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Created August 3, 2023 02:31
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// 限制:消费组必须是存储在__offset主题中存活的,不然不会生产checkpoint从而导致没法转换!

RemoteClusterUtils.translateOffsets(new MirrorSourceConfig(props).targetAdminConfig("ROLE_ID"), sourceClusterAlias, "消费组ID", Duration.ofSeconds(10));


OptionalLong translateDownstream(String group, TopicPartition sourceTopicPartition, long upstreamOffset) {
        if (!readToEnd) {
            // If we have not read to the end of the syncs topic at least once, decline to translate any offsets.
            // This prevents emitting stale offsets while initially reading the offset syncs topic.
            log.debug("translateDownstream({},{},{}): Skipped (initial offset syncs read still in progress)",
                    group, sourceTopicPartition, upstreamOffset);
            return OptionalLong.empty();
        Optional<OffsetSync> offsetSync = latestOffsetSync(sourceTopicPartition, upstreamOffset);
        if (offsetSync.isPresent()) {
            if (offsetSync.get().upstreamOffset() > upstreamOffset) {
                // Offset is too far in the past to translate accurately
                log.debug("translateDownstream({},{},{}): Skipped ({} is ahead of upstream consumer group {})",
                        group, sourceTopicPartition, upstreamOffset,
                        offsetSync.get(), upstreamOffset);
                return OptionalLong.of(-1L);
            // If the consumer group is ahead of the offset sync, we can translate the upstream offset only 1
            // downstream offset past the offset sync itself. This is because we know that future records must appear
            // ahead of the offset sync, but we cannot estimate how many offsets from the upstream topic
            // will be written vs dropped. If we overestimate, then we may skip the correct offset and have data loss.
            // This also handles consumer groups at the end of a topic whose offsets point past the last valid record.
            // This may cause re-reading of records depending on the age of the offset sync.
            // s=offset sync pair, ?=record may or may not be replicated, g=consumer group offset, r=re-read record
            // source |-s?????r???g-|
            //          |  ______/
            //          | /
            //          vv
            // target |-sg----r-----|
            long upstreamStep = upstreamOffset == offsetSync.get().upstreamOffset() ? 0 : 1;
            log.debug("translateDownstream({},{},{}): Translated {} (relative to {})",
                    group, sourceTopicPartition, upstreamOffset,
                    offsetSync.get().downstreamOffset() + upstreamStep,
            return OptionalLong.of(offsetSync.get().downstreamOffset() + upstreamStep);
        } else {
            log.debug("translateDownstream({},{},{}): Skipped (offset sync not found)",
                    group, sourceTopicPartition, upstreamOffset);
            return OptionalLong.empty();
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