntfile. This task assembles
* the list into variables for the template to use and then runs the
* compilation.
grunt.registerMultiTask( 'index', 'Process index.html template', function () {
var dirRE = new RegExp( '^('+grunt.config('build_dir')+'|'+grunt.config('compile_dir')+')\/', 'g' );
var jsFiles = filterForJS( this.filesSrc ).map( function ( file ) {
return file.replace( dirRE, '' );
var cssFiles = filterForCSS( this.filesSrc ).map( function ( file ) {
return file.replace( dirRE, '' );
grunt.file.copy('src/index.html', + '/index.html', {
process: function ( contents, path ) {
return grunt.template.process( contents, {
data: {
scripts: jsFiles,
styles: cssFiles,
version: grunt.config( 'pkg.version' )
* In order to avoid having to specify manually the files needed for karma to
* run, we use grunt to manage the list for us. The `karma/*` files are
* compiled as grunt templates for use by Karma. Yay!
grunt.registerMultiTask( 'karmaconfig', 'Process karma config templates', function () {
var jsFiles = filterForJS( this.filesSrc );
grunt.file.copy( 'karma-unit.tpl.js', grunt.config( 'build_dir' ) + '/karma-unit.js', {
process: function ( contents, path ) {
return grunt.template.process( contents, {
data: {
scripts: jsFiles
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