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Last active October 18, 2023 05:32
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# %%
# Approach #1 - Use Proxy Pattern to control, the basic idea is to restrict and record
# setter on python class
class RestrictedProtoMsg:
This class is a wrapper around a protobuf message, restricting the fields that can be modified.
It also keeps track of whether certain fields have been updated.
def __init__(self, proto_msg, writable, should_update):
Initialize the RestrictedProtoMsg with the protobuf message, the fields that can be written to,
and the fields that should be updated.
writable = set(writable + should_update)
object.__setattr__(self, '_proto_msg', proto_msg)
object.__setattr__(self, '_writable', writable)
object.__setattr__(self, '_should_update', should_update)
# Add an update counter
from collections import defaultdict
counter = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for f in should_update: counter[f] = 1
object.__setattr__(self, '_should_update_counter', counter)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
Set the attribute of the protobuf message if it is writable.
If the attribute is in the should_update list, decrement the counter.
if name in self.__dict__: # Directly set the instance attribute
object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
elif name in self._writable:
setattr(self._proto_msg, name, value)
# When a field is being updated, decrement the counter
if name in self._should_update_counter:
self._should_update_counter[name] -= 1
raise AttributeError(f"Attribute {name} is read-only")
def __getattr__(self, name):
Get the attribute of the protobuf message.
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
return getattr(self._proto_msg, name)
def check_updates(self):
Check if all fields in the should_update list have been updated.
for count in self._should_update_counter.values():
if count > 0:
return False
return True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
Return a string representation of the RestrictedProtoMsg.
return "RestrictedProtoMsg: " + repr(self._proto_msg)
def restricted_msg(proto_msg, writable=[], should_update=[]):
writable field: fields which allows modification
should_udpate: keep track of change and
return RestrictedProtoMsg(proto_msg, writable, should_update)
# Demo
class TaskContext: pass
class ImageMessage:
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
# Use the built-in object's __setattr__ for private attributes
if key.startswith('_'):
super().__setattr__(key, value)
# Otherwise, store the attribute in the dictionary
self.__dict__[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, key):
# If the attribute exists in the dictionary, return it
return self.__dict__[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{key}'")
img_msg = ImageMessage() = 'bar'
img_msg.year = 2044
img_msg.need_change = None
def process_msg(
image_message: ImageMessage, context: TaskContext
) -> ImageMessage:
image_message = restricted_msg(
should_update=['need_change']) = 'this is ok'
image_message.year = 2023 # this raise an error
except AttributeError as e:
print("Error: ", e)
# This could be abstracted into a decorator
print("Has update happened: ", image_message.check_updates())
image_message.need_change = 'something magical happened'
print("Has update happened: ", image_message.check_updates())
return image_message
# Approach #2 - Using type hints, this requires each task unit to be defined with separate types
# %% Demo of using python typing system at runtime against data
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, get_origin, get_args
from typing import List, Any, get_origin, get_args, Sequence
def is_instance_of_type(value, type_hint):
origin = get_origin(type_hint)
args = get_args(type_hint)
# For generic types
if origin:
# handles, Union and Optional, Optional is Union(Any, None)
if origin is Union:
NoneType = type(None)
if NoneType in args:
return value is None or any(is_instance_of_type(value, arg) for arg in args if arg is not NoneType)
return any(is_instance_of_type(value, arg) for arg in args)
# For other generic types
elif isinstance(value, origin):
# For parameterized generics, we need to check inner types too
if args:
# Example: for List[int], check inner int type
if origin in [list, set]:
return all(is_instance_of_type(item, args[0]) for item in value)
# For Dict[K, V], check key and value types
elif origin is dict:
return all(is_instance_of_type(k, args[0]) and is_instance_of_type(v, args[1]) for k, v in value.items())
return True
return False
# For simple types
if type_hint is Any: # Support for Any
return True
return isinstance(value, type_hint)
# Testing the function
print(is_instance_of_type([1, 2, 3], list[int])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type(5, Optional[int])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type(None, Optional[int])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type("hello", Union[int, str])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type(10, Union[int, str])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type([10, "hi"], list[Union[int, str]])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type([10, "hi", 5.0], list[Union[int, str]])) # False, due to 5.0 not being int or str
print(is_instance_of_type({1, 2, 3}, set[int])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type({1, 2, 3}, set[str])) # False, due to set containing ints
print(is_instance_of_type({1: "one", 2: "two"}, dict[int, str])) # True
print(is_instance_of_type({1: "one", "2": "two"}, dict[int, str])) # False, due to key "2" not being int
print(is_instance_of_type(5, Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type("hello", Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type(None, Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type([1, 2, 3], Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type({1, 2, 3}, Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type({1: "one", 2: "two"}, Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type(5.0, Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type("hi", Any)) # True
print(is_instance_of_type([10, "hi", 5.0], Any)) # True
# %% Demo of using python typing computations
from typing import List, Any, get_origin, get_args, Sequence
from import Sequence as SequenceABC
def is_superset(type1, type2):
origin1 = get_origin(type1) or type1 # If type1 is not parameterized, use type1 as origin
origin2 = get_origin(type2) or type2 # If type2 is not parameterized, use type2 as origin
args1 = get_args(type1)
args2 = get_args(type2)
# Check if List is a subtype of Sequence
if origin1 in [Sequence, SequenceABC] and origin2 is list:
if not args1 or args1[0] is Any: # If args1 is empty, then type1 is just Sequence without type hints.
return True
return issubclass(args2[0], args1[0]) or args1[0] == args2[0]
# Check if the origins are the same
if origin1 is not origin2:
return False
if origin1 in [list, set]:
return args1[0] is Any or args1[0] == args2[0]
return False
# Testing with explanations
print(is_superset(List[Any], List[str])) # True, because Any is a superset of all types, including str
print(is_superset(Sequence[Any], List[str])) # True, because Any is a superset of all types, including str
print(is_superset(Sequence[str], List[str])) # True, because str is a superset of itself print(is_superset(List[str], List[Any])) # False, because str is not a superset of Any
print(is_superset(List[int], List[str])) # False, because int is not a superset of str
print(is_superset(Sequence[int], List[str])) # False, because int is not a superset of str
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