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Last active January 24, 2024 03:22
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1. 添加依赖


2. 添加模板类放在src/main/java-templates下,里边写要动态生成的变量,如

package com.sf.kafka;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class SFKafkaClientVersion {

	private static final Pattern majorMinorPatchPattern = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(.*)");

	// Pattern for version missing the patch number: eg: 1.14-SNAPSHOT
	private static final Pattern majorMinorPatter = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(.*)");

	// If the version string does not contain a patch version, add one so the
	// version becomes valid according to the SemVer library (see
	// This method (and it's only call above in the ctor) may be removed when SemVer
	// accepts null patch versions
	static String fixVersionString(String version) {
		if (null == version) {
			return null;

		Matcher majorMinorPatchMatcher = majorMinorPatchPattern.matcher(version);

		if (majorMinorPatchMatcher.matches()) {
			// this is a valid version, containing a major, a minor, and a patch version
			// (and optionally
			// a release candidate version and/or build metadata)
			return version;
		else {
			// the patch version is missing, so add one ("0")
			Matcher matcher2 = majorMinorPatter.matcher(version);

			if (matcher2.matches()) {
				int startMajorVersion = matcher2.start(1);
				int stopMinorVersion = matcher2.end(2);
				int startReleaseCandidate = matcher2.start(3);

				String prefix = new String(version.getBytes(), startMajorVersion,
						(stopMinorVersion - startMajorVersion));
				String patchVersion = ".0";
				String suffix = new String(version.getBytes(), startReleaseCandidate,
						version.length() - startReleaseCandidate);

				return (prefix + patchVersion + suffix);
			else {
				// This is an invalid version, let the JSemVer library fail when it parses
				// it
				return version;

	public static String getVersion() {
		return fixVersionString("${project.version}");

	public static String getGitSha() {
		String commit = "${}";
		String dirtyString = "${git.dirty}";
		if (commit.contains("")) {
			// this case may happen if you are building the sources
			// out of the git repository
			commit = "";
		if (dirtyString == null || Boolean.valueOf(dirtyString)) {
			return commit + "(dirty)";
		else {
			return commit;

	public static String getGitBranch() {
		return "${git.branch}";

	public static String getBuildUser() {
		String email = "${}";
		String name = "${}";
		return String.format("%s <%s>", name, email);

	public static String getBuildHost() {
		return "${}";

	public static String getBuildTime() {
		return "${}";


3. 使用

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