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Created May 4, 2016 15:02
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Porting FixedDataTable to Reagent
(ns gannet.components.result-table
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[ :as style]
(def Table(r/adapt-react-class js/FixedDataTable.Table))
(def Column (r/adapt-react-class js/FixedDataTable.Column))
(def Cell (r/adapt-react-class js/FixedDataTable.Cell))
(defn get-value [data index key] (-> data (nth index) (get key) str))
(defn header-cell [{:keys [title]}]
(fn [props]
(r/as-element [Cell title])))
(defn text-cell [{:keys [row-index field data]}]
(fn [props]
(let [index (.-rowIndex props)
keyword-field (keyword field)
value (get-value data index keyword-field)]
(r/as-element [Cell value]))))
(defn component [data]
(let [url #(:url %)
status #(:status %)
rows-count (count data)]
(when (> rows-count 0)
[Table {:width 500
:height 400
:rowHeight 50
:headerHeight 50
:rowsCount rows-count}
[Column {:cell (text-cell {:data data :field "url"})
:header (header-cell {:title "URL"})
:width 400}]
[Column {:cell (text-cell {:data data :field "status"})
:header (header-cell {:title "Status"})
:width 100}]])))
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